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Showing 3341 – 3360 of 4195

David Sibley gave 41 years of service as an evangelist and deeply respected administrator for the church in the South Pacific. For ten years he was a successful evangelist in both small-town and big-city settings in South New Zealand, Tasmania and Victoria before being called into conference leadership in Tasmania. During a period of 23 years he served as president of three local conferences and concluded his ministry with eight years as union conference president.

Rytha Siburian was director of the Seventh-day Adventist Medical Clinic of the Jakarta Local Conference, West Indonesia Union Mission, Indonesia.

Paulo araap Siele was the first ordained minister from the Kipsigis people of Kenya.

The Chinese Signs of the Times Publishing Association, located in Taipei, Taiwan, is the only official Chinese publishing house of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in China.

The Signs of the Times magazine in the South Pacific region began as part of the masthead of The Bible Echo and Signs of the Times, first printed in Melbourne, VIC, as a message magazine in 1886. It was designed for both the church membership and the general population, especially those inclined to read religious material. The magazine is at present published by the Signs Publishing Company of the Adventist Media Network in the South Pacific Division.

Since 1906 the Signs Publishing Company in Warburton, VIC, Australia, has been the publishing house for the Seventh-day Adventist Church in the South Pacific region. The publishing company came under the umbrella of the Adventist Media Network of the South Pacific Division with its creation in 2007.

​José Maria Barbosa Silva was a pastor, teacher, and youth leader in Brazil.

Ajax Walter César Silveira was a physician, organizer and cofounder of drug/alcohol rehabilitation clinics, promoter of the “Quit Smoking 5-Day Plan,” and health field editor.

​Silvestre Adventist Hospital (Hospital Adventista Silvestre or HAS) is a medical missionary institution of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Brazil. HAS was the first private hospital in the city of Rio de Janeiro.

Albertina Rodrigues da Silva Simon was a public-school teacher, a translator, a reviewer, and the first Brazilian teacher at the Brazilian Adventist Seminary (UNASP-SP).

​Ernst Bruno Simon was a pastor, missionary, and Bible translator.

Geoffrey Goliama Simon was a pastor, teacher, and church administrator from Tanzania.

A graduate of Oakwood Junior College (now a university), Donald Barnett Simons served the denomination for more than forty years as a pastor, missionary, public relations officer, and administrator.

​Amos Simorangkir was an educator and administrator in Indonesia.

​Charlotte Simpson was a missionary nurse to China in the early 1900’s. Her Chinese name was 和辛普生 (Pinyin hé xīn pǔ sheng).

​George True Simpson was a faculty member at La Sierra University during the post-war period, creating the School of Education and helping to steer the institution through several key transitions.

Sinaloa Mexican Conference is a part of North Mexican Union Conference in the Inter-American Division of Seventh-day Adventists.