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John Norton Loughborough’s seventy-two years of ministry as a pioneering evangelist, missionary, author, organizer, and administrator had a major impact on the shaping Seventh-day Adventism.

Minerva Jane Loofborough (later Loughborough) was an editor and General Conference administrator.

​Charles M. Kinny was the first African American ordained minister in the history of the Seventh-day Adventist church subsequent to organization of the General Conference in 1863.

Good Health was the first health periodical published by Seventh-day Adventists. Initially entitled the Health Reformer (1866-1878), it was issued monthly at Battle Creek, Michigan, in association with the Western Health Reform Institute (WHRI), renamed Battle Creek Sanitarium in 1877. The periodical served the dual purpose of advertising the health institution and instructing the church members and wider community about natural means for the prevention and treatment of disease.

​Miles Grant, an Advent Christian leader and editor of The World’s Crisis and Second Advent Messenger, was a vocal opponent of Seventh-day Adventism.

Romualdo Bertola was a pioneering Italian evangelist in the late 1800s.

​William Arnold was a pioneering evangelist in the Lesser Antilles and other regions of the Caribbean.

​The Union Conference Record dated January 1, 1900, announced the dedication of the Avondale Health Retreat on December 27, 1899.

Merritt Eaton Cornell was a tent evangelist, leading debater, and author of five doctrinal books.

Advent Christian Church was a group of former Millerite believers who organized themselves as the Advent Christian Association in 1860.

An evangelist and administrator in France and Switzerland, Léon-Paul Tièche was one of the first leaders of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in the European French speaking countries.

John Warren Bacheller, Jr. and his wife, Arvilla Marilda (born Lane), were early Sabbatarian Adventists and active in the formation of the denomination. Warren worked as a printer for James White in Rochester and later became a lifelong employee of the Review and Herald Publishing House.

​Elliott Chapman and his wife, Cora, were missionaries to Tahiti and Australia.

​Alma Estelle Baker McKibbin was a pioneering Adventist educator and author of the first Bible lesson textbooks for primary education.

May Priest was an early Millerite convert who was among the earliest Sabbatarian believers. She is best remembered in the annals of Adventist history as one of four women who, with S. N. Haskell, founded the Vigilant Missionary Society and served as the secretary of that organization from its inception until her death.

​Elizabeth Haines was an early Adventist at whose house on Danforth Street, in Portland, Maine, Ellen White received her first vision as well as several others.

Battle Creek Academy (BCA) is a K-12 Seventh-day Adventist day school located in Battle Creek, Michigan.

​Panama is located in the southeast of Central America. Adventism reached Panama in the late nineteenth century.

​The Risk Management Service of the South Pacific Division of Seventh-day Adventists is a dedicated service entity of the South Pacific Division. It is located within the South Pacific Division (SPD) administrative headquarters in Wahroonga, New South Wales, Australia. Its scope of operations covers the Church entities within the territory of the division.

​Eli S. Walker was the first and the fourth treasurer of the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists.

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