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Showing 2841 – 2860 of 4209

The Padang Seventh-day Adventist Church—also known as Munson Memorial Church or Pioneer Church—is located in the capital city of the West Sumatra province. This church is a historical one in Indonesia where the Advent message was brought for the first time in 1900 by Ralph W. Munson.

Lula Edna Padgett-Roache established an accredited nursing program at Oakwood College (now a university) that continues to produce certified health-care professionals.

Walter Page was a longtime Union College professor.

​Joel Honorario Pagunsan was an evangelist, pastor, youth leader, and church administrator.

Palawan Mission is an administrative unit of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in the Philippines. It is part of the North Philippine Union Conference of the Southern-Asia Pacific Division. Its headquarters is located at 44 Manalo Extension, 5300 Puerto Princesa City, Palawan.

​Palenque Mission is a part of Chiapas Mexican Union Conference in the Inter-American Division of Seventh-day Adventists.

​The Palestine-Transjordan Mission of Seventh-day Adventists comprised the territory of the British protectorates of Palestine and Transjordan in the Middle East and had an estimated population of 1.2 million when it was organized in 1929. It had a brief history of about nineteen years until a reorganization took place with the formation of the State of Israel.

​Jesse Pallant was born in Emu Bay, Tasmania, Australia, on September 3, 1862, to Joseph Pallant (1814–1909), a sea captain, and Mary Ann Tonkyn. The family moved to New Zealand by 1875 where a sister, Mary Pearce Pallant, and a brother, Frank Wanbrow Pallant, were born. While the circumstances leading to Jesse becoming a Seventh-day Adventist are not known, his mother and sister Mary when 12 years of age were baptized by A. G. Daniels, who was then working in New Zealand. Mary was to later become one of the first nurses to graduate from the Summer Hill Sanitarium in Sydney, Australia, precursor to the Sydney Sanitarium and Hospital.

A historic theological consultation involving nine scholars and church administrators from Australia and eleven from the United States, the Palmdale Conference convened in the high desert town of Palmdale, California, during April 23-30, 1976. The purpose of the consultation was to consider a highly disputed question causing widespread pastoral problems in churches both in America and in Australia: the meaning of the Pauline expression, “righteousness by faith.” Did the biblical phrase refer only to justification or did it also include sanctification? The issue lay at the heart of a vigorous debate over sinless perfectionism and the doctrine of Christian assurance.

​Cyril Stewart Palmer was a teacher, principal, minister, missionary, and administrator in the Australasian (now South Pacific) Division of the Seventh-day Adventist Church for forty-two years.

Daniel R. Palmer was a prosperous shopkeeper noted for generous support of the Adventist movement.

Edwin Rubin Palmer managed Avondale College, the Paradise Valley Sanitarium, and, for nineteen years, the Review and Herald Publishing Association, but his most significant contribution to the Seventh-day Adventist church was his leadership of the General Conference publishing department during the early years of the twentieth century. During these critical years, when institutional foundations were being formed, he, more than anyone, shaped the denomination’s world-wide system of publishing and distributing Adventist literature.

Pastor Nelson Palmer was a career pastor, missionary, and Bible teacher in the Australasian and the Trans-Africa Divisions of the Seventh-day Adventist (SDA) Church from 1941-1984. In retirement he and his wife Betty continued their service as volunteers in Vanuatu and Lord Howe Island.

Will Otis Palmer, a leader in the publishing field and a pioneer mission worker to the African American population in the southern United States, was born in Michigan in September 1865 to Charles C. and Cornelia A. (Sexton) Palmer.

​William Palmer was an early convert to the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Tonga. He engaged in translation work and was, for a short time, the director of the Tongan Mission.

​Barnabas Pana was one of the first ordained Solomon Islanders, and he worked over 40 years as a missionary among his people and was integral to the translation of the Marovo Bible.

​Panama is located in the southeast of Central America. Adventism reached Panama in the late nineteenth century.

Panama Adventist Institute or Instituto Adventista Panameño (IAP) is a secondary level educational boarding institution within the Seventh-day Adventist Church educational system. For over 70 years, IAP has offered a solid education based on spiritual values, and a strong academic curriculum. It is the only boarding institution in the Panama Union Mission’s territory.

​Panama Union Mission is one of 24 unions of the Inter-American Division (IAD) and serves the entire country of Panama with a population of more than four million people.

Fernando Gomera Pangca was an Adventist missionary, teacher, and administrator from the Philippines.