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Diego Cepeda Sabrine was an Adventist evangelist and administrator in the Philippines.

The Safeliz Publishing House is an international publishing organization of the Inter-European Division of Seventh-day Adventists located in Madrid, Spain.

The Sagunto Adventist Campus (Campus Adventista de Sagunto) offers education at the infant, primary, and secondary and high school levels, in its School of Music, the Academy of Art, a Spanish Language School, and the School of Theology. It belongs to the Spanish Adventist Union and to the worldwide educational system of the Adventist Church and has existed on the current campus in Sagunto since 1974, although its origins date back to earlier times.

Sahmyook Health University (Sahmyook Bogeon Daehakgyo) has been highly recognized as one of the leading technical colleges in Korea. Its location is 82, Mangu-ro, Dongdaemun-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea.

Sahmyook University is a university that is operated in Korea according to the educational ideals of the Adventist Church. The university is located at 815 Hwarang-ro (200 acres), in Nowon-gu, Seoul, and is operated with 5,600 students, 204 professors, and 246 employees as of the end of 2019.

Sahmyook Welfare Foundation is a foundation organized in 2001 by the Korean Union Conference (KUC) for social welfare projects. As of 2021 there are 30 welfare institutions (4 senior medical welfare institutions, 4 senior leisure welfare institutions, 8 senior welfare facilities, 3 senior job support institutions, 3 social welfare centers, and 1 local self-support facility) and 29 child-welfare facilities.

​Ratu Meli Salabogi was an influential chief of the Ra district on the island of Viti Levu, Fiji. He was instrumental in sharing the message of the Seventh-day Adventist Church with political and community leaders in Fiji.

​Wilbur Dixon Salisbury is best known for skillful management of the expanding Adventist publishing work in Australia, where he served from 1893 to 1909.

Alwyn Salom was a South Australian. He was a biblical scholar with particular emphasis on New Testament studies. Much of his life was devoted to training young men and women for ministry in the Seventh-day Adventist Church. He engaged in a number of significant theological forums. In his later years he was the director of the Institute of Church Ministry in the South Pacific Division.

​Salvador Adventist Hospital was a medical unit of the Seventh-day Adventist Church that operated from 1984 to 1990.

Salvation FM Radio is the only Seventh-day Adventist church radio station currently operating in South Sudan. It was initiated by retired pastor Fulgensio Okayo in 2006 when he was the ministerial secretary for South Sudan Field and district pastor for Juba Central church.1 He started the project by hanging a horned microphone on the tree and conducted early morning preaching called “Wata ashoba” in Arabic meaning “it’s dawn.” Many people opposed it as a disturbance, but some appreciated it as a morning blessing.

​The Samahuru Clinic is a subsidiary medical institution of the West Zimbabwe Conference of Seventh-day Adventists.

Western Samoa, as distinct from American Samoa, was a German protectorate until the outbreak of World War I when New Zealand occupied the group. New Zealand continued to administer the islands as a trust territory until 1962, when the country became independent. In 1997 the word “Western” was dropped from its name. It is a Polynesian nation in the South Pacific Ocean consisting of two main islands, Savai’i and Upolu. Seventh-day Adventists hold approximately 5 percent of the population.

Samoa Adventist College is the senior Seventh-day Adventist secondary school in Samoa.

The Samoa Sanitarium operated on the outskirts of Apia, the capital of Samoa. between 1895 and 1905. It was built largely at the impetus of Dr. Frederick Braucht.

The Samoa-Tokelau Mission is a small mission in the territory of the Trans-Pacific Union Mission of the South Pacific Division. Its headquarters are in Apia, Samoa.

​San Yu Adventist School is currently the only Adventist school in Singapore that offers primary and secondary education with government examinations.

​Hezron Sande was a pastor and administrator in Kenya.