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Showing 2941 – 2960 of 4195

​Apart from a brief period of service in Tonga, Harold and Lily Piper spent the rest of their forty-six years of denominational service in Australia and New Zealand. There, Harold was an evangelist and administrator. Remarkably, in his long career Piper served as the president of all but one of the then nine local conferences across Australia and New Zealand.

Reginald Kingsbury Piper, together with his wife, Emily, served the Church in the Cook Islands and New Zealand. They worked with the Maori people of Tauranga, and gave spiritual ministry in Taranaki. Piper spoke strongly against compulsory unionism and helped to provide recognition of bona fide conscientious objectors against carrying arms in military service.

The only son of Harold E. Piper, Ross Clinton Piper was part of a family that thoroughly embraced the teachings of the Seventh-day Adventist Church and contributed to its early years in Australia, New Zealand, and the Pacific. His contribution through 42 years of service came via several avenues, but he is especially remembered as a dynamic associate speaker for 11 years with the Advent Radio Church, and editor for the Signs of the Times for 11 years.

Plácido da Rocha Pita, pastor, canvasser and evangelist, was born on March 22, 1911, in the rural district of Aguapé, near the city of Batalha (about 190 km from Maceió), state of Alagoas, Brazil.

​The people of Pitcairn Island in the South Pacific first learned about the biblical Sabbath from John Tay in 1886, and the story of Pitcairn has become deeply entrenched in the history of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in the South Pacific.

James Edward Pittaway was a pioneer Adventist member and church builder in South Africa who came to the faith in the early days of the Adventist message coming to Africa.

Plainview Academy opened in 1902 near Sioux City, Iowa, in the southeast part of the state of South Dakota on land donated in 1901 by the Elk Point (now Hurley) church. Originally it was an intermediate school variously known as South Dakota Intermediate School, Elk Point Intermediate School, and Elk Point Industrial School. The school was closed in 1965.

Lorena Florence Plummer (née Fait) was a church administration, a teacher, an author, and a Sabbath School director at the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists.

Moses Po was an evangelist, teacher, and administrator from Myanmar.

​The Podolskaya Conference is a constituent part of Ukrainian Union Conference. Its rich history reflects the overall development of Adventism in the territory of Ukraine.

The Polish Mission was a church unit that comprised Congress Poland from 1912 to about 1920.

The Polish-Silesian Conference was a short-lived church unit that comprised contested territory during the tumultuous post-World War II years, from 1919 to 1921.

Geoffrey Pomaleu was an Adventist pastor, departmental director, and mission president whose culminated as president of the Papua New Guinea Union Mission.

Maui Pomare was the first Maori New Zealander to qualify as a physician.

​Originally known as the Surrey Hills Church because of its locality in what was then known as Surrey Hills, an inner suburb of Auckland, New Zealand, the Ponsonby church was the first Seventh-day Adventist church building in Australasia and has been a center of worship in the city of Auckland since 1887.

Agnes Poroi, fluent in four languages, served the church as a translator and editor for the Eastern Polynesian magazines, Sabbath School lessons, and books at the Rarotongan press in the Cook Islands and the Papeete Press in Tahiti.

Port Harcourt Conference is an administrative unit of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Rivers state, Nigeria.

R. C. Porter served as president of several conferences in the United States and gave administrative leadership to early phases of the church’s work in southern Africa and eastern Asia.

​Porto Alegre Adventist Clinic is a medical institution of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, located in the South Brazil Union.

​Franklin Mendonça Porto was a teacher, lawyer and jurist in Brazil. He made special contribution to keeping open the Adventist Church in Brazil during World War II.