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History is everything. It marks and molds who, what, where, when, why, and how we came to be. ESDA is no exception. Our online encyclopedia would be incomplete without the humble accounts of every Adventist division. This podcast episode relates meaningful stories and the history of the South American Division. This time, the Division's President Dr. Erton Kohler joins ESDA editors Dr. David Trim and Dr. Dragoslava Santrac. South American Division Supports ESDA Dr. Kohler points out that it is "fundamental to rescue our history." Thus, the division gives great logistical and financial aid for ESDA. For them, this is a priority. Supporting the online Adventist reference is investing in the mission. Indeed, "a church that has no relationship with its past is at risk of losing focus on the present and becoming irrelevant in the future." Adventist Media Center, God's Invisible Hand One tool that stands out in the division is "Novo Tempo" (Hope Channel). The communication network coordinates TV, radio, and internet ministries in Portuguese and Spanish languages. Started in 1996 with only eight employees, it now reaches more than 220 million people in eight South American countries. Daily, thousands of their contacts avail of Bible studies. The Mission of Ignacio Kalbermatter As a missionary pastor, Ignacio Kalbermatter has sacrificed a lot. He lost his firstborn son in Paraguay then his daughter died in Bolivia. Despite these heartbreaking trials, he and his wife Cecilia stood strong and firm in their faith. They opened the way for establishing Adventist church growth in the region. Decades later, his grandson (also named Ignacio) became president of the Paraguay Union Mission. And more years passed, Bolivian Union Mission nominated his great-grandson as president. To know more about his inspiring story and other articles, read here:|kalbermatter. Motivated with the Lens of History Today's young people have a great tendency to be very futuristic. Dr. Kohler emphasizes the need to help them look back to history. Old stories of adventures, failures, and victories give them a strong identity. It is vital to make the experience of our past a blessing for the present, for the future, and for eternity. Next on Deck… Witness more interesting stories in our next video podcast. In case, you've missed the previous video podcast episode, you may check this playlist at ___ To follow our official social media accounts, just follow the links below: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: YouTube: