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Showing 2501 – 2520 of 4217

Richard Munzig was a German Adventist missionary, martyr, and defender of the Adventist faith.

Zipporah Muhindo (Mukirania) Mupaghasi was a committed church worker and social worker. She served as school bursar, teacher, dean of women, accountant, business manager (Deputy Vice-Chancellor for Finance), lecturer, and chairperson of Bugema University workers’ Savings and Credits Cooperative Organization (SACCO).

Matthew Murdoch was a Scottish Adventist missionary to Kenya who helped establish the Adventist work in Kenya, serving in various stations, among them the Chebwai mission in Western Kenya.

Ruth Mae Rittenhouse Murdoch was a well-respected educator, child psychologist, and lecturer who taught at all levels of education.

​William Gordon Campbell Murdoch was president of Newbold College in England (1930-1946) and Avondale College in Australia (1947-1952) and Dean of the Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary at Andrews University in Berrien Springs, Michigan (1959-1973).

Mikhail Mikhailovich and Olga Vladimirovna Murga were prominent figures in the Adventist movement in Russia and the Ukraine.

Herman R. Murphy, the first president of the South Central Conference, also served as pastor, evangelist, and Sabbath School departmental director during his 47 years of ministry in the eastern United States.

Eric Murray was a Caribbean church administrator whose leadership office and administrative church work spanned over 50 years of service, beginning in 1942 while he was still a student and continuing until 1995, during which time he served as conference and union secretary-treasurer and president, chairperson of a college board of trustees, and an author of narratives that examined church history at a time when nationals had begun to replace missionaries in these positions.

Ralph and Betty Murray gave 31 years of practical ministry, paid and voluntary constructing buildings for the Adventist mission work in Papua New Guinea and the South Sea Islands. He died in an accident in Samoa while in active service when 61 years of age.

​William Lawrence Murrill was a church planter, pastor, educator, administrator, treasurer, missionary, missiologist, and philantrophist.

Musofu Mission School is a government recognized Seventh-day Adventist secondary school operated by the Copperbelt Zambia Conference.

​Eriya Kiiza Musoke was a pioneer of the Adventist work in northern Uganda. He was credited with the founding of Amuca Seventh-day Adventist Primary School in the Lango Sub-Region, Northern Uganda.

Mussau, Emirau, and Tench islands were similar to Pitcairn Island, both had a heritage of murder and mayhem. The Seventh-day Adventist missionaries were excited by the prospect of converting the entire populations of these islands, albeit that the total population of the St. Matthias group was forty times more than that of Pitcairn Island.

​Wiliam B. Mutani was a pastor, acclaimed youth departmental leader, union conference executive secretary, and field president.

​James Munuhe Mutero was an evangelist and administrator from Kenya. His pioneering role of bringing the Adventist message to Muruguru village led to the establishment of the Adventist Church in that area in later years.

Veeran Puthukunathan Muthiah, assisted by his wife, Grace, served the Seventh-day Adventist Church as an evangelist and pioneer worker in Maharashtra, India, as well as a church administrator in the Southern Asia Division.

Eliezer Mutwol was a prominent Adventist farmer, businessman, lay leader, and evangelist in Nandi, Kenya.

​Eliachim Oloo Mwai was an early lay evangelist and church elder in Kenya.

Josiah Asangalwisye Mwakalinga was a front-line pastor, church planter, educator, treasurer, and administrator in Tanzania.

Witson Mwamakamba was a passionate promoter of the literature evangelism and an able administrator in the publishing work.