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Aore Adventist Hospital operated between 1961 and 1977, and again briefly in 1981. It was located on the campus of Aore Adventist High School New Hebrides (modern Vanuatu).
Peter Kipkemboi araap Butuk was a pioneer Nandi teacher, evangelist, district pastor, and church administrator.
Mozambique Union Mission is a subsidiary church administrative unit of the Southern Africa-Indian Ocean Division of Seventh-day Adventists. It was organized in 1933 and reorganized in 1972. Its headquarters is in Maputo, Mozambique.
Southern Africa-Indian Ocean Division Church Administrative Unit
Heber Pintos Britos, teacher, illustrator, and drawer, was born April 27, 1942, in the city of Montevideo, Uruguay.
Lionel Brooking, English Adventist nurse, canvasser, teacher, was one of the first converts and missionaries in Argentina.
John Lewis Brown was an Adventist pastor, missionary in three continents, pioneer in El Salvador and the Amazon region of Brazil, diffuser of Adventist publications and church administrator.
Jessie Viola Halliwell was a North American nurse, teacher, and missionary to Brazil.
South American Division Biography Educators Missionaries Medical Workers Women Groundbreakers
Messenger of Truth was the first periodical published against the Sabbatarian Adventists (later Seventh-day Adventists).
Helen Williams was a pioneering minister, Bible worker, teacher, and missionary in South Africa.
North American Division Biography Educators Groundbreakers Women Missionaries
Horace Shaw, founding editor of Focus magazine, taught at Andrews University for many years in the areas of religion and communication and used his expertise in those fields to make memorable contributions to the cause of religious liberty.
Pastor Jackson Kiplel Maiyo was a pioneer Nandi evangelist, teacher, pastor, translator, and church administrator.
East-Central Africa Division Biography Groundbreakers Educators
Daudi Inda Ogillo was a Tanzanian teacher, pastor, and pioneer missionary to Sudan.
East-Central Africa Division Biography Educators Groundbreakers Missionaries
George A. Huse was a printer, literature evangelist, college teacher, publishing house manager, conference treasurer, and director of the General Conference Publishing Department (1948-1966).
Rwanda Union Mission is part of the East-Central Africa Division. As of 2019, Rwanda Union was the largest union in the East-Central Africa Division in terms of membership.
Ikizu High School is an Adventist institution located in Bunda Rural Council, Musoma, Tanzania.
Enock Kipkering araap Keino was a pioneer Adventist evangelist and pastor, one of the foremost gospel workers among the Nandi people, and founder of many congregations.
William Ralph Howse was an Australian Seventh-day Adventist printer who ran printing presses at Adventist mission stations in French Polynesia and in the Cook Islands and then worked in Australia for almost 15 years at Signs Press at Warburton, Victoria, and 17 years at Avondale Press at Cooranbong, New South Wales.
Eric Hon served the Seventh-day Adventist church as a pastor, church administrator and health educator for over 40 year. Hazel Hon, wife of Eric served with her husband but also in her own right as an author and health educator.
Adventist Media (AM) is the official media production entity for the South Pacific Division (SPD). AM operates at two locations: The Adventist Media building adjacent to the SPD administrative offices in Fox Valley Road, Wahroonga, Sydney, Australia, and at Signs Publishing in Warburton, Victoria.
João Batista Rodrigues dos Passos was a teacher, dean, and pastor from Brazil.
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