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William Brandford Ackah was an Adventist pastor, teacher and evangelist in Ghana.

Dorothy Evans Ackerman taught voice lessons and directed choirs at several Adventist schools (especially Southern Missionary College, now Southern Adventist University).

Pastor Jesse P. Acosta, Sr. was a colporteur, minister/evangelist, and leader from the Philippines.

​ACT (Adventist Collegians with Tidings) is a college student missionary organization for campus ministry in Korea. Although it is administered as an independent organization, it is supervised by the department of youth ministry of the Korean Union Conference (KUC). The central organization is Korea ACT, which has five regional ACTs. Each regional ACT is supervised by its local conference. The ACT Club is an organization to support ACT, which consists of graduates and sponsors of Korea ACT. Korea ACT, ACT Club, and the directors of conferences and the union conference formed an organization called ACT Association.

George Adair provided 37 years of sound management in Sanitarium Health Food Company and Sydney Sanitarium and Hospital in the Australasian Union Conference, ensuring the viability of these institutions in both the Depression and the years of World War II.

Reginald “Reg” and Leila Adair served the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Australia, at the General Conference headquarters, and in the Far East, specifically the China Division during the time of the Communist takeover.

Anderson Grant Adams was the 15th treasurer of the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists.

Cyrus and Nola Adams, born in New Zealand, gave forty-one years of service to the Church in the South Pacific Division. Cyrus was a pastor, evangelist, teacher, missionary, and conference administrator.

​Elbridge Martin Adams, a pioneer American missionary, served in various capacities including as a minister, Bible instructor, evangelist, administrator, and editor. Elbridge and his wife, Sophia, spent more than 40 years in faithful service.

Richard and Miriam Adams commenced their married lives as early missionaries on Pitcairn Island. After five years on Pitcairn they spent nine years in self-supporting medical ministry on Norfolk Island.

Charles D. Adamson was one of the pioneering Caribbean-Antiguan literature evangelists and lay leaders in the eastern Caribbean from the early 1890s until his death in the mid-1930s.

​Addis Alem is a town located in the west Shewa zone of the Oromia region, west of Addis Ababa, central Ethiopia. It has an elevation of about 2,360 meters above sea level and an estimated population of 18,000. Addis Alem is known for the Basilica Church of St Maryam with an adjacent historical museum which burned to the ground in 1997 but has since been rebuilt.

The Adelaide Electro-Hydropathic Institute and Sanitarium was opened in July 1899, the brainchild of Alfred Semmens. It existed for ten years as a struggling institution until it was superseded by the Adelaide Sanitarium which was opened at another site in 1908.

​In 1904 delegates in the East Michigan Conference (EMC) voted to open what would become Adelphian Academy. At the time there were only five senior academies in the United States, and none of them were in Michigan. These were South Lancaster Academy, Mount Vernon Academy, Keene Academy, Southern Industrial School, and Oakwood Industrial School. There were twelve “intermediate” schools, which is how Adelphian began – as a ten grade school. Among these twelve intermediate schools was Cedar Lake Industrial Academy (1899), and Battle Creek Industrial School (1904).

Caleb Oyelayo Adeogun was a pastor, teacher, evangelist, and church administrator from Nigeria.

Joseph Adeyemo Adeogun was a pastor, evangelist, teacher, and church administrator from Nigeria.

​Josiah Makinde Akinbo Adeoye was a pastor, evangelist, T.V. and radio host, and church administrator in Nigeria.

​Adevărulu Prezentu was the first Adventist publication in Romania.

Jimmy Jiamah Hadji Adil, Sr. was a missionary to the Muslim populations in the Philippines. He was the first Maguindanaon convert to Adventism and the first Filipino Muslim to be ordained to the Adventist ministry and become mission president.

Prior to the establishment of the Adopt-A-Clinic project, John Morris, a Seventh-day Adventist layman, initiated a program to give basic medical kits to Fijian clinics. The enterprise functioned from 1992 through 1996, and he made arrangements to restart the service in 2002, a concept germane to the later Adopt-A-Clinic program.