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Showing 3601 – 3620 of 4195

Artur Strala was a pastor, evangelist, teacher, and church administrator in Russia and Germany.

Sydney Victor Stratford was an office secretary, sales manager, home missions leader, business teacher, youth leader, and union conference secretary. He spent his career in the service of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Australasia.

Henry (Harry) and Olive Streeter spent a short time in missionary service in the Cook Islands. While Olive accompanied him caring for the home and children, Harry spent some 55 years in teaching and pastoral ministry in Australia and the South Pacific.

​Germano Paulo Streithorst was a pastor, teacher, and administrator in South America.

​Walter Jonathan Streithorst was a pastor in North Brazil and missionary in Amazonas, continued the Luzeiro boat ministry, served as a denominational administrator in three unions in Brazil, was and a department director in the South American Division.

​Iti Strickland, a Cook Islander, was the first to invite Seventh-day Adventist missionaries to commence working on his home island of Aitutaki, Cook Islands. He became a Seventh-day Adventist and spent twenty years leading the work of the church on his home island and elsewhere as a missionary. His descendants continue to fill key roles in the work of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in the South Pacific Division.

​Walter Ernest Strickland (史覺倫, pinyin Shǐ Juélún)’s full-time ministry began in South Carolina and Georgia prior to mission service in China for 22 years. He returned to the United States and served another 13 years in the Kentucky-Tennessee Conference, eight of those years as president of the conference.

​Lawrence Murphy Stump was an Adventist missionary, educator, and administrator for more than 40 years.

Kenneth Sturdevant and his wife, Evelyn, devoted their retirement years to medical mission work in Africa (Kenya and Tanganyika), New Guinea, and Thailand.

Melvin C. Sturdevant was an American Seventh-day Adventist pioneer missionary to Southern Africa.

​Dr. Stanley G. Sturges achieved national recognition as an athlete and as a pioneering physician in Nepal.

Lillian Dale (Avery) Stuttle was an editor, poet, hymn writer, and author of Adventist conduct literature.

The plan of entering Sudan to establish the Adventist message took place as early as the 1892 General Conference meetings when Church leaders voted to send a missionary there. However, Sudan remained an unentered territory for Adventism for many years. The first Adventist missionaries were allowed to enter Sudan in 1953, and the first indigenous Sudanese was baptized in 1961.

​Suji Secondary School traces its beginning to 1906, when Seventh-day Adventist German missionaries established the mission center. It started as a primary school and continued as such until it developed into a teacher training school in 1926.

The Sultanate of Oman is an independent monarchy on the southeastern coast of the Arabian Peninsula.

Simon Zuguduba Sumani was the first Mamprusi Seventh-day Adventist pastor in Ghana. He preached the Advent message among the Mamprusisas as well as other tribes in northern Ghana.

Officially established in 1976 to extend the health services provided by Heri Adventist hospital, Sumbawanga SDA Dispensary began as subunit of Heri Adventist Hospital. By that time Heri Adventist Hospital had become a referral hospital, and all the dispensary’s staff came from the hospital.

​Mindert Albert Sumual was a pioneer Adventist church worker in Indonesia.

​Carl Sundin served as a minister in the Minnesota, Nebraska and Missouri Conferences prior to 25 years as an associate secretary in the Medical Department of the General Conference.