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The Voice of Prophecy (VOP) correspondence lessons reached Tanzania as early as 1950, when those who were able to read English received the lessons brought from Cape Town, South Africa, by Adventist missionaries. Later, a branch of VOP Bible Correspondence School was opened in Nairobi, Kenya, by Robert J. Wieland.
Volga Conference is a part of the West Russian Union Conference in the Euro-Asia Division of Seventh-day Adventists. Organized in 1994, it is headquartered in Saratov, Russian Federation.
The Volga Mission was a Russian church unit that covered the administrative units of the southern Volga region. It started operation in 1911 and lasted until at least 1917 or 1922.
Volgo-Vyatskaya Conference is part of the Euro-Asia Division of the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists. Volgo-Vyatskaya Conference was organized in 1994.
Henry W. Vollmer, M.D., medical director at Loma Linda Sanitarium and, later, at St. Helena Sanitarium, became noted for successful health evangelism while serving as medical secretary for the Pacific Union Conference.
The Volta South Ghana Mission in the Southern Ghana Union Conference of the West-Central Africa Division was established in 2017 and was renamed the Volta Ghana Mission in 2019.
Volta North Ghana Mission, formerly part of the Accra City Conference, was organized in 2017.
Frederik Johannes was an administrator, author, and radio speaker from the Netherlands.
Heber Herbert Votaw was a minister, missionary, professor, Harding Administration executive, and religious liberty leader.
David Voth served as a teacher, pastor, and evangelist and, for more than 35 years, in administrative leadership roles within the Southwestern and Pacific Union Conferences.
Vredenoord, the Adventist nursing home in the Netherlands, started as a home for senior citizens operated by the Netherlands Union of Churches Conference. Today it is a registered nursing home operated as a supporting ministry and subsidized by government grants.
Jean Vuilleumier was a pastor, evangelist, editor, and professor from Switzerland who served as a missionary in the United States, Canada, Argentina, Uruguay, and France.
Werner Konrad Vyhmeister, a visionary, minister, administrator, and educator, whose services spanned over six decades, left a major impact on the Adventist Church’s mission throughout America, Asia, and Africa.
Wa Seventh-day Adventist Clinic is a medical institution under the Upper West Administrative Unit of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. The clinic is located in Wa, the regional capital of the Upper West Region of Ghana.
Karl Waber was a pastor and church administrator in Switzerland and missionary to Cameroun.
Ralph F. Waddell, M.D., and his wife, Ellen Dick Waddell, pioneered medical mission work in Thailand, taking leading roles in the development of Bangkok Sanitarium and Hospital and its School of Nursing. Dr. Waddell later served as Medical Department director for the Far Eastern Division and then for the General Conference.
Pitt Abraham Wade was an entrepreneurial physician whose endeavors to establish a sanitarium in Colorado during the first decade of the twentieth century entailed substantial interaction with Ellen G. White.
Trula Elizabeth Wade was a pioneer teacher, educator, and residence hall dean at Oakwood College (now a university).
North American Division Biography Educators Groundbreakers Women
Best known for his leading role in the “righteousness by faith” revival stemming from the 1888 General Conference session, E. J. Waggoner’s work as a lecturer, author, and editor has exerted a deep, lasting, and at times controversial influence on Adventist theology.
Joseph Harvey Waggoner’s thirty-seven-year ministry as an evangelist, editor, author, organizer, and administrator had a major impact in shaping the Seventh-day Adventist Church.