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Showing 3901 – 3920 of 4195

​Juan Carlos Viera served variously as pastor, evangelist, church administrator, writer, and translator.

The Vietnam War, perhaps the most controversial in American history, challenged Adventists to think anew about their position on military service and the implications of their faith for a wide range of social and political issues.

Ernest Hugo Vijsma was a minister, administrator, educator, and builder in many different places in Indonesia and in Australia.

Edgar (Albert) Villeneuve was a missionary, evangelist, and church administrator from Switzerland.

​Ronald Arthur Vince was a minister and church administrator in England and youth leader in the South Pacific Division of Seventh-day Adventists.

Vincent Hill School and College was a boarding institution operated from 1922-1969 in Mussoorie, India, for children of missionaries, domiciled Europeans, and Anglo-Indians.

​Noble B. Vining, Jr., was a publishing house manager, editor, and author of several books. He served as the second manager of Philippine Publishing House (1950-1952).

Martin Vinkel and his wife Sarah pioneered Changchun Dispensary and Mukden Sanitarium in Manchuria and, later, the Northwest China Sanitarium and Hospital, Lanchow, Gansu Province, and a medical mission outpost at Tachienlu, Sichuan Province, for the benefit of Tibetans.

Heinz Vogel was a Seventh-day Adventist pastor, conference and division president, departmental director, and evangelist from 1940 to 1986.

Otto Vogel was an administrator of the Seventh-day Adventist institution at Friedensau, Germany during the Second World War.

The Voice of Prophecy (VOP), founded in California by evangelist H.M.S. Richards, Sr. in 1929, became Adventism’s premiere radio ministry, with nationwide broadcasting and a Bible Correspondence School both launched in 1942. By 1947 the VOP was reaching around the world, broadcasting in six languages on more than 600 stations, and its international evangelistic ministry continues in 2020 on multiple media platforms.

The Voice of Prophecy (VOP) correspondence lessons reached Tanzania as early as 1950, when those who were able to read English received the lessons brought from Cape Town, South Africa, by Adventist missionaries. Later, a branch of VOP Bible Correspondence School was opened in Nairobi, Kenya, by Robert J. Wieland.

Volga Conference is a part of the West Russian Union Conference in the Euro-Asia Division of Seventh-day Adventists. Organized in 1994, it is headquartered in Saratov, Russian Federation.

The Volga Mission was a Russian church unit that covered the administrative units of the southern Volga region. It started operation in 1911 and lasted until at least 1917 or 1922.

​Volgo-Vyatskaya Conference is part of the Euro-Asia Division of the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists. Volgo-Vyatskaya Conference was organized in 1994.

​Henry W. Vollmer, M.D., medical director at Loma Linda Sanitarium and, later, at St. Helena Sanitarium, became noted for successful health evangelism while serving as medical secretary for the Pacific Union Conference.

The Volta South Ghana Mission in the Southern Ghana Union Conference of the West-Central Africa Division was established in 2017 and was renamed the Volta Ghana Mission in 2019.

Volta North Ghana Mission, formerly part of the Accra City Conference, was organized in 2017.

Frederik Johannes was an administrator, author, and radio speaker from the Netherlands.

Heber Herbert Votaw was a minister, missionary, professor, Harding Administration executive, and religious liberty leader.