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Showing 2941 – 2960 of 4096

​Samuel Rantung was the first person to start the work of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in the eastern part of Indonesia. From Lowu, a small village in Ratahan near Manado, in 1921 the Adventist work had grown tremendously. It now has become the East Indonesia Union Conference with 977 churches and membership of nearly 126,400 in 2022.

​Rapedhi Dispensary is overseen by Lake Victoria Field of Seventh-day Adventists.

Alberto Fernando Raposo was the first ordained Portuguese pastor and the first Portuguese Adventist missionary.

Rarama Publishing House operated in Suva, Fiji, between 1969 and 1981. Throughout its history, the institution was interchangeably referred to as Rarama Press, Rarama Publishing House, and Trans-Pacific Publishers.

Na Rarama (The Light) was a Seventh-day Adventist message magazine prepared and mostly printed in Fiji for Fijians in the Fijian language between 1900 and 1955.

​Benny Raranta contributed to developing the Adventist Church in East Indonesia through pastoral and educational ministries.

​John A. Raranta was a pastor and administrator in Sulawesi and Indonesia.

​Wolter A. Raranta was a pastor and church administrator in Indonesia.

Acton Samuel Rashford was a community organizer who served on several administrative boards. He was a vocal advocate for Christian education and social justice.

​Lowell Reed Rasmussen was an educator and administrator who worked at Humboldt Academy, Golden Gate Academy, Lodi Academy, the Southeastern California Conference, La Sierra College, the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, and the Pacific Union Conference.

Known as the friend of the youth, Steen Rasmussen played a major role in developing the youth work of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, first in Scandinavia and later in the rest of Europe. As an energetic person with organizational skills and a winning disposition, he served as the head of the Home Missionary Department of the General Conference.

Gapi Ravu was the first Seventh-day Adventist minister from among the Aroma people of Papua.

​Located in North Bengal, India, on a strip of land between Bhutan, Nepal and Bangladesh, Raymond Memorial Higher Secondary School is the premier boarding higher secondary institution serving the Northern Union of Seventh-day Adventists.

Albert Read was a missionary from the United States who traveled to the Pacific Islands on the first voyage of the Pitcairn and worked primarily in the Islands of Tahiti before pursuing education and work in the medical field.

​Pastor Walter Edwin Read worked for the church as a colporteur, evangelist, missionary worker, departmental secretary, publishing house manager, and president of the British Union Conference, Northern European Division, and the Caribbean Union Conference, as well as General Field Secretary for the General Conference.

Jean Manuel Reaves was a pastor’s wife, educator, musician, and first lady of Oakwood College when her husband, Benjamin Reaves, served as president from 1985 to 1996.

Denton E. Rebok spent 23 years in China as a college president and conference administrator. He spent almost an equal amount of time in the United States as a Bible teacher, college and seminary president, and General Conference official. He is also credited with playing a small but significant role in the denomination’s changing position on the nature of Christ.

Elisabeth Redelstein was a German Adventist medical missionary to China.

​Hubert V. Reed served as an evangelist and pastor in Minnesota, South Dakota, Pennsylvania and Florida, and as president of the Carolina and Colorado Conferences.