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Dr. Russell Standish was a physician, teacher, ordained pastor, missionary, author, and principal participant in the Seventh-day Adventist theological controversies between 1970 and 2000.
Martha Staples (born Long) was a pioneer Seventh-day Adventist in Africa – joining the faith in 1889. She was a foundational member of the Rokeby Park Seventh-day Adventist Church organized in 1889. It was one of the first Adventist churches on the continent.
Walter M. Starks, pastor and evangelist, organized the Department of Stewardship and Development at the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists and served as its first director.
Lillis Adora Wood Starr was a Seventh-day Adventist physician, the first female medical doctor authorized to practice in Mexico, and an active member of the Woman’s Christian Temperance Union (WCTU).
North American Division Biography Groundbreakers Missionaries Medical Workers Women
Augustus Baer Stauffer contributed to the establishment of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in South America. He was part of the first group of canvassers sent by the church in that territory. His knowledge of German helped him establish Adventist work in German speaking communities in Brazil.
James Paul Stauffer touched the lives of a multitude of students at Pacific Union College and La Sierra University and was considered by many to be the dean of Adventist English professors. He was also a successful academic administrator at Loma Linda University.
Ernest Steed, an Australian pastor, was distinguished by his commitment to principles of good health, and particularly to the temperance activities of the Seventh-day Adventist Church.
Joseph Steed was a pioneer evangelist in South Australia and Samoa. Steed and his wife, Julia, effectively utilized newspapers and literature in sharing the teachings of the Seventh-day Adventist Church.
Almira S. Steele, educator and philanthropist, was founder of the Steele Home for Needy Children, regarded as the South’s first orphanage for African Americans.
William and Millie Steele were among Adventism’s earliest missionaries in Latin American and subsequently built up Spanish-speaking congregations in the United States.
Thomas Wilson Steen was an educator, administrator, minister, and psychologist.
John Milton Steeves was an Adventist missionary in Pakistan, India, Burma (now Myanmar), and Ceylon (now Sri Lanka), and later an American diplomat in Japan and Indonesia and ambassador to Afghanistan.
Guilherme Stein Jr. was the first citizen to be baptized as a Seventh-day Adventist in Brazil.
Irving Arthur Steinel was well known as a musician in Adventist denominational circles. He was a pianist, organist, and composer, and he was listed as one of the International Adventist Musicians. He was also a missionary and was visionary minded. He had teaching, leadership, and administrative capabilities. He became the first principal of the first Adventist academy in the Philippines—the Philippine Seventh-day Adventist Academy (in short, Philippine Adventist Academy [PAA]), now Adventist University of the Philippines.
Bruno William Steinweg was an evangelist, pastor, administrator, and professor.
Dennis Steley was one of the first to complete, at the doctoral level, academic research on the history of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in the islands of the South Pacific. He was an author of note.
Claiborne Bell Stephenson served as the third secretary (director) of the North American Negro Department, and as president of several conferences in the southern United States.
Ellen White’s book Steps to Christ holds a special place in Adventist history and is one of the most translated books of all times by any author. The book was published in 1892 by Fleming H. Revell Publishing Company in Chicago, Illinois.
George Leighton Sterling, pioneer missionary evangelist, who established the Seventh-day Adventist Church in the Cook Islands and the Marquesas Archipelago of the Pacific Ocean, serving there for thirty years, and also for 12 years in New Zealand and Australia, a total of 42 years, followed by 18 years continued dedication in retirement.
South Pacific Division Biography Groundbreakers Missionaries Couples
Mary Alicia Steward was a skilled writer, editor, and proofreader who quietly and steadily contributed to the Seventh-day Adventist Church for over half a century.