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Showing 241 – 260 of 305

​Isaac Chester Schmidt was a colporteur, pastor, teacher, church leader, school administrator, and missionary who served in Indonesia.

Agripino Segovia was a minister, educator, and Adventist leader who was originally from the Philippines.

Singapore is a small, heavily urbanized, sovereign island city-state in Southeast Asia at the southern tip of the Malay Peninsula between Malaysia and Indonesia.

Oliver and Hasel Sevrens could be considered the early pioneers of Adventist education in the Philippines. Among their many other contributions, the Sevrens were instrumental in the construction and development of the Seventh-day Adventist Academy in the Philippines.

Thein Shwe was a pastor, church administrator, and educator from Myanmar.

Rytha Siburian was director of the Seventh-day Adventist Medical Clinic of the Jakarta Local Conference, West Indonesia Union Mission, Indonesia.

​Amos Simorangkir was an educator and administrator in Indonesia.

​Immanuel Siregar was the first local Indonesian converted to the Seventh-day Adventist Church, and the first local Indonesian pastor. His impact in the spread of the Adventist work in Indonesia is significant.

Kenneth Smith served the country of Thailand for 12 years, including a term as president of the Thailand Mission from late 1972 to mid-1974, and served the church for more than three decades.

Simon Mondol Soren was a pastor and administrator from Bangladesh.

South East Adventist Seminary is located in Hpa-an, Myanmar. It was established in 1970.

The Tenassarim Mission (now South East Mission) was organized in 1919 and reorganized in 1938. The South East Mission territories include Mon State, Taninthayi Region, the southeast portion of Bago region, and the southern portion of Kayin state.

South Philippine Adventist College Academy (SPACA) began in Digos, Davao del Sur, in 1950, as an elementary school. It was registered with the name Digos SDA Elementary School.

The South Philippine Union Conference was organized in 1951 and reorganized in 1964.

South-Central Luzon Conference is located on 240 Maharlika Highway, San Rafael, San Pablo, Laguna.

The Southeast Asia Union Mission (SAUM) is one of nine unions of the Southern Asia- Pacific Division.​ SAUM, headquartered in Singapore, was organized in 1917 and reorganized in 1929.

With a territory that ranges from the 10/40 Window to “one of the world’s fastest growing economies,” the Southern-Asia Pacific Division (SSD) is one of the 13 global divisions of the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists (GC). Home to 14 countries and five of the major non-Christian world religions, it has a combined population of more than one billion.

Southern Luzon Mission is located in Bicol Region 5, Philippines.

Southern Mindanao Mission is part of the South Philippine Union Conference in the Southern-Asia Pacific Division.

Ronald Wolcott Spalding was an Adventist physician, missionary, and administrator in North America and the Phillipines.