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Harry Camp was a gifted salesman who served the church from working as a colporteur to conference leadership in the Australasian Union Conference and South African Union Conference from 1890 to 1922.

The South Australian Conference is a constituent of the Australian Union Conference in the South Pacific Division of the Seventh-day Adventists.

​Opened in Melbourne, Australia, in 1892, the Australasian Bible School was the forerunner of the Australasian Missionary College, which opened in Cooranbong, NSW, in 1897.

Adventist Record is self-identified, on its website, as the “official news magazine of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in the South Pacific.

​Born into one of the first Sabbath-observing Adventist families, Eugene W. Farnsworth served for more than fifty years as a minister, administrator, college teacher, and evangelist.

​Carlos and Ellen Burrill Fattebert did pioneering educational and medical missionary work in Mexico and the Philippine Islands.

Keun Eok Lee was one of the first ordained pastors in Korea, administrator of a local mission, and outstanding preacher who contributed to the development of the Adventist Church in Korea.

Rufus and Theodora Wangerin were a missionary couple who led the missionary work of the Korean Adventist Church in the early days.

Kenneth and Florence Wood were missionaries in China from 1912 to 1941. On return to the homeland Kenneth served as a minister in California.

During his lengthy career as an editor and author, Calvin P. Bollman was connected with all three of the major Seventh-day Adventist publishing associations then operating in North America and helped edit several leading periodicals, including Signs of the Times, Review and Herald, and Liberty. He also contributed in multiple ways to the early development of denominational institutions in the American South.

Adelia Van Horn was an assistant to Ellen G. White, the editor for The Youth’s Instructor, and the first female treasurer for the General Conference.

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