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Santa Catarina Conference is an administrative unit of the Seventh-day Adventist Church located in the territory of South Brazil Union Conference. Its headquarters is located in the city of São José, state of Santa Catarina, Brazil.
Aurino Alves de Santana was a renowned pastor in Brazil.
Clarence Santee, pastor, teacher, administrator, and author, devoted more than half the years of his ministry to conference leadership, serving as president of several local conferences and one union conference.
Osmundo Graciliano dos Santos Júnior, pastor, administrator, and evangelist, was born on January 10, 1938, in the city of São Paulo, Brazil.
Floriano Xavier dos Santos, pastor, teacher and administrator, was born on September 10, 1927 in Dom Pedrito, state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil.
Pedro Sanz Sanchéz was one of the first ordained Adventist pastors in Spain. He exercised his pastoral ministry in the churches of Cartagena, Jérica, Valencia, Nogueruelas, and Rubielos.
São Paulo Adventist Hospital is a medical missionary institution of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in the territory of Central Brazil Union Conference.
The São Paulo Conference is an administrative unit of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, located in the Central Brazil Union Conference. It is headquartered in the city of São Paulo, in the state of São Paulo, Brazil.
São Paulo Old People’s Home (CACI) was an institution that assisted impoverished elderly Adventists who had no one to take care of them. It operated from 1950 to 2007. The place, known as the Old People’s Home, operated as a boarding facility providing services for elderly men and women.
The Sao Paulo Valley Conference is an administrative unit of the Seventh-day Adventist Church located in the territory of the Central Brazil Union Conference. Its headquarters is located in the city of São José dos Campos, in the state of São Paulo, Brazil.
Sarat Kamal Samaddar was a renowned person, both in the Adventist and non-Adventist circles in the country of Bangladesh. He was among the Adventist pioneers in the country of Bangladesh and was an author of several books.
Alfred James Sargent was a missionary to Burma (now, Myanmar).
Raja Igel Sarumpaet was a pastor, church administrator and published author in Indonesia.
Myrtle Irene Sather was an Adventist missionary, nurse, and administrator in Africa and North America.
One approach for the Seventh-day Adventist Church to connect with the leadership and people of Saudi Arabia has been through the promotion of temperance, an area where the Adventists and Muslims have much in common. The International Commission for the Prevention of Alcoholism was set up in 1952, with King Saud Abdul Aziz of Saudi Arabia as one of five honorary world presidents. As the first worker to visit the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Wadie Farag, assistant temperance director of the Middle East Division, succeeded in getting an interview with King Saud in his palace in Riyadh. Visits were later made to the King by W. A. Scharffenberg (executive secretary of the International Temperance Association of Seventh-day Adventists), and again in 1962 by Scharffenberg and Anees Haddad (temperance director of the Middle East Division). This was later followed by other initiatives and collaborative programs.
Middle East and North Africa Union Mission Saudi Arabia Country (Based on SDA membership)
Emmanuel Saunders was a beloved mentor, history professor, and department chair at Oakwood College (now a university), who devoted more than thirty years of his life to the cause of Adventist education.
Saurashtra Region is a part of the Western India Union Section in the Southern Asia Division of Seventh-day Adventists. It was organized in 2004. Its headquarters is in Rajkot, Gujarat, India.
In July 1901 Friedensau, Germany, was the venue for the consideration of changes within the Adventist Church in Europe. A camp meeting began on July 18 during which the 19 delegates from the Scandinavian countries formed what was to become the Scandinavian Union Conference, comprising the Swedish, Norwegian, and Danish Conferences, and the mission fields of Finland, Iceland, and Greenland.
Wilhelm and Olga Schaeffler worked as missionaries for the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Brazil, Peru, Bolivia, Ecuador, Argentina, and the United States.