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Thaddeus M. (1827-1907) and Myrta E. (Wells) Steward (1832-1928) became active in the Sabbatarian Adventist cause during the early 1850s and were associated in ministry with a number of the movement’s leaders such as Ellen and James White, Joseph Bates, J. N. Andrews, Uriah Smith, J. N. Loughborough, and J. H. Waggoner.

​The stewardship ministry has played a very important role in fulfilling the mission of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Tanzania. The first missionaries laid the foundation of this ministry in 1903.

​Andrew Stewart was an early Australian Seventh-day Adventist (SDA) missionary to Fiji and New Hebrides (Vanuatu). He was a pastor, administrator, historian, writer, lecturer, and photographer who had considerable influence over the direction and growth of the SDA Church in the South Pacific.

Charles Eugene Stewart was an Adventist physician who succeeded John Harvey Kellogg as director of the Battle Creek Sanitarium, and authored a controversial “Blue Book” of questions about Ellen G. White.

​Edwin L Stewart was a minister, conference administrator, and educator who served on the first faculty at Union College and as the fifth president of Walla Walla College.

​George Graham Stewart was a Seventh-day Adventist pastor, evangelist, missionary and administrator who gave more than fifty years of service to the Seventh-day Adventist Church in the Australasian (now South Pacific) Division.

James Scott Stewart served the Seventh-day Adventist Church in pastoral and departmental roles in four Australian states.

Berthold Herbert Stickle served the Seventh-day Adventist church as a teacher, treasurer, and auditor, along with his wife, Alice, who was a teacher, secretary, and editor, in Canada and India.

​Waldo Stiles was a missionary physician who helped the Quito Adventist Clinic, and worked in Peru, Bolivia, and Ecuador.

Levi S. Stockman was a respected Methodist minister who began preaching the Second Advent message in 1842 and helped Ellen Harmon (White) understand the love of God during her conversion process.

John Stockton was the first person in Australia to become a Seventh-day Adventist after the arrival of Seventh-day Adventist missionaries from the United States in 1885.

Lucy Maria (Hersey) Stoddard was a Millerite woman preacher recognized for her successful revivals.

Conrad F. Stoehr was a pastor, teacher, principal, and evangelist for the Seventh-day Adventist Church in South America.

Henrique G. Stoehr was a German administrator, pastor, and teacher in South America.

Charles L. Stone, academy principal, college president, and union conference educational director in the United States and Panama.

George Preston Stone, an Adventist educator, taught in Adventist schools and served as an academy principal and conference education secretary for more than forty years.

​Gustavo Schroeder Storch left a legacy of 60 years of dedicated service to the Seventh-day Adventist Church, serving as a canvasser, district pastor, department leader, evangelist, and administrator in Brazil.

STORM CO is an acronym for ‘Service-to-Others-Really-Matters Company.’ It is a youth-outreach event that was initiated in the South Pacific Division and is designed to build community through service.

George Storrs was a Second Advent preacher, abolitionist, editor, and writer, whose radical views on immortality and organization impacted the early development of Seventh-day Adventist belief and practice.

​Matthew C. Strachan, a prominent pastor-evangelist in the early development of Adventism among Black Americans, was both a vigorous promoter of denominational loyalty and an activist for racial progress in the church and in society.