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Showing 3141 – 3160 of 4218

​Pavel Rodionov was a Russian by birth and a mission pioneer in Manchuria and Mongolia. In 1949 he transferred to Australia as the first Seventh-day Adventist minister to nurture any of the many groups who had migrated from Europe to Australia after the Second World War. He established the Russian church in Sydney before his premature passing.

​Luiz Caleb Rodrigues was a canvasser and pioneer in northeastern part of Brazil helping develop the Adventist Church in this part of the world.

​Erwin Erhardt Roennfeldt was born on May 4, 1899, of Germanic ancestry in the rural hamlet of Greenock, SA. His parents were Erhardt Franz Wilhelm Roennfeldt and Antonia Florentine (Jaensch) Roennfeldt. Erwin’s five siblings were Vera Dorothea, Clarence, Oscar Benjamin, Irene, and Norma. Later generations anglicized their surname variously as Roennfelt, Roenfeldt or Roenfelt.

​Clarence (Clarrie) Roennfeldt spent the majority of his life as a very active lay preacher and church worker in the West Australian Conference. However, as a young adult he was involved in mission service in Burma and then in colporteur ministry in South Australia.

​Harvey Edson Rogers was the first statistical secretary of the General Conference and an author of manuals on typewriting and shorthand.

Viola Rogers was for many years involved in editorial work for the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Australasia. She was the senior editor for the Australasian Record and The Missionary Leader for a period of eight years.

Luis Antonio Rojas Ayala was a pioneering pastor, public evangelist, and administrator in Argentina, Paraguay and Chile.

Often called rolling clinics, mobile hospitals were a milestone for the development of Adventist work in Brazil. Whether sailing rivers, moving on wheels, or flying across the sky, they have accomplished the goal of helping thousands of people in “forgotten” places in South America.

Ruth Caroline Lucas was a renowned educator, teacher, and president of the Seventh-day Adventist Business Educator’s Association.

​Dumitru Roman served as a Seventh-day Adventist pastor in Romania during the difficult years of repression.

​Romania is a European country, and a member of the European Union, situated in the southeast of central Europe. It has an area of 238,391 square kilometers and a population of 22,170,000 as of 2019. The country is bounded by the Republic of Moldova and the Black Sea to the east, Ukraine to the north, Hungary to the northwest, Serbia to the southwest, and Bulgaria to the south. The territory is almost evenly divided between mountains, hills, and plains, spread symmetrically from the Carpathian Mountains, with elevations of more than 2,500 meters. One of the main European rivers, the Danube, travels some 1,075 kilometers through or along Romanian territory. The climate is temperate continental.

Potenciano H. Romulo was an evangelist, educator, and leader from the Philippines.

Joseph Rono was an Adventist pastor, evangelist and the second president of Western Kenya in Field.

​Mário Roque was a pastor, teacher, administrator, and educator from Brazil.

Sasa Rore, a Solomon Islander, was a pioneering leader in the Solomon Islands and Papua New Guinea. He was the district director on Guadalcanal Island during the bitter conflicts of World War II.

Nabor Oliveira da Rosa was an Adventist pastor. His family was among the first Adventist converts in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil.

Aside from serving the Seventh-day Adventist Church for 27 years in different capacities, Clemencio S. Rosco translated into Cebuan the book entitled Patriarchs and Kings originally written in English by Ellen G. White.

Edward Rosendahl served as principal of three senior educational institutions: New Zealand Missionary College, West Australia Missionary College, and Australasian Missionary College (Avondale). In each of these appointments, his abilities and gentle personality responded positively to difficult circumstances.

​Geoffrey Rosenhain was an educator and educator director for many years.

​Rosie Le Meme Adventist Nursing Home is a foster care home for the elderly and mentally or physically disabled persons, owned and managed by the Mauritius Conference of Seventh-day Adventists.