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Ruy Heirich Nagel was a pastor, manager and treasurer from Brazil.
Founded in 1937, Nairobi Central Church was the second church to be established in Kenya, but it soon became the main center of the goings-on in the Adventist church in Kenya.
East-Central Africa Division Organization/Association/societies
Mecusela Naisogo was one of the earliest Fijian ordained ministers. He was in active service for about twenty years.
Mitieli (or Mitchell) Nakasamai was born in Fiji about 1890. As a teenager he was one of the first students to attend the Buresala School on Ovalau Island in 1905. He first appeared in denominational periodicals as a missionary at Namarai in the Ra Coast region of Viti Levu in 1912.
South Pacific Division Biography Groundbreakers Missionaries Died/Imprisoned for Faith
Namba Mission is one of the pioneering mission stations of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in the central region of Angola, popularly known for its falling of manna.
Southern Africa-Indian Ocean Division Church Administrative Unit
Namibia North Conference is a subsidiary church administrative unit of the Southern Africa Union Conference in the Southern Africa-Indian Ocean Division of Seventh-day Adventists.
Southern Africa-Indian Ocean Division Church Administrative Unit
Namibia South Conference is a subsidiary church administrative unit of the Southern Africa Union Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, in the Southern Africa-Indian Ocean Division territory.
Southern Africa-Indian Ocean Division Church Administrative Unit
The origins of the Adventist work in South West Africa came from a “Macedonian call.” In 1918, Chief Chikamatondo, one of two chiefs in the Caprivi Strip, sent a request through British authorities for missionaries to come to the Caprivi Strip.
Southern Africa-Indian Ocean Division Namibia Country (Based on SDA membership)
Levi Napagi was a literature evangelist and lay preacher who contributed to the Adventist mission in Uganda.
Vicente Nicol Napod was an evangelist, pastor, and administrator in the Philippines and the United States.
John Nash served the Seventh-day Adventist Church within the Sanitarium Health Food Company for forty years and for four years as secretary/treasurer of the Fiji Mission.
The National Reform Association (NRA) is a conservative organization of Christians that seeks to amend the United States Constitution to reflect the lordship of Jesus Christ as sovereign over the nation. During its existence, the NRA has supported conservative Christian moral reforms, including teaching religion in public schools, advocating pro-life legislation, and lobbying for a national Christian Sabbath (Sunday) law.
The West-Central Africa Division of the Seventh-day Adventists oversees 22 countries. The region is home to various native religions, including the Akan religion, Dahomean, Efik mythology, Edo religion, Hausa animism, Odinani, Sever religion, Yoruba Religion, West African Vodun, and Dogon religion. Although the Seventh-day Adventist Church is among the few Christian denominations that came to West-Central Africa in the late 19th century, the Church encounters similar challenges with the native religions that the earlier Christian denominations faced in their attempt to Christianize the region.
The Adventist work in the island country of Nauru in the South Pacific was resisted by the governing authorities until they recognized the church in 2013, and construction of the first church building was completed in 2017.
South Pacific Division Nauru Country (Based on SDA membership)
Navesau Adventist High School is a Seventh-day Adventist secondary school in the Wainibuka Valley on the island of Viti Levu, Fiji.
Navojoa University is an educational institution of North Mexican Union Conference that operates in the northwest region of Mexico. This institution emerged from the following secondary-level educational institutions: Pacific Agricultural and Industrial School (1948-1967), Mexican Pacific Academy (1968-1983), and Pacific Academy (1984-2001).
Manoug O. Nazirian was a pastor, a missionary, a leading evangelist, a church administrator in various capacities, an educator, an author, and a college president in the Middle East Union.
Nahum Ndabiye was a teacher, evangelist, and district leader in Burundi.
The history of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Zimbabwe would be incomplete if it did not include the contribution made by Reward Register Ndhlovu, or R.R., as he was affectionately called. Reward Register Ndhlovu was a prominent Zimbabwean Seventh-day Adventist pastor, evangelist, and church administrator.
Chief Mlevu Ndlovu was a traditional leader of the Kalanga people and a trustworthy friend of the Adventist pioneers of Solusi Mission in Southern Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe).