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The Seventh-day Adventist faith was first brought to the Faroe Islands by Norwegian born O. J. Rost Olsen in 1893.
Trans-European Division Faeroe Islands Country (Based on SDA membership)
Edwin H. Foster was an evangelist, Bible teacher, conference president, and the longest-serving president of the British Union Conference (BUC).
Frydenstrand Badesanatorium was the first Seventh-day Adventist sanatorium in Europe, situated in the Danish port city of Frederikshavn. It was operated as an institution along the principles of John H. Kellogg’s Battle Creek Sanitorium and attracted a good number of Scandinavian guests. Financially it was challenged and remained only 16 years as a church owned health institution. In private hands it was still run by Adventists after the principles of Kellogg and J.C. Ottosen until 1952.
The Adventist message was originally brought to Greenland by fishermen from the Faroe Islands. In 1953 an Adventist named Andreas Nielsen from Denmark began evangelism in Greenland.
Trans-European Division Greenland Country (Based on SDA membership)
The Adventist message was originally brought to Greenland by fishermen from the Faroe Islands who shared Adventist literature as early as the 1930s and 1940s that resulted in a few contacts being made. In 1953 Andreas Nielsen went to Greenland, sent by the Northern European Division.
Johannes Heinrich Gronert was a missionary to Sierra Leone and Liberia in West Africa.
Julius Gudmundsson was an Adventist educator, pastor, and administrator from Iceland.
Carl Christian Hansen, Sr. (better known as C. C. Hansen) played an important part in the early years of the Seventh-day Adventist church in Denmark and gave of his time, effort and means to support the cause that he loved. He had a special interest in literature work and the health message, and worked as an evangelist, teacher and business administrator.
John F. Huenergardt, administrator, pastor, evangelist, teacher, writer, translator, worked tirelessly for the church on two continents and in several different countries.
Hultafors was originally built as a tourist hotel in 1907, but had not been overly successful, even when it was operated as a health resort by previous owners. Yet its geographical location provided good communication, thanks to the railway opened in 1909 which provided access to the country’s second city, Gothenburg, 56 kilometers away, and to the nearby middle-sized city of Borås.Situated in a hilly woodland landscape, with several lakes, it provided an ideal place for Adventist holistic treatment. The first ten years had in total 10,000 guests.
The first-known Seventh-day Adventist to enter Iceland was the Norwegian minister O. J. Røst who, in the summer of 1893, made a trip to Iceland and the Faroe Islands. He sailed around the island of Iceland, stopping at various ports to visit with people and share the Adventist message. In November 1897, the Denmark Conference sent David Östlund of Sweden to be the first Seventh-day Adventist missionary to Iceland.
Trans-European Division Iceland Country (Based on SDA membership)
The Iceland Conference of Seventh-day Adventists (Kirkja Sjounda Dags Adventista) covers the territory of Iceland.
Iceland Publishing House (Frækornið-Bókaforlag Adventista) is a publishing firm, without a printing plant, operated in Reykjavík, Iceland, by the Iceland Conference. This institution was established in 1932, but even before that, the sale of publications was a prominent feature of Seventh-day Adventist work in Iceland.
Trans-European Division Iceland Publishing House/Media Institution
Iceland Secondary School (Hlíðardalsskóli) is a coeducational boarding school on the senior high school level that is situated at Ölfusi 50 kilometers (30 miles) east of Reykjavík and owned by the Iceland Conference.
Julius Edward Jayne served as the president of the Conference and Tract Society; editor of The Home Missionary; secretary of the Foreign Mission Board; and president of the Southern New England Conference, Greater New York Conference, and British Union Conference.
It was said of Ib Jensen that “Ib loves the Faroe Islands and the Faroe Islands love Ib.” He gave 45 years of service as a literature evangelist to the islands.
Svein Karl Birger Johansen was a Norwegian missionary to Scandinavia, West Africa, and the Middle East for almost 40 years.
Odd Jordal was an Adventist pastor and administrator. His great interest in relief and development work led to his appointment as aid coordinator for the Northern European Division of the Seventh-day Adventist Church (NED) and NED’s first ADRA director.
Pastor R. S. Joyce, a pioneer evangelist, served in the British Union Conference, the Central Union Conference, and the Lake Union Conference. Starting as a literature evangelist, Joyce would serve the church as a district pastor and a conference president.
Ernests Klotinsh (Klotiņš) was an Adventist pastor and administrator who led the Church during the oppressive years of the Soviet Communist regime.