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Showing 201 – 220 of 4209

From 1955 until 1987 Alert was the premier temperance journal in the South Pacific Division.

Humberto Noble Alexander was a Cuban Seventh-day Adventist evangelist, political prisoner, and survivor of a 22-year imprisonment in Cuba between 1962 and 1984.

The first Seventh-day Adventist in Algeria was Joseph Gomis. He became acquainted with the Adventist message through reading Les Signes des Tempes and was later baptized. In about 1886 he settled as a baker in the town Relizane, in the province Oran, Algeria. Gomis shared his faith with several of his family members and friends and some accepted the new doctrines.

The spread of the Adventist message in Algeria before its independence from the French in 1962 in part occurred through literature evangelism work and distribution of Bibles and Adventist magazines such as the Revue Adventiste. North Africa Union Mission began operating the Algerian Publishing House in Algiers in 1940.

Noel Aligo was a Seventh-day Adventist pastor and administrator from South Sudan.

​The acronym ALINSA, which means Alimentos Integronaturales, S.A., constitutes the legal name of the Adventist health food brand commercially known as Alimentos COLPAC in Mexico.

Rhae Allbon was qualified as both a government and church school teacher. She taught on the campus of the Australasian Missionary College, Avondale from the end of 1908 until the beginning of 1927. For most of that time she was head of the English Department at the College.

Noah Wilson Allee was an effective church leader in the South and Upper Midwest of the United States.

​The Allegheny Conference was one of the seven conferences organized in response to the April 10, 1944 recommendation of the General Conference Committee that union conferences in the United States where the “colored constituency” was deemed “sufficiently large” organize “colored conferences…administered by colored officers and committees.” According to George E. Peters, head of the North American Colored Department, these conferences were established “to meet present-day conditions” of racial segregation and inequality and thus “help in the speedy finishing of God’s work on earth.”

​Allegheny East Conference Corporation is an administrative unit of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in the Columbia Union Conference.

​Allegheny West Conference is an administrative unit of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in the Columbia Union Conference.

​Alvin Nathan Allen, pastor, evangelist and missionary, was born in Portage, Wisconsin, on June 25, 1880.

John Frederick Allen was a pastor in Queensland, Australia.

Arthur Allum was the first Australian Seventh-day Adventist minister to be sent by the Church to China. Arthur and Eva spent 17 years there. Arthur had a particular burden for Western China and traveled up the Yangtze River to establish a Seventh-day Adventist presence in the Szechuan Province. He was distinguished by his ability to use Mandarin and to dress in Chinese clothing. Poor health eventually saw the family return to Australia where Allum held a number of key, senior positions in the Church.

​Friedhelm Eliel Gerhart Almonte Vyhmeister served as a pastor and administrator in Chile.

​Alpha Adventist Primary school is located at Msimba sublocation in Kigoma municipality, Kigoma, western part of Tanzania in West Tanzania Field of Seventh-day Adventists which was first organized in 1990, reorganized in 2014, and renamed in 2017.

The Alpine Mission is located in the center of the High Plains of Mexico, or Central Plateau of Mexico, which extends to the Neovolcanic axis to the south.

​Altiplano Guatemala Mission is a part of Guatemala Union Mission. Its headquarters are in San Cristóbal, Guatemala. Its activities are regulated by the model constitution for missions of the Inter-American Division of the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists.

​Alcides Justiniano Alva Portilla was a recognized Peruvian teacher, researcher, academic manager, and educational administrator in Peru, Argentina, and Chile.