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Karl Alexandrovich Reifschneider was a pioneer missionary, pastor, and administrator who worked in Latvia, Estonia, Poland, and Russia.

​Ludgero Reinert, pastor and teacher, was born March 26, 1914, in the city of Tijucas, state of Santa Catarina, Brazil.

​Otto E. Reinke gave leadership to Adventist mission work in the United States, Switzerland, Germany, and Russia. During World War I and the Russian Revolution of 1917, he persisted in leading the church forward in the face of severe hardship, violent upheaval, and repression, until exhaustion and illness led to his death at age 46.

Amélia Ritter dos Reis was the wife of the first Brazilian Adventist pastor, José Amador dos Reis, and was his partner in ministry.

Hermínio Amador dos Reis was a a colporteur, district pastor, and church administrator in Brazil.

​José Amador dos Reis was a canvasser, Bible instructor, and the first ordained Brazilian Seventh-day Adventist pastor in Brazil.

​Romeu Ritter dos Reis was an Adventist theologian, lawyer, and journalist from Brazil.

​David Paul Rema was an Adventist teacher, pastor, evangelist, and administrator from Bangladesh.

Sine Renlev was Denmark’s first female Seventh-day Adventist preacher. With her pleasant personality, her guitar, and her beautiful singing voice, she drew large numbers to her Bible lectures in public halls, tents, or the homes of interested people. Having become a Seventh-day Adventist in 1879, she almost immediately set out to preach the present truth, and no one could stop her from sharing her newfound faith.

​​Clarence Emerson Rentfro was a pastor, teacher, canvasser, and missionary in South America.

​Mary Loizette Haskell Rentfro was a canvasser, missionary, and nurse in the United States, Portugal, and Brazil.

The German colonists in Bessarabia (Moldova) distributed Adventist tracts, thus facilitating the spread of the Adventist message in this territory. In the summer of 1894, H. J. Löbsack visited, by invitation, settlements Neuburg near Odessa and Tarutino in Bessarabia where some of the Baptist brethren began to celebrate the Sabbath.

Republic of Niger is a developing and landlocked country in West Africa which covers 1,267,000 square kilometers.

​Zimbabwe (officially Republic of ​Zimbabwe) is one of the countries that constitute the territory of the Southern Africa-Indian Ocean Division (SID) of Seventh-day Adventists.

The vast majority of people living with HIV/AIDS are located in low- and middle-income countries, with an estimated 66 percent living in sub-Saharan Africa. Among this group, 19,600,000 are living in east and southern Africa which saw 800,000 new HIV infections in 2017.

Rest Haven Sanitarium (also Rest Haven Hospital) was an Adventist health institution located in Sidney, British Columbia, off the Saanich Peninsula, from 1921 to 1978. The sanitarium was situated on its own island, in Shoal Bay on the Straits of Georgia.

Ret Chol Jock was the first Sudanese Adventist Mission director, from 1976 to 1978.