History of the Youth Department of the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists
By Leo Ranzolin, and Dixie Plata
Leo Ranzolin
Dixie Plata
First Published: November 28, 2020
The General Conference Youth Department has its offices at the General Conference building in Silver Spring, Maryland. It is assisted in its work by the Adventist Youth (AY) Council, which is a quinquennial advisory of all the Church division leaders. Each division has its councils, as well as unions, conferences, and missions. The General Conference Youth Department and the AY council serve AY societies, campus ministries, junior youth ministries, camping, Pathfinder and Adventurer ministries worldwide.
Early History
James White had a deep burden for the youth and in August of 1852 he published the first edition of The Youth’s Instructor. He wrote: “We are happy to send to you the first number of this title paper. For some time we have been impressed that we had more work to do for youth, but have not been able to commence until the present time.”1 He goes on to challenge the youth of those days and how they were exposed to many evils and dangers. It was that vision that started the youth movement.
In 1879 teenagers Luther Warren and Harry Fenner started the first Seventh-day Adventist Youth Society with nine boys meeting in Luther’s upstairs bedroom. They had a burden for unconverted young people in their little church in Hazelton, Michigan. They reconsecrated their lives to the Lord and then went to work as soul winners for their young friends.2
At this first youth society, officers were elected, and an offering was taken to purchase missionary literature for distribution. A temperance pledge was drawn up and signed. As the weeks went by and the success of the new undertaking was evident, it was decided that girls could also be invited. When this step was taken, the meetings moved to the parlors of various church members’ homes and finally to the Hazelton Church.
Two years later, in 1891, young Meade MacGuire, with the encouragement of the local church elder started a youth fellowship in the Antigo, Wisconsin Church, with thirty members. Meade was unaware of what had happened in Michigan earlier, but these first ripples of what was soon to become a wave of action would spread to other areas and Adventist youth would become a mighty force for good in the remnant church.3
Systematic organizing of the young people of the Seventh-day Adventist Church elicited a response from Ellen G. White, written from Australia, December 19, 1892. The bulletin as presented January 29, 1893 at the General Council meeting in part stated: “With such an army of workers as our youth, rightly trained, might furnish, how soon the message of a crucified, risen, and soon-coming Savior might be carried to the world.”4
During the 1890’s young people’s societies sprang up in state after state, in North America, and overseas. In 1892 a society was organized in Adelaide, Australia under the leadership of Arthur G. Daniels.5
In 1893 the Young Peoples Society of Christian Service was organized at College View, Nebraska, at Union College, “to secure the increased spirituality of the young people, their enlistment in all missionary activities through existing channels of work, and their elevation to a higher plane of living and thinking.”6
In 1894 the first Sunshine Bands were organized by Luther Warren in South Dakota. In 1896 Luther held a convention at Bridgewater for several bands in the state.7
The Ohio Conference led in giving formal recognition to young people’s groups. The summer of 1899, at Camp Meeting, a resolution was passed forming an organization of “Christian Volunteers”, who signed a pledge of service which read: “Recognizing the preciousness of God’s gift to me, I volunteer for service for Him anywhere in the wide world that His Spirit may lead, and in any form of service that He may direct.”8
In 1900 Adventist young people of Germany formed a youth organization within the Church, while in 1903 Young People’s Societies began in Germany. In 1901 societies were organized in Iowa.9
Young People’s Department of the General Conference
The General Conference Committee recognized the need of a coordinated leadership and asked Flora Plummer of the Sabbath School Department to take on this challenge in 1901 to promote youth work in local churches.
In 1903 she reported 186 youth societies, with a membership of 3,478. Young People’s Societies were begun in Germany and in 1904 a 32-page Manual of the Young People’s Work10 was published. Young People’s Society report blanks were sent out in 1905 and reports came from England, the Cook Islands, Trinidad, Africa, the French Latin Field, the West Indies, Jamaica, and Canada. In 1906 a 12-page manual on youth work was published by the department.
Six years after the Sabbath School Department had organized the work for Adventist youth it became apparent that the need for a youth department with a full-time departmental secretary had come. Thus, from May 10-25, 1907, at a General Council held at the Seventh-day Adventist Sanitarium at Gland, Switzerland, the Young People’s Department of the General Conference was voted. Milton Earl Kern, who had been active in youth leadership in the Midwest, was appointed chairman of the new department (1907-1930) and Matilda Erickson secretary (1907-1922). A seven-member advisory was also appointed.11
Following this action, a young people’s convention was held at Mount Vernon, Ohio, July 10-20, 1907. At this meeting of more than 100 delegates the name “Seventh-day Adventist Young People’s Society of Missionary Volunteers was adopted. The familiar expression “MV” was to live in the hearts of young people for many years. An aim, motto, and pledge were also voted. From the onset, leaders were concerned about the spiritual welfare of young people. As a result of the 1907 Mount Vernon meeting plans were laid to prepare young people to commit their lives to Christ.12
At the General Conference Session of 1909, a resolution was passed with plans for a separate Junior Missionary Volunteer Society (JMV). It was felt that young youth also needed spiritual, physical, and mental activities to strengthen their walk with the Lord. The training of leaders followed this resolution that youth 10-16 years of age would have a program just for them.13
Overview of the Main Events
From 1907-1917 there was a rapid development of the youth program and new materials were prepared to provide leaders and youth with good reading and training.14
1907 | Senior Youth Standard of Attainment Course Senior Reading Course was begun Progress reports received from Africa and British Guyana. |
1908 | Church Calendar listed Young People’s Day January 26th; Morning Watch Calendar was inaugurated Junior Reading Course began in October MV Societies began in Tahiti, Singapore, Norfolk, Fiji, and Portugal |
1909 | Junior Missionary Volunteers Societies (JMV) organized for ages 10-16 The Scandinavian Union organized Missionary Societies. |
1910 |
Missionary Societies began in Bermuda. |
1911 | MV Leaflets developed German and Japanese Reading Course began Missionary Volunteers Societies organized in Korea Boys Clubs began in Takoma Park, Maryland and Lincoln, Nebraska. |
1912 | The Philippine Islands, South America, and Central America organized Missionary Volunteer Societies Meade MacGuire appointed as Field Secretary for MV/JMV Societies (1912-1925). |
1913 | Morning Watch and Reading Course were published in Spanish Missionary Volunteers Societies organized in China and Budapest, Hungary. |
1914 | Junior Society Lessons were prepared Morning Watch Calendars developed in Danish, Norwegian, Swedish, and Chinese Reading Course was printed in Danish, Norwegian, and Swedish languages Ella Iden-Edwards wrote a Junior Manual Newly formed Church Officer’s Gazette carried programs for Senior and Junior Youth meetings First overseas convention for young people’s workers met in Shanghai, China. |
1915 | Senior Bible Year began Korean Morning Watch first published Junior Standard of Attainment was begun A council dealing with the rapid work of the Young People’s Department convened in Saint Helena, California. |
1916 |
First MV census in the history of Seventh-day Adventist youth was launched |
1917 | English Junior Bible Year began English Primary Reading Course was established French Reading Course begun in Haiti. |
1919 | Missions Scouts started by Arthur W. Spalding for his sons and their friends in Tennessee. Spalding wrote a pledge and law for the club. |
Development of New Programs and Youth Organizations
1920 | Harriet Holt became Junior Secretary (Director) of the General Conference Youth Department. Harriet Holt and Arthur W. Spalding worked together planning a club ministry using the Pledge and Law that Spalding had earlier authored. In 1921 it became the Junior Missionary Volunteer Pledge and Law, which after many years is still an important part of Pathfinder ministry. |
1922 | The junior work was developing so quickly that U.V. Wilcox was added as a field secretary. JMV classes: Friend, Companion, and Comrade & MV Class Master Comrade were developed. |
1924 | Harriet Holt wrote a Junior Manual to give spiritual and physical ideas to help leaders train youth to be involved in their churches and communities. |
1925 | W. J. Gilson led out in the first Seventh-day Adventist summer camp held in December at Yarra Doon, near Warburton, in the Victorian Conference, Australasian Union. |
1926 | Grover Fattic of the East Michigan Conference lead out in the North America summer camp at Townline Lake, Michigan, which was the first Junior camp of the denomination. These small beginnings of the summer camp program in 1925 and 1926 have grown to be year-round ministries worldwide. |
1927 | Harriet Holt and Arthur Spalding, with the help of specialists in various fields, wrote the first 16 MV merits. The first camp for girls was held in Wisconsin, led by Harriet Holt. |
1927 | In response to the message given by M. E. Kern, Pathfinders had their beginning. Guy Mann, Youth Director of the Southeast California Conference encouraged John McKim to start the first Pathfinder club on record, in Anaheim, California. McKim, a Scoutmaster, wanted to provide Christian activities for Adventist youth. He asked Willa Steen from the neighboring Fullerton Seventh-day Adventist Church to be the first girl’s director. Their spouses Bertha McKim and Claude Steen supported this club ministry as did the two churches and the Conference. The club started small, but quickly outgrew the McKim’s home and meetings were moved to the Lincoln School gym where they continued into the 1940’s. |
1928 | C. Lester Bond published the requirements for the Vocational Honors (name changed from the Scouting term Merits) in the 1928 Junior Handbook that he wrote to give guidance to the growing work. Historic first youth congress in Europe at Chemnitz, Germany, directed by Steen Rasmussen. |
1929 | The Junior Handbook, updated by C. Lester Bond, included 19 additional vocational honors The summer camp property, at Idyllwild, California, was named the JMV Pathfinder Camp. |
1930 | Second club on record begun by Lester and Ione Martin in the home of and co-directed by Dr. Theron and Ethel Johnston in Santa Ana, California. The Pre-JMV classes Busy Bee, Sunbeam, Builder, and Helping Hand were developed for grades 1-4 Arthur Spalding wrote Camping with JMV’s. |
1931 | A program was presented at the General Conference to honor MV & JMV work with an Investiture Service, which included Investing Friends, Companions, Comrades, and 31 Master Comrades. |
1932 | Camp Leaders Handbook was written by C. Lester Bond and Arthur W. Spalding. Missionary Volunteer Week, which later became Week of Prayer, was initiated through the world field. |
1937 | A Pathfinder club was organized in Glendale in the Southern California Conference. |
1938 | A Pathfinder club began operating in Loma Linda, California, Southeastern California Conference Master Comrade Manual was published MCC - Medical Cadet Corps, a training organization developed by Everett Dick at Union College, Nebraska and conducted by the Seventh-day Adventist Church to prepare young people for their obligatory military service, became official. |
1939 | Advanced Study and Service League were inaugurated to prepare MV’s to conduct cottage and evangelistic meetings. Youth congress was held at Avondale College, Australia in December. |
1942 | Henry T. Bergh wrote a Trailblazer program in the North Pacific Union to train youth for Christian service. Laurence Skinner later used this program when he served in the North Pacific Union. |
1945 | Even during the war years the Youth Department was highly active; fifteen new honors were developed. Clark Smith authored the MCC Drill Manual, to guide Adventist youth in drill. |
1946 | Youth Director John H. Hancock helped to start the fifth Pathfinder club on record at the Riverside Church in the Southeastern California Conference. John Hancock designed the Pathfinder triangle emblem for the MV uniform. |
1947 | The sixth Pathfinder club on record was reorganized and lead by Lawrence Paulson in Glendale, California in the Southern California Conference. The first youth congress was held for the entire North American Division at San Francisco, California with 12,000 young people in attendance, directed by Eldine Dunbar and team. |
1948 | Henry T. Bergh, Central California Youth Director, started 23 clubs. The Pathfinder flag was created when Henry Bergh asked a coordinator to make a flag using John Hancock’s triangle emblem. The coordinator, who did not sew, asked her friend Helen Hobbs to create it. |
1949 |
The Pathfinder Song was written by Henry T. Bergh and copyrighted in 1952. |
1950 | A historic event took place when the Pathfinder club ministry, developed in the Pacific Union, was adopted during the General Conference Session in San Francisco, California. Laurence Skinner became the first World Pathfinder Director. Several publications were printed to help the world field start clubs: How to start a Pathfinder Club, Pathfinder Staff Training Course, and Drill Manual. Eliezer Melendez, a 19-year-old schoolteacher, traveled home from the General Conference Session and began a Pathfinder club in Puerto Rico. Melendez later became the Inter-American Division Youth Director. For political reasons, Master Comrade was changed to Master Guide and Comrade to Guide.” The first Pathfinder fair on record was held at Saint Helena, California in Sanitarium Hall, Northern California Conference, with several hundred in attendance. |
1951 |
MV Kit, a quarterly magazine, was introduced to guide MV societies. |
1952 | Wisconsin Conference took the Halloween idea, naming it Can Collecting. The First Brazilian Youth Congress was held at Brazil College with 3,000 in attendance, with Laurence Skinner as speaker. An oratorical contest was held. Leo Ranzolin, a 19-year-old theology sophomore took first place. At age 36, at the General Conference Session in Atlantic City, New Jersey, Ranzolin became the third World Pathfinder Director. |
1953 | Pan American Youth Congress, held in San Francisco, California, themed “Christ Above All.” Eldine Dunbar and team directed, June 16-20 MV Legion of Honor, a volunteer code of right living with high standards for senior youth, began First Pathfinder camporee on record was held at Camp Winnekeag, Massachusetts, Atlantic Union, October 9-11 directed by W.E. Burns The first issue of Junior Guide Magazine, was published October 7 The songbook Singing Youth was published. |
1954 | Voice of Youth evangelistic program was adopted The leadership training course, MV Leadercraft, was developed |
1956 | E. L. Minchin was speaker for the first South American Youth Congress, held in the State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Jairo Araujo - directed The Explorer Class was added for 7th graders. |
1957 | 50th Anniversary of MV was celebrated at Mount Vernon, Ohio, July 12-13; Art Patzer directed, working closely with the General Conference Youth Department. Participants included Milton E. Kern, Henry T. Elliott, Arthur W. Peterson, Eldine W. Dunbar, Theodore E. Lucas, Laurence A. Skinner, and Edwin L. Minchin. A monument for 50 years of service was unveiled. This monument is now part of the Pathfinder Museum collection. |
1958 | Advanced JMV Classes, Frontier Friend, Campfire Companion, Range Explorer, and Trail Finder Guide were launched. |
1959 | June 4-6 the first Union Camporee on record was held at Snoqualmie National Forest, Washington State with 1,000 North Pacific Union Pathfinders attending December 20, Singapore held their first Pathfinder fair The Pathfinder Drill Manual was revised by Clark Smith and Harry Garlick Sweden organized their first Pathfinder club. |
1960 | Second NAD Youth Congress was held in Atlantic City, New Jersey - themed Festival of the Holy Scriptures. H.M.S Richards made an appeal. About 100 young people committed their lives for ministry, including Les Pitton, who became the first NAD Youth Director in 1980 Pathfinders begin in Austria A Pathfinder camporee was held at Lake La Nauhe, Chile. |
1961 | Southern European Division held its first Division camporee, Steiner directed. |
1962 | Pathfinder Field Guide was published Pathfinder Teen Ministry was developed by Norm Middag, Associate Youth Director of the Northern California Conference, to encouraged teenagers to stay involved in youth ministry The MV Story was written by Nathaniel Krum. |
1963 | Pastor Ademar Quint, started the Spring Baptism of Youth in Brazil, which later became part of the South American and the World calendar. |
1966 | Pioneer Class level was developed for 8th graders |
1967 | Florida Youth Director Norman Middag started, at Camp Kulaqua, High Springs, Florida, the first Adventist camp for the visually impaired in connection with Christian Record Services Youth Congress was held in Vienna, Austria. |
1969 | July 22-26 the first World Youth Congress was held in Zurich, Switzerland with 12,000 young people present, including youth from communist countries. The General Conference team directed. |
1970 | Second South American Division Youth Congress was held in Curitiba, State of Parana, Brazil, January 20-24, under the leadership F.N. Siqueira, South American Division Youth Director and Leo Ranzolin South Brazil Union Youth Director Pioneer Class level was renamed Ranger in the North American Division. |
1971 | Trans-European Division held a Camporee in Vasterang, Sweden, Sundqvist directed. |
1972 | July 19-29 Euro-Africa Division Camporee held at Villach, Austria - Nino Bulzis directed Pathfinders began in Italy under the name of Esploratori. |
1974-1975 | The 25th anniversary of Pathfinder ministry was celebrated worldwide. |
1976 | MV Department, initiated by Leo Ranzolin, prepared for the Bi-Centennial of America program entitled 4-C’s for Century Three: Camping, Community, Church and Campus Beautification, which was adopted by the Church First Brazilian Camporee held in Rio Grande do Sul, November 14-16 Youth World Advisory led by John Hancock was held in Tacoma Park, Maryland. |
1977 | Euro Africa Division held a camporee in Malcesine, Italy, July 11-19, Nino Bulzis- directed Northern Europe/West Africa Division held a camporee July 19-25, at Kallioneimen, Finland, Michael Stevenson directed. |
1978 | Southern Asia Division held a camporee, November 4-8, 1978 in Bangalore, India, Justin Singh directed. |
1979 | A historic event occurred when MV, used since 1907 was changed to AY - Adventist Youth and JMV to AJY – Adventist Junior Youth. |
1980 | Michael H. Stevenson of South Africa became the World Pathfinder Director A program called Seven Modules, Organization, Leadership, Commitment, Worship, Discipleship, Fellowship and Witness of unending opportunity for youth was adopted for the world field The Youth Leaders Handbook was revised/renamed Adventist Youth Honors A new Adventist youth leader logo was designed by John H. Hancock The 1980 MV Camp Directory was enlarged/renamed the World Adventist Youth Camp Directory. |
1981 | Euro-African Division held a camporee in Monoblet, France, Nino Bulzis directed The songbook Pathfinder Sing was published. |
1982 | Voyager Class was added for 9th graders |
1983 | Inter-American Division held its first Pathfinder camporee in Oaxtepec, Mexico, March 24-29, Israel Leito directed Beginning Feb. 24, the Bi-Union Brisbane Camporee was held in Australia, Malcolm Allen directed South American Division held its first camporee, Dec. 28-Jan. 2, 1984 at Foz do Iguacu, Brazil, Claudio Belz directed. |
1984 | Dec. 28-Jan. 2, the second Pan-American Youth Congress was held in Mexico City, Mexico with 12,000 in attendance, GC team directed. A highlight was the presence of Cuban youth First East Japan Camporee was held in Phuket, Thailand, Donato directed Second European Congress was held in Exeter, England, James Huzzey directed Pan-African Division Congress was held in Nairobi. |
1985 | First North American Division Camporee was held at Camp Hale, Colorado, Les Pitton and team directed The Youth Department was incorporated into the Church Ministries Department. |
1986 | Malcolm Allen of Australia becomes World Pathfinder Director. |
1987 | Norm Middag designed an NAD Pathfinder emblem, which is currently used worldwide. |
1989 | Ron Streeter, Columbia Union Youth Director, held the NAD Friendship Camporee in Pennsylvania with 18,000 in attendance Pathfinder Leadership (PLA) and Pathfinder Instructor (PLA) Awards for continuing education for Master Guides were introduced. |
1990-1991 | Norm Middag was instrumental in developing the Pathfinder Instructor and Pathfinder Leadership Awards for continuing education. A highlight of Norm’s career was the Witness through Roses project 1991-1993 which involved Pathfinders decorating Rose Parade Floats. Millions saw the award-winning floats and Seventh-day Adventist sign during the famous January 1st Rose Parade in Pasadena, California Arnold and Dixie Plata, who worked closely with the General Conference Youth Department, were voted historians for the North American Division. The Plata’s also traveled to South and Inter-America to display youth history and encourage others to share youth ministry in their divisions, unions, and conferences. |
1992 | John Hancock Youth Centers were established at La Sierra University in California and at Andrews University in Michigan. |
1994 | South American Division held its second camporee, Jan. 10-16 at Ponta Grossa, Parana, Brazil, Jose Maria de Silva directed. Trans-European Division held its sixth division camporee in Sweden, Kendal directed Romania began its first Pathfinder club Dare to Care International Camporee was held at Morrison, Colorado, Aug. 2-6, Ron Whitehead directed. |
1997 | Bi-Division Pathfinder Camporee in Indonesia, Missah and Wong directed. |
1998 | Second Inter-American Division Camporee was held Aug. 4-8 in Puerto Rico, Alfredo Garcia Marenko directed Latvia started their first Pathfinder club First South American Master Guide Convention held in Pucon, Chile, Jan. 13-17 First NAD Master Guide Convention held Feb. 11-19 in Los Angeles, California. |
1999 | “Discover the Power” International Camporee was held at Oshkosh, Wisconsin, Ron Whitehead directed. As part of the camporee, Desmond T. Doss, who received the Congressional Medal of Honor for saving the lives of 75 of his comrades while serving as a medic in the army, was highlighted. |
2001 | Baraka Muganda and Robert Holbrook held a World Advisory and International Youth Leadership Convention on August 9-13 in Aguas de Lindoia, State of Sao Paulo, Brazil. |
2002 | Third South American Division Youth Congress held in Chile, January 7-12 GYC Generation of Youth for Christ was organized by youth to meet the spiritual needs of youth. |
2004 | August 10-14 Faith on Fire International Camporee was held in Oshkosh, Wisconsin with 32,000 in attendance, Ron Whitehead director West African Division Camporee at Lome, Togo, August 22-28, Mulumba directed; Fransch Europe Youth Congress in Poland, August 4-7 Euro-Asia Youth Congress in Moscow. |
2005 | South American Division held its third camporee in the State of Parana, Brazil, with 28,000 in attendance. The theme was Fountain of Hope,” Erton Kohler directed. |
2006 | South Pacific Division held a youth congress in Fiji, January 1-5 The World Youth Ministry Advisory was held at Mount Etna Youth Camp in Maryland, March 16-April 2, Baraka Muganda and team directed. |
2007 | Division Youth Congress was held in Mukono, Uganda, April 1-9 Trans-European Division held its first Master Guide Camporee in Holland, May 24-27 Inter-American Division held a Youth Congress in Medellin, Colombia; theme: “Reclaiming our Youth.” Euro-Africa Division held a Pathfinder camporee, theme: Turn on the Light, at Fountainblue, Paris, France, July 31-August 5. Adventist Youth Ministries Museum was officially organized under the Pathfinder Museum Inc., President Terry Dodge. The goal was to build a building to preserve youth ministry history. |
2008 | Inter-Union Master Guide Camporee was held at Zalostoc, State of Morelos, Mexico, March 18-22; theme: “Ëscaladores al encuentro…Listos Senor.” Inter-American Division Youth Congress in Paynters, Antigua, May 8-12; theme: “Angels of Fire.” |
2009 | On August 11-15, 2009, The Courage To Stand International Pathfinder Camporee was held in Oshkosh, Wisconsin, U.S.A. The evening Bible Stories production portrayed the life of Esther. Ron Whitehead directed. |
2010 | Trans-European Division held a Pathfinder camporee at Ominen, Netherlands, July 29-August 5. |
2011 | Third Inter-American Division Camporee was held in Mexico City, Mexico, 20,000 attended, Benjamin Carballo director Euro-African Division held a camporee in Rome, Italy August 1-6, C. Cozzi and S. Sigg directed First Division Camporee for Northern Asia-Pacific held in South Korea, August 7-12, Haky Hyung Kim directed. |
2013 | Global Youth Day, organized by Gilbert Cangy, to motivate young people worldwide to be involved in their communities. |
2014 | Fourth South American Division Camporee held in Barretos, Sao Paulo, Brazil, directed by Udolcy Zukowski with 35,000 in attendance Trans-European Division held a camporee July 29-August 5 at Ommen, Netherlands, Paul Tompkins directed Southern Africa-Indian Ocean Division held a camporee at Livingstone, Zambia, April 13-19, B. Khumalo director Fourth International Camporee, Forever Faithful, held in Oshkosh, Wisconsin, August 12-16, with 45,000 in attendance, Ron Whitehead director North American Division held the Youth Prayer Conference at Miami, Florida, Feb. 19-22, led by James Black Southern Asia Division held a youth congress in Pune, India, April 30-May 4; theme; “Ïnspire,” Mohan Bhatti directed. |
2015 | South Pacific Division held a Pathfinder camporee, theme: Ï trust,” Jan. 6-11 at Toowoomba, QLD, Australia with 8,500 in attendance, Nick Kross directed Inter-European Division held a Pathfinder camporee in Switzerland, Aug. 3-9, Stephan Sigg directed. |
2017 | Gilbert Cangy returned to the South Pacific Jonatan Tejel returned to the Euro-Africa Division as youth director Tracy Wood and Armando Miranda of the NAD developed the Historian Ministry Historians Arnold and Dixie Plata were appointed coordinators for this ministry to encourage development of historian displays for each division, union, and conference to preserve youth ministry history. |
2019 | South American Division held historic Pathfinder events, two division camporees, the Alpha, January 8-13, and the Omega, January 15-20. These were held back to back in the same location to accommodate 100,000 Pathfinders and staff in the city of Barretos, State of Sao Paulo, Brazil, Udolcy Zukowski directed Inter-America Division held a special Youth Directors Meeting - May 22-29, directed by Al Powell August 12-17, 55,000 Pathfinders and staff plus volunteers attended the “Chosen” International Camporee at Oshkosh, Wisconsin; Ron Whitehead directed. |
List of Leaders
Years | General Conference World Directors |
Associate Youth Directors |
Years |
1907-1930 | Milton Earl Kern | Anna Matilda Erickson Meade McGuire Henry T. Elliott C.A Russell (Field Secretary) |
1907-1924 1924-1927 1924-1930 1920-1922 |
1930-1934 | Henry T. Elliott | D. A. Ochs | 1931-1943 |
1934-1946 | Alfred W. Peterson | Denton E. Rebo Eldine W. Dunbar |
1943-1946 1943-1946 |
1946-1955 | Eldine W. Dunbar | Theodore E. Lucas | 1946-1955 |
1955-1970 | Theodore E. Lucas | Edwin L. Minchin Clark Smith Joseph R. Nelson Lawrence M. Nelson Charles D. Martin Paul DeBooy |
1954-1962 1958-1982 1960-1966 1963-1974 1967-1976 1968-1970 |
1970-1980 | John H. Hancock | Michael H. Stevenson Sr. Desmond B. Hills Richard E. Barron |
1971-1975 1975-1980 1975-1986 |
1980-1985 | Leo Ranzolin | James Harris Les Pitton Norm Middag Charles Martin Clark Smith Michael Stevenson Sr |
1980-1985 1980-1985 1980-1985 1980-1985 1980-1982 1980 -1985 |
1985-1995 | Church Ministries "Super Department" |
Israel Leito Michael H. Stevenson, Sr. Richard E. Barron David Wong |
1986-1989 1986-1993 1990-1998 1993-1997 |
1995-2010 | Baraka Muganda | Alfredo Garcia Marenko | 1998-2005 |
2010-2016 | Gilbert Cangy | Pako Mokgwane Giwan S. Moon |
(2015) (2015-2017) |
2017 | Gary Blanchard |
Years | World Junior Youth/ Pathfinder Directors |
Assistants | Years |
1920-1928 | Harriet M. Holt | Arthur W. Spalding | 1920 – 1941 |
1928-1946 | C. Lester Bond | ||
1946-1963 | Laurence A. Skinner | Rodney Finney Kenneth J. Holland Mildred Lee Johnson Donald Yost Lowell Litten |
1951-1954 1954-1957 1957-1969 1957-1961 1961-1969 |
1963- 1970 | John H. Hancock | James Joiner | 1961-1972 |
1970-1980 | Leo S. Ranzolin | Jan Doward Donald John James Joiner |
1970-1980 1972-1975 1975-1985 |
1980-1986 | Michael H. Stevenson Sr. | Norm Middag | 1980-1985 |
1986-1996 | Malcolm A. Allen | ||
1997-2005 | Robert W. Holbrook | ||
2005-2017 | Jonatan Tejel | ||
2017 | Andres Peralta |
Boucher, Sharon. Luther Warren. Washington, D.C.: Review and Herald Publishing Association, 1959.
Erickson, Matilda. Missionary Volunteers and Their Work. Washington D.C.: Review and Herald Publishing Association, 1946.
Diener, Katherine. "Girls' J.M.V. Camp." Lake Union Herald, August 24, 1927.
White, Ellen G. Counsels to Teachers, Parents and Students. Review and Herald Publishing.
Other Sources
General Conference Youth Department Records:
Bond C. Lester. Junior Manual–1929, 1931,1933,1935,1936, 1938, 1944, 1945, & 1946. Review & Herald Publishing.
Junior Missionary Volunteer Handbook – GC Youth Department 1957, 1963, 1968, 1970, 1957, 1963, 1968, 1970 Review & Herald Publishing.
Master Comrade Manual – GC Youth Department – Review & Herald Publishing Association, 1938, 1945, 1947.
MV Handbook – GC Youth Department, Review and Herald Publishing Association 1951, 1965, 1968, 1970.
Holbrook, Robert, editor. The AY Story. AdventSource, 2005.
Holbrook, Robert, editor. The Pathfinder Story. AdventSource, 2005.
Krum, Nathaniel. The MV Story. Review and Herald Publishing Association, 1963.
MV Advisory Council and regular MV Department Minutes, 1906-1976. General Conference Archives.
Spalding, Arthur W. Camping with JMV’s. Pacific Press Publishing Association,1930.
The Youth’s Instructor, August 1852, Sabbath Review & Herald Publishing.↩
Sharon Boucher, Luther Warren (Review and Herald Publishing Association, 1959).↩
Matilda Erickson Missionary Volunteers and Their Work (Washington, D.C.: Review & Herald Publishing, 1946), 12.↩
Ellen G. White, Counsels to Teachers, Parents and Students (Review & Herald Publishing), 355.↩
Matilda Erickson, Missionary Volunteers and Their Work (Review & Herald Publishing), 13.↩
Ibid., 14.↩
Ibid., 15.↩
Ibid., 23.↩
Ibid., 20.↩
Ibid., 24.↩
Ibid., 26.↩
Ibid., 30.↩
Ibid., 34-42.↩