Videos This is a longer promotional video for the Encyclopedia of Seventh-day Adventists. Ellen G. White ESDA Mission Stories A collection of featured stories from Mission Spotlight The Story of John Lipke A German missionary and pioneer in Brazil. John Lipke was baptized when he was 19 years old and in 1898 went to South America for mission service. The Story of David Babcock David Babcock pioneered the work of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Nigeria. Adventist Aviation in the South Pacific He used to see fighter planes during the war. Then, he wanted to see the Adventist church in the South Pacific, use planes for missionary work. China Mission Film On April 6, 1896, twin sons were born to William and Mary White in Cooranbong, Australia. Named Herbert Clarence and James Henry, the latter went by Henry from a young age. India in Mission History Flaiz and his family came as missionaries to India at a young age. But even though they were young they showed a maturity well beyond their age. Encyclopedia of Seventh-day Adventists - Website Tour A brief video tour of the website and it's features. ESDA Promotional Video This is a promotional video for the Encyclopedia of Seventh-day Adventists. “A Treasure Trove at Our Fingertips" - 3ABN Today (July 23, 2022) David Trim and Dragoslava Santrac share about the Encyclopedia of Seventh-day Adventists ( on 3ABN Today with John and Idalia Dinzey on July 23, 2022. Leo & Jessie Halliwell pass the torch of mission This soundless video, held at and digitized by the Brazilian White Center – UNASP, was recorded in 1956 in the Amazon state of Brazil. Seventh-day Adventist Church in Brazil This playlist of videos, held and digitized by the Brazilian White Center at UNASP, shows glimpses of and tells stories from the history of the Adventist Church in Brazil. Mission Ships in the South Pacific The hundreds of boats of the South Pacific fleet made an incredible contribution in support of the mission of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in the islands of the South Seas. Interviews with the ESDA editors Encyclopedia of Seventh-day Adventists – SID Historic Helderberg College film, the scenes from the 1960s. Courtesy of Andre Brink. Launch of the Encyclopedia of Seventh-day Adventists Online A brand new online Encyclopedia of Seventh-day Adventists is the Seventh-day Adventist Church’s first online reference work. Encyclopedia of Seventh-day Adventists promo Are you a minister, leader in your local church, or someone looking to witness to others? Find out in this video how the Encyclopedia of Seventh-day Adventists (ESDA) can help. This Week in Adventist History This collection contains "This Week in Adventist History" playlists dating back to 2011