Kalbermatter, Ignacio (1877–1951)

By Eugenio Di Dionisio


Eugenio Di Dionisio

First Published: January 28, 2020

Ignacio Kalbermatter was part of the first group of Adventists in Uruguay. He served as pastor in Paraguay, Bolivia, Peru, and Argentina.1

Early Years, Studies, and Canvassing

Born on September 13, 1877, in Humboldt, Santa Fe Province, Argentina,2 Ignacio was the second son of Luis Kalbermatter (1851-1922) and Ana María Stoffel (1856-1933).3 The family was composed of twelve siblings, 10 men and two women: Juan, Ignacio, Angelberto, José, Pedro, Félix, Luis, Vicente, Roque, Paulina, Josefina, and Emilio. Three of them died as children. Two of them, Ignacio and Pedro, were pastors and Adventist missionaries.4 Ignacio's brother, Pedro Kalbermatter (1886-1968), the fifth of the sons, is well-known in the history of the Seventh-day Adventist Church.

Luis Kalbermatter, Ignacio’s father, with his wife Ana María Stoffel (1856-1933), first settled in Colonia Santa María, and a few years later founded Colonia Portugalete, dedicated to agriculture and livestock.5 In 1895 the Kalbermatter family had their first contact with Adventism through a visit of canvasser Daniel Weiss (father), who bought the books Cartilla Sagrada [Sacred Primer], Cristo nuestro Salvador [Christ Our Savior], and El Conflicto de los Siglos (The Great Controversy). The Kalbermatter family read these books carefully and accepted their Christian teachings. In 1897 they were visited by Pastor Frank H. Westphal (1858-1944) and the young Luis Ernst (1874-1952). Westphal instructed the family and baptized the father and four children in a little water.6

In 1899, Ignacio was one of the first students at the Adventist college in Las Tunas, province of Santa Fe, predecessor of the current River Plate Adventist University. He went canvassing from 1903 to 1905.

Family and Missionary Journey in Paraguay, Bolivia, Peru, and Argentina

In 1906 he was sent to Paraguay Republic as a licensed minister.7

Ignacio Kalbermatter married Cecilia Deggeller (1880-1973) on February 11, 1908, in San Cristóbal, Santa Fe. Their children were: Hiram, born in Encarnación, Paraguay; Yolanda and Griselda, born in Arequipa, Peru; Clocella Vasti, born in Trujillo, Peru; Ismael, born in Paraguay, and Rut Sofía, born in La Paz, Bolivia, who died at a very young age.8

The pastoral ordination was on March 12, 1910.9 At the beginning of 1911 they were transferred to Bolivia where they stayed until 1913.10 Later they went to Paraguay.11 Subsequently they went to Peru for seven years, first in Arequipa, and then in Trujillo.12

When returning to Argentina in 1922 Ignacio was involved in pastoral activities.13 From 1923 to 1926 he was president of Alto Paraná Mission, a territory that at that time included the Paraguay Republic and northeastern Argentina.14 He promoted the creation of the current Misiones Adventist College, located in Leandro N. Alem, province of Misiones.15 He was the first president of the Cuyo Mission from 1927 to 1929, which at that time covered the provinces of Mendoza, San Luis, and San Juan.16 He later ministered in the churches of San Cristóbal, in Santa Fe Province and Concordia, in Entre Ríos Province.17

Ignacio Kalbermatter died on October 15, 1951. His missionary spirit never waned and he remained firm in God until his last days.


Brown, J. L. “Notes from Central Argentine.” South American Bulletin, vol. 12, nº 3, March 1936, 7.

“En las huellas de los pioneros” [In the footsteps of the pioneers]. Revista Adventista [Adventist Review], year 1985, nº 4, April 1985, 2.

Greenleaf, Floyd. Tierra de esperanza: El crecimiento de la Iglesia Adventista Sudamericana [Land of Hope: The Growth of The Seventh Day Adventist Church in South America]. Trad. Claudia Blath. Buenos Aires: South American Spanish Publishing House, 2011.

Howell, W. E. “Schools Notes in South America.” ARH, vol. 97, nº 26, June 24, 1920, 26.

Kalbermatter, Cecilia D. de. “El evangelio entre los niños paraguayos” [The Gospel of the Paraguayan Children]. La Revista Adventista [Adventist Review], year 9, nº 9, September 1909, 13, 14.

Kalbermatter, Cecilia Deggeller de. “Los comienzos de la obra en el Paraguay” [The Beginning of the work in Paraguay]. La Revista Adventista [Adventist Review], year 58, nº 8, August 1958, 13.

Kalbermatter, Cecilia D. de. “San Cristóbal.” La Revista Adventista [Adventist Review], October 1910, 15.

Kalbermatter, Ignacio. “Alto Paraná – Villa Encarnación, Paraguay.” La Revista Adventista [Adventist Review], February 1909, 13.

Kalbermatter, Ignacio. “Alto Paraná – Asunción.” La Revista Adventista [Adventist Review], May 1909, 13.

Kalbermatter, Ignacio. “Alto Paraná Mission.” South American Bulletin, vol. 2, nº 9, September 1926, 2.

Kalbermatter, Ignacio. “Arequipa, Perú.” La Revista Adventista [Adventist Review], year 15, nº 4, April 1915, 13, 14.

Kalbermatter, Ignacio. “Arequipa, Perú.” La Revista Adventista [Adventist Review], year 15, nº 6, June 1915, 13.

Kalbermatter, Ignacio. “Arequipa, Perú.” La Revista Adventista [Adventist Review], year 15, nº 10, October 1915, 14.

Kalbermatter, Ignacio. “Argentina – Portugalete, Santa Fe.” La Revista Adventista [Adventist Review], November 1910, 14.

Kalbermatter, Ignacio. “Asunción - Paraguay.” La Revista Adventista [Adventist Review], August 1906, 7.

Kalbermatter, Ignacio. “Asunción - Paraguay.” La Revista Adventista [Adventist Review], October 1906, 5.

Kalbermatter, Ignacio. “Bolivia.” La Revista Adventista [Adventist Review], October 1912, 10.

Kalbermatter, Ignacio. “Bolivia – Interesantes noticias de La Paz” [Bolivia - Interesting news from La Paz]. La Revista Adventista, September 1911, 12.

Kalbermatter, Ignacio. “Bolivia – La Paz – Viaje de Argentina a Bolivia” [Bolivia - La Paz - Travel from Argentina to Bolivia]. La Revista Adventista, February 1911, 13, 14.

Kalbermatter, Ignacio. “Buenas noticias del Alto Paraná” [Good news from Alto Parana]. La Revista Adventista [Adventist Review], September 1909, 14.

Kalbermatter, Ignacio. “De Buenos Aires a Arequipa” [From Buenos Aires to Arequipa]. La Revista Adventista [Adventist Review], March 1915, 12, 13.

Kalbermatter, Ignacio. “El comienzo de la obra entre los indígenas aimaraes de Bolivia” [The beginning of the work among the Aymara Indians of Bolivia]. La Revista Adventista [Adventist Review], May 1911, 10, 11.

Kalbermatter, Ignacio. “El comienzo de la obra entre los indígenas aimaraes de Bolivia” [The beginning of the work among the Aymara Indians of Bolivia]. La Revista Adventista [Adventist Review], June 1911, 10, 11.

Kalbermatter, Ignacio. “El evangelio predicado en la Misión del Alto Paraná” [The gospel preached in the Mission of Alto Paraná]. La Revista Adventista [Adventist Review], 15 September 1924, 5, 6.

Kalbermatter, Ignacio. “El principio de la Iglesia Adventista en Portugalete y San Cristóbal” [The beginning of the Adventist Church in Portugalete and San Cristóbal]. Unpublished manuscript, undated, available in the White Research Center, River Plate Adventist University, Entre Ríos, Argentina.

Kalbermatter, Ignacio. “El progreso de nuestra obra en la Misión Alto Paraná” [The progress of our work in the Alto Paraná Mission]. La Revista Adventista [Adventist Review], 9 June 1924, 5, 6.

Kalbermatter, Ignacio. “Gualeguay.” La Revista Adventista [Adventist Review], January 1908, 6.

Kalbermatter, Ignacio. “La obra en Bolivia” [The work in Bolivia]. La Revista Adventista [Adventist Review], February 1914, 12.

Kalbermatter, Ignacio. “La obra entre los indígenas de Puno, Perú” [The work among the natives in Puno, Peru]. La Revista Adventista, May 1911, 10.

Kalbermatter, Ignacio. “La obra entre los indígenas en Chucuito, Perú” [The work among the natives in Chucuito, Peru]. La Revista Adventista, March 1912, 10, 11.

Kalbermatter, Ignacio. “La Paz, Bolivia.” La Revista Adventista [Adventist Review], August 1911, 12.

Kalbermatter, Ignacio. “La Paz, Bolivia.” La Revista Adventista [Adventist Review], April 1913, 11.

Kalbermatter, Ignacio. “La Paz, Bolivia.” La Revista Adventista [Adventist Review], June 1913, 14.

Kalbermatter, Ignacio. “La venta de literatura en La Paz, Bolivia.” La Revista Adventista [Adventist Review], April 1911, 10.

Kalbermatter, Ignacio. “Misión Boliviana” [Bolivia Mission]. La Revista Adventista [Adventist Review], year 13, nº 5, May 1913, 12.

Kalbermatter, Ignacio. “Necrología” [Obituary]. La Revista Adventista [Adventist Review], year 22, nº 18, 28 August 1922, 15.

Kalbermatter, Ignacio. “News from Concordia.” South American Bulletin, vol. 17, n° 5, May 1941, 3.

Kalbermatter, Ignacio. “Our Move to the Cuyo Mission.” South American Bulletin, vol. 3, nº 10, October 1927, 2.

Kalbermatter, Ignacio. “Paraguay.” La Revista Adventista [Adventist Review], May 1906, 9.

Kalbermatter, Ignacio. “Paraguay.” La Revista Adventista [Adventist Review], November 1906, 4.

Kalbermatter, Ignacio. “Río de la Plata – Asunción, Paraguay.” La Revista Adventista [Adventist Review], October 1909, 14.

Kalbermatter, Ignacio. “San Cristóbal.” La Revista Adventista [Adventist Review], 31 August 1936, 13.

Kalbermatter, Ignacio. “Villa Rica - Paraguay.” La Revista Adventista [Adventist Review], August 1909, 14.

Kalbermatter, Ignacio. “Villa Rica - Paraguay.” La Revista Adventista [Adventist Review], November 1914, 13.

Knight, C. E. “Argentina.” Review and Herald, vol. 88, nº 7, February 16, 1911, 10.

Olmedo, Juan Carlos. “La lapicera negra, de tapa dorada” [The black pen, with a golden lid]. Revista Adventista [Adventist Review], year 1984, nº 7, July 1984, 28.

Olmedo, Juan Carlos. “Los hijos del corazón” [The children of the heart]. Vida feliz [Happy Life], June 1986, 12-15.

Peverini, Héctor J. En las huellas de la Providencia [In the footsteps of the Providence]. Buenos Aires: South American Spanish Publishing House, 1988.

Plenc, Daniel Oscar. “Misionero en cuatro países” [Missionary in four countries]. Revista adventista [Adventist Review], year 116, nº 5, May 2016, 9.

Plenc, Daniel Oscar. Misioneros en Sudamérica: Pioneros del Adventismo en Latinoamérica [Missionaries in South America: Pioneers of Adventism in Latin America]. 2nd Ed. Buenos Aires: Asociación Casa Editora Sudamericana, 2008.

Plenc, Daniel, Silvia Scholtus, Eugenio Di Dionisio, Sergio Becerra. Misioneros fundacionales del adventismo Sudamericano [Pioneer Missionaries of South American Adventism]. 3rd Ed. Libertador San Martín, Entre Ríos: Editorial Universidad Adventista del Plata, 2016.

Riffel, Juan. “Necrología” [Obituary]. La Revista Adventista [Adventist Review], year 1952, nº 2, February 1952, 7.

Scholtus, Silvia C. Liderazgo femenino [Female Leadership]. Libertador San Martín, Entre Ríos: Editorial River Plate Adventist University, 2012.

Westphal, Carlos E. “Necrología” [Obituary]. La Revista Adventista [Adventist Review], year 33, n° 15, 17 July 1933, 15.


  1. Archive of Services Registries of the Argentine Union. Ignacio Kalbermatter, Sustentation Fund Application, 21 June 1939. See: Silvia C. Scholtus, Liderazgo femenino [Female leadership] (Libertador San Martín, Entre Ríos: Editorial Universidad Adventista del Plata, 2012), 65-75. Daniel Oscar Plenc, “Misionero en cuatro países” [Missionary in four countries], Revista Adventista [Adventist Review], year 116, nº 5, May 2016, 9.

  2. Juan Riffel, “Necrología,” La Revista Adventista [Adventist Review], year 1952, nº 2, February 1952, 7. Ignacio Kalbermatter’s father, Civil Registry of the Province of Santa Fe, Portugalete, year 1908. It mentions 1877, as the year of birth of I. Kalbermatter.

  3. Luis Kalbermatter and Ana María Stoffel were swiss immigrants who arrived in Argentina between 1869 and 1868, respectively.

  4. Daniel Oscar Plenc, Silvia Scholtus, Eugenio Di Dionisio, Sergio Becerra, Founding missionaries of South American Adventism [Pioneer missionaries of South American Adventism], 3rd ed. (Libertador San Martín, Entre Ríos: Editorial River Plate Adventist University, 2012), 177-192.

  5. Ana María Stoffel de Kalbermatter was daughter of Luis Stoffel and María Josefa Gretten (ó Crettaz); she was born in Valais, Switzerland, on December 25, 1853, immigrated to Argentina in 1868 and settled with her family in Humboldt, Santa Fe. She died on May 14, 1933, and was buried in Puiggari, Entre Ríos. See: Carlos E. Westphal, “Necrología” [Obituary], La Revista Adventista [Adventist Review], year 33, n° 15, 17 July 1933, 15.

  6. Ignacio Kalbermatter, “El principio de la Iglesia Adventista en Portugalete y San Cristóbal” [The beginning of the Adventist Church in Portugalete and San Cristóbal], unpublished manuscript, undated, available at White Research Center, River Plate Adventist University, Entre Ríos, Argentina, 1-4.

  7. Ignacio Kalbermatter, “Paraguay,” La Revista Adventista [Adventist Review], May 1906, 9. Ignacio Kalbermatter, “Asunción - Paraguay,” La Revista Adventista [Adventist Review], August 1906, 7. Ignacio Kalbermatter, “Asunción - Paraguay,” La Revista Adventista [Adventist Review], October 1906, 5. Ignacio Kalbermatter, “Paraguay,” La Revista Adventista [Adventist Review], November 1906, 4. Ignacio Kalbermatter, “Gualeguay,” La Revista Adventista [Adventist Review], January 1908, 6. Ignacio Kalbermatter, “Alto Paraná – Villa Encarnación, Paraguay,” La Revista Adventista [Adventist Review], February 1909, 13. Ignacio Kalbermatter, “Alto Paraná – Asunción,” La Revista Adventista [Adventist Review], May 1909, 13. Ignacio Kalbermatter, “Villa Rica - Paraguay,” La Revista Adventista [Adventist Review], August 1909, 14. Ignacio Kalbermatter, “Buenas noticias del Alto Paraná” [Good news from Alto Paraná], La Revista Adventista [Adventist Review], September 1909, 14. Ignacio Kalbermatter, “Río de la Plata – Asunción, Paraguay,” La Revista Adventista [Adventist Review], October 1909, 14.

  8. Professor Dr. Juan Carlos Olmedo (died in 2015) was a teacher and long-standing academic manager in River Plate Academy and River Plate Adventist University. Juan Carlos Olmedo, “La lapicera negra, de tapa dorada” [The black pen, with a golden lid], Revista Adventista [Adventist Review], year 1984, nº 7, July 1984, 28. Juan Carlos Olmedo, “Los hijos del corazón” [The children of the heart], Vida feliz [Happy life], June 1986, 12-15. Cecilia D. de Kalbermatter, “San Cristóbal,” La Revista Adventista [Adventist Review], October 1910, 15. Ignacio Kalbermatter, “Argentina – Portugalete, Santa Fe,” La Revista Adventista [Adventist Review], November 1910, 14.

  9. Cecilia D. de Kalbermatter, “El evangelio entre los niños paraguayos” [The gospel among Paraguayan children], La Revista Adventista [Adventist Review], year 9, nº 9, September 1909, 13, 14. “Ordination,” Name Ignacio Kalbermatter, Field Alto Paraná, Date March 12, 1910, Signed by G. E. Hartman, nº 13. Cecilia Deggeller de Kalbermatter, “Los comienzos de la obra en el Paraguay” [The beginnings of the work in Paraguay], La Revista Adventista [Adventist Review], year 58, nº 8, August 1958, 13.

  10. C. E. Knight, “Argentina,” Review and Herald, vol. 88, nº 7, February 16, 1911, 10. Ignacio Kalbermatter, “Misión Boliviana,” La Revista Adventista [Adventist Review], year 13, nº 5, May 1913, 12. “En las huellas de los pioneros” [In the footsteps of the pioneers], Revista Adventista [Adventist Review], year 1985, nº 4, April 1985, 2. Ignacio Kalbermatter, “Bolivia – La Paz – Viaje de Argentina a Bolivia” [Bolivia - La Paz - Travel from Argentina to Bolivia], La Revista Adventista [Adventist Review], February 1911, 13, 14. Ignacio Kalbermatter, “La venta de literatura en La Paz, Bolivia” [The sale of literature in La Paz, Bolivia], La Revista Adventista [Adventist Review], April 1911, 10. Ignacio Kalbermatter, “La obra entre los indígenas de Puno, Perú” [The work among the indigenous people of Puno, Peru], La Revista Adventista [Adventist Review], May 1911, 10. Ignacio Kalbermatter, “El comienzo de la obra entre los indígenas aimaraes de Bolivia” [The beginning of the work among the Aymara Indians of Bolivia], La Revista Adventista [Adventist Review], May 1911, 10, 11. Ignacio Kalbermatter, “El comienzo de la obra entre los indígenas aimaraes de Bolivia” [The beginning of the work among the Aymara Indians of Bolivia], La Revista Adventista [Adventist Review], June 1911, 10, 11. Ignacio Kalbermatter, “La Paz, Bolivia,” La Revista Adventista [Adventist Review], August 1911, 12. Ignacio Kalbermatter, “Bolivia – Interesantes noticias de La Paz” [Bolivia - Interesting news from La Paz], La Revista Adventista [Adventist Review], September 1911, 12. Ignacio Kalbermatter, “La obra entre los indígenas en Chucuito, Perú” [The work among the natives in Chucuito, Peru], La Revista Adventista [Adventist Review], March 1912, 10, 11. Ignacio Kalbermatter, “Bolivia,” La Revista Adventista [Adventist Review], October 1912, 10. Ignacio Kalbermatter, “La Paz, Bolivia,” La Revista Adventista [Adventist Review], April 1913, 11. Ignacio Kalbermatter, “La Paz, Bolivia,” La Revista Adventista [Adventist Review], June 1913, 14. Ignacio Kalbermatter, “La obra en Bolivia,” La Revista Adventista [Adventist Review], February 1914, 12.

  11. Ignacio Kalbermatter family, Registro Civil de la Provincia de Santa Fe, Portugalete. Year 1908. Figure the birth of Hiram Erwin Kalbermatter in Encarnación, Paraguay, on July 23, 1914. Yolanda in Arequipa on March 5, 1916, Griselda in Arequipa on January 16, 1918, Clocella Vasti in Trujillo on December 5, 1919. The children: Ismael Ricardo, in Paraguay, on December 8, 1908 to December 27, 1909. Ruth Safira, in La Paz, Bolivia, on April 12, 1911 to October 11, 1911, in La Paz, Bolivia.

  12. Ignacio Kalbermatter, “Arequipa, Perú,” La Revista Adventista [Adventist Review], year 15, nº 4, April 1915, 13, 14. W. E. Howell, “Schools Notes in South America,” ARH, vol. 97, nº 26, June 24, 1920, 26. Ignacio Kalbermatter, “Arequipa, Perú,” La Revista Adventista [Adventist Review], year 15, nº 6, June 1915, 13. Ignacio Kalbermatter, “Arequipa, Perú,” La Revista Adventista [Adventist Review], year 15, nº 10, October 1915, 14. Ignacio Kalbermatter, “De Buenos Aires a Arequipa” [From Buenos Aires to Arequipa], La Revista Adventista [Adventist Review], March 1915, 12, 13.

  13. Ignacio Kalbermatter, “Necrología” [Obituary], La Revista Adventista [Adventist Review], year 22, nº 18, 28 August 1922, 15.

  14. Ignacio Kalbermatter, “Villa Rica – Paraguay,” La Revista Adventista [Adventist Review], November 1914, 13. Ignacio Kalbermatter, “El progreso de nuestra obra en la Misión Alto Paraná” [The progress of our work in Alto Paraná Mission], La Revista Adventista [Adventist Review], 9 June 1924, 5, 6. Ignacio Kalbermatter, “El evangelio predicado en la Misión del Alto Paraná” [The gospel preached in Alto Paraná Mission], La Revista Adventista [Adventist Review], 15 September 1924, 5, 6.

  15. Ignacio Kalbermatter, “Alto Paraná Mission,” South American Bulletin, vol. 2, nº 9, September 1926, 2.

  16. Ignacio Kalbermatter, “Our Move to the Cuyo Mission,” South American Bulletin, vol. 3, nº 10, October 1927, 2. Ignacio Kalbermatter, “Ecos de la Misión de Cuyo” [Echoes of Cuyo Mission], La Revista Adventista [Adventist Review], 16 April 1928, 9, 10.

  17. J. L. Brown, “Notes from Central Argentine,” South American Bulletin, vol. 12, nº 3, March 1936, 7. Ignacio Kalbermatter, “News from Concordia,” South American Bulletin, vol. 17, n° 5, May 1941, 3. Ignacio Kalbermatter, “San Cristóbal,” La Revista Adventista [Adventist Review], 31 August 1936, 13.


Dionisio, Eugenio Di. "Kalbermatter, Ignacio (1877–1951)." Encyclopedia of Seventh-day Adventists. January 28, 2020. Accessed February 18, 2025. https://encyclopedia.adventist.org/article?id=DGJO.

Dionisio, Eugenio Di. "Kalbermatter, Ignacio (1877–1951)." Encyclopedia of Seventh-day Adventists. January 28, 2020. Date of access February 18, 2025, https://encyclopedia.adventist.org/article?id=DGJO.

Dionisio, Eugenio Di (2020, January 28). Kalbermatter, Ignacio (1877–1951). Encyclopedia of Seventh-day Adventists. Retrieved February 18, 2025, https://encyclopedia.adventist.org/article?id=DGJO.