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Will Keith Kellogg (known as W. K. Kellogg) was a businessman, entrepreneur, and co-inventor of flaked breakfast cereals. His invention and marketing of cornflakes led to the founding of the Kellogg Company (which does business as Kellogg’s) in 1906.

Chester E. Kellogg was an Adventist educator who devoted more than thirty years to teaching and academic administration. He served several Adventist academies as principal and was president of two colleges during the 1930s.

Merritt G. Kellogg, physician and pioneer medical missionary in California and the South Pacific, figured prominently in founding the institutions known today as Adventist Health St. Helena and Sydney Adventist Hospital.

​Ella Eaton Kellogg made a significant impact on home economics, dietetics, and children’s rights. She was the wife of John Harvey Kellogg, a Seventh-day Adventist physician, health promoter, nutritionist, inventor, author, eugenicist, and entrepreneur.

John Harvey Kellogg was a Seventh-day Adventist physician, health promoter, nutritionist, inventor, author, eugenicist, and entrepreneur.

Good Health was the first health periodical published by Seventh-day Adventists. Initially entitled the Health Reformer (1866-1878), it was issued monthly at Battle Creek, Michigan, in association with the Western Health Reform Institute (WHRI), renamed Battle Creek Sanitarium in 1877. The periodical served the dual purpose of advertising the health institution and instructing the church members and wider community about natural means for the prevention and treatment of disease.

Walter Harper was one of the pioneers of colporteur work in the Seventh-day Adventist Church. Ellen White wrote counsels to him during his two divorces.

​The Union Conference Record dated January 1, 1900, announced the dedication of the Avondale Health Retreat on December 27, 1899.

​William and Mary Charlton Crothers gave leadership to various lines of publishing and editorial work, serving in the United States, New Zealand, and Australia, and Jamaica, West Indies.

Australasian Medical Missionary and Benevolent Association (1897-1900) aimed to promote the principles of healthful living of the denomination and the establishment of the church's medical and charitable enterprises.

Maria L. Huntley, pioneering home missionary, secretary, treasurer, editor, writer, religious liberty advocate, and educator, was born on August 9, 1848, in Lepster, New Hampshire.

George and Alma Caviness were educators and missionaries. George was also an ordained minister and college president.

​John Martin Cole was an early missionary to the South Pacific, a conference president in Australia, New Zealand, and the West Indies, and a minister in the United States, mainly in the Northwest.

Merritt Eaton Cornell was a tent evangelist, leading debater, and author of five doctrinal books.

Law Keem (Liu Jian) was a pioneer medical missionary in southern China and the first Adventist Chinese national to return to serve in his homeland.

​Charlotte Simpson was a missionary nurse to China in the early 1900’s. Her Chinese name was 和辛普生 (Pinyin hé xīn pǔ sheng).

​Kansas Sanitarium was a medical establishment located in Wichita, Kansas. Originally called the Kansas Sanitarium (1902-1927), it was briefly dubbed the “Wichita Sanitarium” (1927-1929).

Larkin Baker Coles (or Cole) was a physician, a Millerite lecturer, a writer, and an abolitionist. His book "Philosophy of Health" was the most comprehensive statement on health to come out of the Millerite community and had an enduring influence on the Seventh-day Adventist Church’s conception of health reform.

Emmett Kaiser Vande Vere was a historian, author, educational administrator, history professor, historical consultant to university presidents, and promoter of the narrative interpretation of Adventist history.

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