Raranta, Benny Adolf (1933–1978)
By Orsly Winston Raranta
Orsly Winston Raranta is currently working towards his master's in religion degree in Biblical Studies at the Adventist International Institute of Advanced Studies.
First Published: July 15, 2022
Benny Raranta contributed to developing the Adventist Church in East Indonesia through pastoral and educational ministries.
Early Life
Benny Adolf Raranta was born in an Adventist family in the small town of Langowan, North Sulawesi, Indonesia, on February 15, 19331, to his parents Adolf Raranta and Johana Tamburian.2 The father, Adolf Raranta, was a hardworking farmer who was born in 1876 and died on January 12, 1964, in Langowan, at the age of 88. His mother, Johana Tamburian, was a loving wife born in the same town on January 2, 1901, and died on July 21, 1982.3
Benny was the fourth son of 13 siblings.4 His brothers John Raranta, Wolter Raranta, and Piet Raranta served as workers in the church with him. John served the Adventist Church in several positions including as a pastor and mission president before he died in 1976. His brother Wolter also served as a pastor, mission president, and Union secretary until he retired in 1994. Finally, Piet served as a teacher in the church until he died.5 Benny spent his childhood growing up in the countryside of Langowan, where he learned many precious lessons from nature that prepared him to be a church leader.6
Education and Marriage
The church school he attended helped Benny to become an influential member and leader of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. Benny was a lower middle school student at Indonesian Union Seminary, Bandung, from 1953 to 1955. He then finished his upper middle school training in 1958 and junior college in 1960 at the same school. After served as a bible worker, Benny completed his Batchelor in Theology degree at Indonesia Union Seminary (I.U.S) in Gadobangkong, Bandung (now Universitas Advent Indonesia) in 1969. 7
Benny married Nicoline K. Kamagi on March 27, 1962.8 Nicoline was born in one of the Adventist pioneer families in Kawiley, Umboh Kamagi, and Adeleida Sengke. She completed her college program with a major in education. She served as a teacher for most of her life, including as principal at the Indonesian Embassy elementary school in Hanoi, Vietnam.9 Benny and Nicoline had four children.10
Raranta started his ministry in the church as a bible teacher in North Celebes Mission from 1960 to 1962. From 1963 to 1965, he was assigned as a church pastor and a director of Lay Activities and the Sabbath School department in North Celebes mission while he was a youth pastor.11 He was ordained in 1965 and continued to serve as the director of the department of Lay Activities and Sabbath School until 1967.12 In 1967, Raranta was appointed as the principal for North Celebes Academy.13
Benny Raranta then was sent to Indonesia Union Seminary (I.U.S) of Gadobangkong, Bandung (today Universitas Advent Indonesia) to earn his Batchelor in Theology in 1968.14 He finished his studies in 1969 and was elected as president of Central Sulawesi Mission in 1970.15 Raranta served as a president for three years before becoming a lecturer in the Theology Department of Mount Klabat College (today Klabat University) in 1973.16 While serving in Mount Klabat College, Benny entered the Master’s Degree program in the Philippines17 but then stopped his studies for unclear reasons. After serving the college for three years from 1973-1975, he was assigned back to North Sulawesi Academy as a principal in 1976.
Later Life and Contribution
In 1978, Benny Raranta served as a district pastor and died in the month of May that year.18 Throughout his life, Raranta contributed to developing the church in East Indonesia Union through pastoral and educational ministries. It included serving as a mission president and lecturer in the theological program that produced more pastors and bible workers. He was one of the pioneers who contributed to the early development of some of the educational institutions of the Adventist Church in the East Indonesia Union.19
Annual Meeting, January 14-18, 1965 No. 65 – 23-Ordination Voted, Minutes of East Indonesia Union Mission Committee Actions, as kept in EIUC Archives.
Birth Certificate of Benny A. Raranta, East Indonesia Union Conference (EIUC) Archives.
Minutes of Indonesian Union Mission Committee Actions: January 13, 1970 No. 70 – 023—Report of the Nominating Committee Voted.
Minutes of Indonesian Union Mission Committee Actions: September 11, 1973 No. 73 – 226—Mount Klabat College Call for Pastor Benny A. Raranta Voted.
Minutes of Indonesian Union Mission Committee Actions: September 11, 1973 No. 73 – 227 –Division Education Aid for D. Kambey and B. A. Raranta Voted.
Personal Service Record, Benny Raranta, Southern Asia-Pacific Division Archives.
Seventh-day Adventist Yearbook. Washington, D.C.: Review and Herald Publishing Association. Various years. https://www.adventistyearbook.org/.
Workers Service Record, Benny Raranta, EIUC Archives.
As shown in the Birth Certificate of Benny A. Raranta, cf. East Indonesia Union Conference (EIUC) Workers Service Record.↩
Personal Service Record, Benny Raranta, Southern –Asia Pacific Division Archives., EIUC Workers Service Record↩
Jeanny Poula Ivonny Raranta, interviewed by author, Manado, October 17, 2019. Jeanny Raranta is the granddaughter of Adolf Raranta and Johana Tamburian. The testimony is supported by the date in the picture of the tombs showed by Jeanny.↩
Jeanny Poula Ivonny Raranta, interview by author, Manado, November 5, 2019. The same testimony is shared by the other grandsons of Adolf Raranta and Johana Tamburian.↩
See SSD Workers Service Record., cf. EIUC Workers Service Record.↩
Earl Garth Raranta, interviewed by author, Jakarta, July 27, 2020. Earl Garth Raranta is the oldest son of Benny Raranta.↩
See EIUC Workers Service Record.↩
See EIUC Workers Service Record., cf. Marriage Certificate of Benny Raranta and Nicoline Kamagi.↩
Leroy Richard Raranta, interview by author, U.S.A., June 7, 2022. Leroy Richard Raranta is the second child of Benny Raranta. The testimony is confirmed by Benny’s wife, Nicoline Kamagi.↩
Earl Garth Raranta, interviewed by author, Jakarta, November 23, 2020., cf. EIUC Workers Service Record↩
Based on the testimony of the wife, Nicoline Kamagi, passed through her son Leroy, June 8, 2022., cf. EIUC Workers Service Record, cf, SDA Yearbook, 1964, 116., cf. Ibid, 1965-1966, 118.↩
Annual Meeting, January 14-18, 1965 No. 65 – 23-Ordination Voted, Minutes of East Indonesia Union Mission Committee Actions, as kept in EIUC Archives., cf. EIUC Workers Service Record., cf, SDA Yearbook, 1967, 120.↩
See EIUC Workers Service Record.↩
Minutes of Indonesian Union Mission Committee Actions: January 13, 1970 No. 70 – 023—Report of the Nominating Committee Voted. cf, SDA Yearbook, 1971, 147.↩
Minutes of Indonesian Union Mission Committee Actions: September 11, 1973 No. 73 – 226—Mount Klabat College Call for Pastor Benny A. Raranta Voted., cf, SDA Yearbook, 1975, 330.↩
Minutes of Indonesian Union Mission Committee Actions: September 11, 1973 No. 73 – 227–Division Education Aid for D. Kambey and B. A. Raranta Voted.↩
See EIUC Workers Service Record.↩
Based on the testimony shared by Benny’s family.↩