Barron Brothers record album.
Photo from Discogs.com. https://www.discogs.com/Barron-Brothers-Something-Beautiful/release/12909696
Barron, Henry Arthur (1929−2015)
By Dan Shultz
Dan Shultz, emeritus professor of music, Walla Walla University, has researched and written extensively about Seventh-day Adventist music history and musicians. His publications include A Great Tradition–a history of music at Walla Walla University, and the Adventist Musicians Biographical Resource–an encyclopedia with biographies of over 1100 Adventist musicians. He founded the International Adventist Musicians Association, serving as its president for ten years and editing its publications and website for over thirty years. Shultz and his wife, Carolyn (nee Stevens), live in College Place, Washington.
First Published: January 29, 2020
Henry Barron and his brother, Richard (Dick), were nationally noted for their work as evangelists and singers in the Seventh-day Adventist church from the 1950s to the early 1970s. While both were soloists, they were widely known as the Barron Brothers, highly regarded for the warmth and beauty of their duets.
Henry was born in Los Angeles on April 20, 1929, the third oldest of three sons and a daughter born to physician Henry Clinton Barron, Jr. and his wife Emile Rose (Swift) Barron.1 Henry would be active as a musician and have extensive musical training during his studies in theology at Pacific Union College, Washington Missionary College (now Washington Adventist University), and La Sierra College (now University).
Near the end of 1949, while still in college, he assisted Richard, who was working as an evangelist in western Pennsylvania, and in early 1950 he sang in a quartet that assisted George Vandeman in evangelistic meetings held in the Sligo Seventh-day Adventist Church in Takoma Park, Maryland. During his final studies in theology at La Sierra, he was a charter member of The Collegians, the college’s select choral group. 2
Following graduation from La Sierra in 1952, Henry Barron married Pansy Marie Stricklin on June 12, and they moved to Texas, where he began his service as a minister and worked as an evangelist with Stanley Harris. The couple would have four children, Cindy (Borrow), David, Jonathan, and Shri (Toogood).3
While in Texas, Henry and his brother attended a workshop in evangelism conducted by Fordyce Detamore and Ray Turner, which inspired them to work together as full-time evangelists. They formed The Barron Brothers Evangelistic Team and worked together from 1955 to 1959, holding meetings in Texas, North Dakota, Minnesota, and Iowa.
In 1959 Barron accepted a call to be pastor-evangelist in Texas and a year later became pastor at the Westminster, California, church. He next served as youth pastor at La Sierra College church and in 1967 joined the Greater New York Conference, where he served as coordinator of evangelism and director of the New York Center. A year later he was chosen secretary of the SDA Ministerial Association of the Greater New York Conference,4 but soon thereafter returned to ministry in the Southeastern California Conference. According to his obituary, he served as U.S. President Ronald Reagan’s prayer minister for a brief time.5
In 1972 his brother Richard died in a flying accident while visiting in Walla Walla, Washington. A year after this loss, Henry became director-speaker for The Builders of Faith radio program in California. He continued to work in evangelism for the remainder of his career.6
Henry and Richard recorded five albums for Chapel Records. A record of their singing, titled Come to Jesus, My Friend, A Memorial to Dick Barron, was released in 1978. The Barrons were living in Westminster, Colorado, when Pansy died on January 12, 2011, at age 81. Henry was living in Bloomfield, Texas, at the time of his death on January 4, 2015, at age 85, after a long struggle with Alzheimer's disease.7
Brothers in Song record liner. Chapel Records, LP 5015.
Glanzer, Ben. “Revival Evangelism at Headquarters.” Adventist Review, May 24, 1951.
“Henry Barron Becomes Director-Speaker of ‘Builders of Faith’ Radio Program.” Pacific Union Recorder, August 6, 1973.
“Introducing a New Ministerial Association Secretary.” Ministry, May 1968.
“Pastor Henry A. Barron Obituary.” Farmington Daily Times, January 11-18, 2015.
“Henry Clinton Barron, M.D. obituary, Pacific Union Recorder, November 12, 1973, 5.↩
Brothers in Song record liner, Chapel Records, LP 5015; Washington Missionary College, “News Notes,” Columbia Union Visitor, November 23, 1950, 5 and May 24, 1951, 9; Ben Glanzer, “Revival Evangelism at Headquarters,” Review and Herald, May 24, 1951, 16-17.↩
“Pastor Henry A. Barron Obituary,” Farmington Daily Times, January 11-18, 2015.↩
“Introducing a New Ministerial Association Secretary,” Ministry, May 1968, 9.↩
“Pastor Henry A. Barron Obituary.”↩
Elizabeth Locke, “Plane Crash Ends Life of Evangelist Dick Barron,” Pacific Union Recorder, May 1, 1972, 5; “Henry Barron Becomes Director-Speaker of ‘Builders of Faith’ Radio Program,” Pacific Union Recorder, August 6, 1973, 6.↩
“Pastor Henry A. Barron Obituary.”↩