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Anísio Rocha and Jurema Chagas

From Revista AdventistaApril 5, 2019,

Chagas, Anisio Rocha (1928–2019)

By The Brazilian White Center – UNASP


The Brazilian White Center – UNASP is a team of teachers and students at the Brazilian Ellen G. White Research Center – UNASP at the Brazilian Adventist University, Campus Engenheiro, Coelho, SP. The team was supervised by Drs. Adolfo Semo Suárez, Renato Stencel, and Carlos Flávio Teixeira. Bruno Sales Gomes Ferreira provided technical support. The following names are of team members: Adriane Ferrari Silva, Álan Gracioto Alexandre, Allen Jair Urcia Santa Cruz, Camila Chede Amaral Lucena, Camilla Rodrigues Seixas, Daniel Fernandes Teodoro, Danillo Alfredo Rios Junior, Danilo Fauster de Souza, Débora Arana Mayer, Elvis Eli Martins Filho, Felipe Cardoso do Nascimento, Fernanda Nascimento Oliveira, Gabriel Pilon Galvani, Giovana de Castro Vaz, Guilherme Cardoso Ricardo Martins, Gustavo Costa Vieira Novaes, Ingrid Sthéfane Santos Andrade, Isabela Pimenta Gravina, Ivo Ribeiro de Carvalho, Jhoseyr Davison Voos dos Santos, João Lucas Moraes Pereira, Kalline Meira Rocha Santos, Larissa Menegazzo Nunes, Letícia Miola Figueiredo, Luan Alves Cota Mól, Lucas Almeida dos Santos, Lucas Arteaga Aquino, Lucas Dias de Melo, Matheus Brabo Peres, Mayla Magaieski Graepp, Milena Guimarães Silva, Natália Padilha Corrêa, Rafaela Lima Gouvêa, Rogel Maio Nogueira Tavares Filho, Ryan Matheus do Ouro Medeiros, Samara Souza Santos, Sergio Henrique Micael Santos, Suelen Alves de Almeida, Talita Paim Veloso de Castro, Thais Cristina Benedetti, Thaís Caroline de Almeida Lima, Vanessa Stehling Belgd, Victor Alves Pereira, Vinicios Fernandes Alencar, Vinícius Pereira Nascimento, Vitória Regina Boita da Silva, William Edward Timm, Julio Cesar Ribeiro, Ellen Deó Bortolotte, Maria Júlia dos Santos Galvani, Giovana Souto Pereira, Victor Hugo Vaz Storch, and Dinely Luana Pereira.



First Published: June 10, 2021

Anísio Rocha Chagas was a pastor and evangelist from Brazil. He made a significant contribution to the Seventh-Day Adventist Church in the areas of communications, family, and public relations.

First Years

Anísio Rocha Chagas was born on April 17, 1928, in the city of Santa Maria do Salto, state of Minas Gerais, Brazil.1 Son of André Chagas dos Santos and Ciolanda Rocha Chagas, both farmers.2 He was the third of eleven children.3 Anísio was born and grew up in a Catholic family. His grandmother, Pulquéria Maria da Silva, had dreamed that he would become a priest. During his childhood, Anísio contracted measles, a disease that almost took his life because where he lived didn´t have medical services.4

Anísio was illiterate until twelve years old, but he was very interested to learn. His mother first taught him the alphabet, and from then on he learned to read by his own determination. He really liked reading and culture.5 Sometime later, Anísio's father brought an ex-military man from Bahia, named José Freire, to the community. He was Anísio's first teacher.6 Anísio's father was interested in his son's education and took him to study in the city of Palestina Mineira, now Jordânia, a city located in the north of Minas Gerais State. In this city, there was a school that belonged to Benedito Odilson Profeta, a former Baptist pastor, anthropologist, writer, and teacher. Anísio studied there until he finished primary school. After finishing the course, there weren’t any schools nearby in which he could go further in his studies, so he spent ten years without additional schooling.7

Life and Ministry

After finishing primary school, Anísio was employed as salesman in the city of Santa Maria do Salto. Adventist Pastors Wendelin Heisner and José de Oliveira went to Santa Maria do Salto to have an evangelistic campaign. While there, they passed by the store where Anísio worked. Soon, the pastors observed his desire for knowledge and said they would send him a collection of fifty booklets of the Bible studies series "A Verdade" (The Truth). The studies helped Anísio to clarify his doubts about the Bible. He became a reader of the magazine "O Atalaia," that his friend lent him. Later, he read the book "O Raiar de Um Novo Dia" (The Dawn of a New Day), which had a lot of influence on his life. The books "The Story of Jesus" and "A Bomba Atômica e O Fim do Mundo" (The Atomic Bomb and the End of The World) awakened in him the desire to be a pastor even before becoming a member of the Adventist Church.8

His uncle, who developed cirrhosis of the liver due to his alcohol addiction, had to be taken to the city of São Lourenço, in southern Minas Gerais. After taking his uncle there, who ended up dying, he stayed in this city for twenty-one days. In São Lourenço, he met an Adventist named Arnaldo Schwantes who told him about Petrópolis Adventist Academy, located in Petrópolis, Rio de Janeiro State. In 1951 willing to go to back to school to continue his studies, he contacted Emmanuel Zorub, then president of Rio-Minas Gerais Mission, by mail. In addition, he contacted Pastor Jairo Júnior, through Petrópolis Adventist Academy and the Rio de Janeiro Conference by means of the addresses, Schwantes had given him. The pastors told him to come to the school. 9

He arrived at Petrópolis Adventist Academy on February 12, 1952, determined to be baptized. A few days later, on the 28th and 29th, he took the exams to enter Petrópolis Adventist Academy's Gymnasium (high school) and was approved. In the middle of the year, on June 21, he was baptized by Pastor Herbert Hoffman, the chaplain of the college. Anísio was the first member of his family to become a Seventh-Day Adventist.10 During his first vacation, he did student canvassing in the state of Rio de Janeiro. At the end of 1958, he finished technical high school in accounting at Petrópolis Adventist Academy.11

In 1959, he went to Brazil College (now Central Adventist University of São Paulo), in the city of São Paulo, wanting to study theology. During his vacations, he kept canvassing to pay for his studies, which ultimately resulted in a total of ten years as student canvasser. He would also visit his family in Minas Gerais, when he had the opportunity to do missionary and evangelistic work, since none of them were Adventists. Through his influence, seventy relatives accepted the Adventist message and were baptized.12 He graduated in theology on December 3, 1962.13

In one of those canvassing campaigns, he met Jurema Eny Monteiro. After four years of relationship and then engagement, they married on December 6, 1962 in the city of Juiz de Fora, Minas Gerais.14 Jurema was a Bible instructor, teacher, and worked in children's ministry. From this union, three children were born: Jason, Silvano, and Susana, all of them born in the city of Recife, Pernambuco State.15

In 1963, Anísio entered denominational service as director of the publications department in the Northeast Brazil Mission, located in Recife. At the same time, he was also leading the Casa Amarela Adventist Church in Recife.16 In 1966 and 1967, he worked as pastor of Arruda Church, Recife, where he was ordained, on February 11, 1967.17 In 1968, he shepherded the Recife Central Adventist Church.18 The following year, he directed the departments of education, temperance, youth, and radio-TV of the Northeast Brazil Conference, where he stayed until around 1970.19 While working in these positions, he also contributed articles for the newspaper "O Comércio" (The Trade).20 During the time he was in the northeast, he began the construction of churches like São Lourenço da Mata, Beberibe, Camaragibe, and Recife Central, all of them in Pernambuco.21 In 1970, he was designated as director of public relations, temperance, and youth departments of Rio-Minas Gerais Conference.22 Later in 1970, Anísio went to work for the Brazil Conference. During his service in this field he made important contributions to an evangelism plan for Jews that created the Instituto da Herança Judaica (Institute of Jewish Inheritance), later influencing the project for Beth B'nei Tsion.23 In 1971 and 1972, he was speaker for a radio program designed for the Jewish community, called "Ouve, ó Israel" (Listen, O Israel). The program was recorded at Rio de Janeiro and was broadcast through Copacabana Radio.24

In the following year, 1973, he was called to be a Bible instructor and pastor at the Cruzeiro do Sul Adventist Academy Church and in the other churches around it. During his management of the construction of the Cruzeiro do Sul Adventist Academy Church, Vila Cristina and São Francisco de Paula Churches were planted.25 In 1977, he was transferred to Rio Grande do Sul Conference26 where he was in charge of communication, Sabbath School,27 ministerial,28 and Voice of Prophecy departments (1977).29 Also during the time he served in this field, he had the opportunity to baptize his own father, on November 1, 1980, in Minas Gerais.30 In 1980, Rede Brasil Sul de Comunicações (South Brazil Communication Network), operated Gaúcha TV (no longer in business) in Rio Grande do Sul. Gaúcha TV gave the Adventist Church three minutes of its schedule weekly to broadcast the program "Encontro com a Vida" (Encounter with Life), presented by Anísio. The program premiered on May 9, 1980, and after a few months was increased to five minutes weekly.31 In the city of Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, he wrote many articles for Jornal Zero Hora (Zero Hour Newspaper).32

In the midst of 1981, he was appointed to be the pastor of the Brasília Central Church, Federal District.33 In 1982, the program "Encontro com a Vida" started transmission from Brasília, through Tropical TV, and programming reached the states of Santa Catarina, Rio Grande do Sul, Paraná, and Goiás.34 During this time, he founded the Asa Norte Church.35 He stayed in this field until the end of 1982.36 In 1983 he moved to Santa Catarina, the field where he worked for the longest period of his ministry. In the Santa Catarina Conference, he was director of the Communications Department (1983-1992),37 Personal Ministries (1983-1985),38 Sabbath School (1983-1985),39 ADRA,40 Religious Freedom (1985-1992),41 Evangelism,42 Temperance (1986-1991),43 Family Ministries,44 Civic Duties,45 Stewardship,46 and as an associate in the Ministerial Department (1988-1992).47

He made a significant contribution to the promotion of Adventism through the media. In 1983, the television program "Uma Palavra Amiga" (A Friendly Word), started transmission from Florianópolis, Santa Catarina by Barriga Verde TV. The program was supported by many religious denominations. Pastor Anísio Chagas was presenter for the Seventh-Day Adventist Church.48 Later, in 1989, this same broadcasting station premiered the show "Gotas de Fé" (Drops of Faith), which Anísio produced and presented. The program was broadcast on Fridays and Saturdays, a little before noon and had a duration of one minute.49 The program is still broadcast today by the Catarina TV. It still lasts one minute and is broadcast from Mondays to Fridays in the morning.50 In 2016, the program stopped being produced and now broadcasts reruns.51 As director of the Communication Department of the Santa Catarina Conference, he was a correspondent for Revista Adventista (Brazilian Adventist Review)52

In Florianópolis, Santa Catarina, he obtained a press card and became a member of the Associação Catarinense de Imprensa (Santa Catarina Press Association).53 In the health area, as director of the Temperance Department, he created the PARE project in 1990, which stands for Point of Support and Recovery, that was intended to prevent alcoholism, smoking and drugs in the community. Willing to obtain help and financial assistance, he made an agreement with Legião Brasileira de Assistência (Brazilian Legion of Assistance).54 After almost ten years in Santa Catarina, in 1993 he was invited to work in Rio de Janeiro again, this time as Voice of Prophecy's Communication and Marketing director.55

Final Years

Anísio Chagas retired on March 1, 1994, while working for Brazilian Voice of Prophecy in Rio de Janeiro.56 After his retirement, he received three invitations to continue working. He accepted one to be chaplain of the Golden Cross Metropolitan Hospital at Méier, Rio de Janeiro.57 The following year, 1995, Santa Catarina Conference invited him again to return to the field, working there as departmental director of ADRA58, communications59, family ministries60 and religious liberty.61 In 1996, he started writing a column of family counseling in the Revista Adventista (Brazilian Adventist Review), that continued until 2001.62 Because of his advanced age, he had to stop working.63 Nevertheless, he continued working in some projects for a while, such as the programs "Gotas de Fé" (Drops of Faith) and "Análise do Fato" (Analysis of the Fact), the last one broadcast by Florianópolis Novo Tempo Radio.64 Finally, he stopped presenting these programs in 2016 and moved with his wife to the city of Indaial, in the countryside of the state of Santa Catarina.65

Anísio Rocha Chagas, died on April 4, 2019 in the city of Indaial, Santa Catarina, Brazil.66


Pastor Anísio Rocha Chagas made a significant contribution to the Seventh-Day Adventist Church in the areas of communications, family, and public relations. He directed the communications department in many fields. He presented programs on radio and television, such as "Gotas de Fé" (Drops of Faith), "Ouve, Ó Israel" (Listen, O Israel), and others. He also wrote articles for newspapers, magazines, and Adventist and non-Adventist periodicals. Pastor Chagas was also a pioneer in the cause of Adventist seniors with the creation of Solidariedade Adventista à Terceira Idade group (SATI; Adventist Solidarity for the Elderly).67


"A Obra no Estado Pioneiro." Revista Adventista, February 1986.

"Associação Catarinense investe na evangelização." Revista Adventista, June 1995.

Bertoti, Fabiana. "A felicidade não se aposenta." Revista Adventista, September 2010.

"Bom relacionamento." Revista Adventista, December 1983.

Canarin, Filipe. "Vida e Obra do Pastor Anísio Rocha Chagas " Monograph, Instituto Adventista de Ensino, 1997.

Chagas, Anísio. "A Televisão – de Deus ou do Diabo?" Revista Adventista, October 1977.

Chagas, Anísio. "Colaborar é Preciso." Revista Adventista, June 1993.

Chagas, Anísio. "Construção de um lar feliz." Revista Adventista, March 2001.

Chagas, Anísio. "Construindo sobre a rocha." Revista Adventista, June 1996.

Chagas, Anísio. "Juventude Nordestina na Luta contra a Intemperança." Revista Adventista, March 1970.

Chagas, Anísio. "Novas da Associação Rio Minas." Revista Adventista, August 1970.

Chagas, Anísio. "Primeiro do Judeu." Revista Adventista, May 1971.

Chagas, Anísio. "Rebanho Jovem." Revista Adventista, December 1977.

"Curso Prático Para Líderes de Classes Batismais." Revista Adventista, May 1981.

"Está Pronto o Templo de Içara." Revista Adventista, February 1988.

"Evangelistas a Postos." Revista Adventista, September 1984.

"Flagelados do Sul são assistidos pela Adra." Revista Adventista, April 1995.

"Gaúchos Evangelizam pela TV." Revista Adventista, August 1980.

"Jovens na Amazônia – Ministro da Educação Estará no Congresso e Manaus." Revista Adventista, July 1972.

"Liderança em Xanxerê." Revista Adventista, September 1985.

Lima, O. G. X. de, Conte-me a sua História: Histórias reais de esposas de pastores no cumprimento da missão evangélica. 1st edition, Campinas, SP: Certeza Editorial, 2010.

Nota de Facilimento, Revista Adventista, accessed January 23, 2020,

"Noticiário." Revista Adventista, January 1966.

"Notícias do Pampa." Revista Adventista, October 1980.

"Novas Portas se Abrem." Revista Adventista, July 1983.

"O Evangelho Pela TV." Revista Adventista, May 1982.

"Outros destaques." Revista Adventista, October 1981.

"Pai Batizado Pelo Filho Pastor. " Revista Adventista, January 1981.

"Pregação na TV Gaúcha. " Revista Adventista, September 1981.

"Priorizando a Família." Revista Adventista, June 2004.

Rodolfo Belz. "Nótulas do Este." Revista Adventista, June 1967.

Rodolfo Belz. "Nótulas do Este." Revista Adventista, March 1968.

Sarli, T., Minha Vida de Pastor: Cinquenta e três pastores jubilados falam de sua vida e de seu ministério. 1st edition, Campinas, SP: Certeza Editorial, 2007.

Seventh-day Adventist Yearbook. Various years.

"Trienais movimentam o Campo." Revista Adventista, February 1992.

"TV Barriga Verde transmite ‘Gotas de Fé’." Revista Adventista, September 1989.


  1. Filipe Canarin, “Vida e Obra do Pastor Anísio Rocha Chagas” (Monograph, Instituto Adventista de Ensino, 1997), 3.

  2. Ibid., 3, 4.

  3. Térco Sarli, Minha Vida de Pastor: Cinqüenta e três pastores jubilados falam de sua vida e de seu ministério. (Campinas, SP: Certeza Editorial, 2007), 53.

  4. Filipe Canarin, “Vida e Obra do Pastor Anísio Rocha Chagas” (Monograph, Instituto Adventista de Ensino, 1997), 3, 4.

  5. Filipe Canarin, "Vida e Obra do Pastor Anísio Rocha Chagas" (Monograph, Instituto Adventista de Ensino, 1997), 5; and Térco Sarli, Minha Vida de Pastor: Cinqüenta e três pastores jubilados falam de sua vida e de seu ministério. (Campinas, SP: Certeza Editorial, 2007), 53.

  6. Filipe Canarin, "Vida e Obra do Pastor Anísio Rocha Chagas" (Monograph, Instituto Adventista de Ensino, 1997), 5.

  7. Ibid., 6.

  8. Ibid., 7, 8.

  9. Ibid., 8, 9.

  10. Filipe Canarin, "Vida e Obra do Pastor Anísio Rocha Chagas" (Monograph, Instituto Adventista de Ensino, 1997), 9; and Térco Sarli, Minha Vida de Pastor: Cinqüenta e três pastores jubilados falam de sua vida e de seu ministério. (Campinas, SP: Certeza Editorial, 2007), 53.

  11. Filipe Canarin, "Vida e Obra do Pastor Anísio Rocha Chagas" (Monograph, Instituto Adventista de Ensino, 1997), 10.

  12. Ibid., 9, 10.

  13. Ibid., 29.

  14. Filipe Canarin, "Vida e Obra do Pastor Anísio Rocha Chagas" (Monograph, Instituto Adventista de Ensino, 1997), 11.

  15. Ibid., 11, 12; and Odete Gomes Xavier de Lima, Conte-me a sua História: Histórias reais de esposas de pastores no cumprimento da missão evangélica (Campinas, SP: Certeza Editorial, 2010), 277 and 278.

  16. Filipe Canarin, "Vida e Obra do Pastor Anísio Rocha Chagas" (Monograph, Instituto Adventista de Ensino, 1997), 13; and Odete Gomes Xavier de Lima, Conte-me a sua História: Histórias reais de esposas de pastores no cumprimento da missão evangélica (Campinas, SP: Certeza Editorial, 2010), 277.

  17. "Noticiário", Revista Adventista, January 1966, 35; Belz, Rodolfo,"Nótulas do Este", Revista Adventista, June 1967, 31; and Filipe Canarin, "Vida e Obra do Pastor Anísio Rocha Chagas" (Monograph, Instituto Adventista de Ensino, 1997), 13.

  18. Belz, Rodolfo, "Nótulas do Este", Revista Adventista, March 1968, 31.

  19. "Northeast Brazil Conference," Seventh-day Adventist Yearbook (Washington, D.C.: Review and Herald Publishing Association, 1970), 215; and Chagas, Anísio, "Juventude Nordestina na Luta contra a Intemperança", Revista Adventista, March 1970, 21.

  20. Filipe Canarin, "Vida e Obra do Pastor Anísio Rocha Chagas" (Monograph, Instituto Adventista de Ensino, 1997), 13.

  21. Ibid., 14.

  22. "Rio Minas Conference," Seventh-day Adventist Yearbook (Washington, D.C.: Review and Herald Publishing Association, 1971), 226; and Chagas, Anísio, "Novas da Associação Rio Minas", Revista Adventista, year 65, no. 08, August 1970, 29; and "Rio Minas Conference," Seventh-day Adventist Yearbook (Washington, D.C.: Review and Herald Publishing Association, 1972), 229; and "Jovens na Amazônia – Ministro da Educação Estará no Congresso de Manaus," Revista Adventista, July 1972, 31.

  23. Filipe Canarin, "Vida e Obra do Pastor Anísio Rocha Chagas" (Monograph, Instituto Adventista de Ensino, 1997), 14; and Lucas Almeida, personal knowledge through conversation with Pr. Edson Nunes

  24. Chagas, Anísio, "Primeiro do Judeu", Revista Adventista, May 1971, 25; and Chagas, Anísio, "Chegou na Hora", Revista Adventista, year 67, January 1972, 25.

  25. "Rio Grande do Sul Academy," Seventh-day Adventist Yearbook (Washington D.C: Review and Herald Publishing Association, 1973/1974), 338; and Chagas, Anísio, "Orar é a solução", Revista Adventista, year 68, no. 02, February 1973, 25; and Térco Sarli, Minha Vida de Pastor: Cinqüenta e três pastores jubilados falam de sua vida e de seu ministério. (Campinas, SP: Certeza Editorial, 2007), 54; and Filipe Canarin, "Vida e Obra do Pastor Anísio Rocha Chagas" (Monograph, Instituto Adventista de Ensino, 1997), 14.

  26. Rubens Lessa, "IACS em Foco", Revista Adventista, year 72, no. 05, May 1977, 26; and "Rio Grande do Sul Academy," Seventh-day Adventist Yearbook (Washington D.C: Review and Herald Publishing Association, 1977), 379.

  27. Chagas, Anísio, "A Televisão – de Deus ou do Diabo?", Revista Adventista, October 1977. 11; and "Rio Grande do Sul Conference," Seventh-day Adventist Yearbook (Washington, D.C.: Review and Herald Publishing Association, 1978), 271.

  28. "Curso Prático Para Líderes de Classes Batismais e Pregadores, em Porto Alegre, " Revista adventista, May 1981, 31.

  29. "Rio Grande do Sul Conference," Seventh-day Adventist Yearbook (Washington, D.C.: Review and Herald Publishing Association, 1978), 271.

  30. Chagas, Anisio, "Pai Batizado Pelo Filho Pastor", Revista Adventista, January 1981, 21.

  31. Chagas, Anísio, "Gaúchos Evangelizam Pela TV," Revista Adventista, August 1980, 18; and "Pregação na TV Gaúcha," Revista Adventista, September 1981, 35.

  32. Filipe Canarin, "Vida e Obra do Pastor Anísio Rocha Chagas" (Monograph, Instituto Adventista de Ensino, 1997), 14.

  33. "Outros Destaques, " Revista Adventista, October 1981, 22.

  34. "O Evangelho Pela TV," Revista Adventista, May 1982, 18.

  35. Filipe Canarin, "Vida e Obra do Pastor Anísio Rocha Chagas" (Monograph, Instituto Adventista de Ensino, 1997), 15.

  36. "Central Brasil Conference," Seventh-day Adventist Yearbook (Washington D.C: Review and Herald Publishing Association, 1983), 303.

  37. "Santa Catarina Conference," Seventh-day Adventist Yearbook (Washington D.C: Review and Herald Publishing Association, 1984), 311; "Santa Catarina Conference," Seventh-day Adventist Yearbook (Washington D.C: Review and Herald Publishing Association, 1993), 271.

  38. "Santa Catarina Conference," Seventh-day Adventist Yearbook (Washington D.C: Review and Herald Publishing Association, 1984), 311; and "Santa Catarina Conference," Seventh-day Adventist Yearbook (Washington D.C: Review and Herald Publishing Association, 1986), 288.

  39. "Santa Catarina Conference," Seventh-day Adventist Yearbook (Washington D.C: Review and Herald Publishing Association, 1984), 311; and "Santa Catarina Conference," Seventh-day Adventist Yearbook (Washington D.C: Review and Herald Publishing Association, 1986), 288; and "Evangelistas a Postos," Revista Adventista, year 79, no. 09, September 1984, 32.

  40. "Bom Relacionamento," Revista Adventista, December 1983, 23.

  41. "Santa Catarina Conference," Seventh-day Adventist Yearbook (Washington D.C: Review and Herald Publishing Association, 1986), 288; and "Santa Catarina Conference," Seventh-day Adventist Yearbook (Washington D.C: Review and Herald Publishing Association, 1993), 271.

  42. "Liderança em Xanxerê," Revista Adventista, September 1985, 21; and "A Obra no Estado Pioneiro," Revista Adventista, February 1986, 20.

  43. "Santa Catarina Conference," Seventh-day Adventist Yearbook (Washington D.C: Review and Herald Publishing Association, 1987), 292; and "Santa Catarina Conference," Seventh-day Adventist Yearbook (Washington D.C: Review and Herald Publishing Association, 1992), 287; and "A Obra no Estado Pioneiro," Revista Adventista, February 1986, 20.

  44. "Santa Catarina Conference," Seventh-day Adventist Yearbook (Washington D.C: Review and Herald Publishing Association, 1988), 287; and "A Obra no Estado Pioneiro," Revista Adventista, February 1986, 20; and "Está Pronto o Templo de Içara," Revista Adventista, February 1988, 25.

  45. "Trienais Movimentam o Campo," Revista Adventista, February 1992, 19.

  46. Ibid.

  47. "Santa Catarina Conference," Seventh-day Adventist Yearbook (Washington D.C: Review and Herald Publishing Association, 1989), 292; and "Santa Catarina Conference," Seventh-day Adventist Yearbook (Washington D.C: Review and Herald Publishing Association, 1993), 287.

  48. "Novas Portas se Abrem," Revista Adventista, July 1983, 29.

  49. "TV Barriga Verde transmite "Gotas de Fé,"" Revista Adventista, September 1989, 33.

  50. Lucas Almeida, personal knowledge

  51. Jurema Chagas, email message to Lucas Almeida dos Santos, October 10, 2017.

  52. "Notícias 88 – Abril," Revista Adventista,April 1988, 21.

  53. Jurema Chagas, email message to Lucas Almeida dos Santos, October 10, 2017.

  54. "LBA ajuda Projeto PARE," Revista Adventista, March 1990, 24.

  55. Chagas, Anísio, "VP: Colaborar é preciso," Revista Adventista, June 1993, 34.

  56. Filipe Canarin, "Vida e Obra do Pastor Anísio Rocha Chagas" (Monograph, Instituto Adventista de Ensino, 1997), 15.

  57. Ibid.

  58. "Santa Catarina Conference," Seventh-day Adventist Yearbook (Washington D.C: Review and Herald Publishing Association, 1997), 266; and "Santa Catarina Conference," Seventh-day Adventist Yearbook (Washington D.C: Review and Herald Publishing Association, 1998), 274; and "Flagelados do Sul são assistidos pela Adra," Revista Adventista, April 1995, 26.

  59. "Associação Catarinense Investe na Evangelização, " Revista Adventista, June 1995, 26.

  60. "Santa Catarina Conference," Seventh-day Adventist Yearbook (Washington D.C: Review and Herald Publishing Association, 1997), 266.

  61. Ibid.

  62. Chagas, Anísio, "Construindo sobre a rocha", Revista Adventista, June 1996, 36; Chagas, Anísio, "Construção de um lar feliz", Revista Adventista, March 2001, 14.

  63. Jurema Chagas, email message to Lucas Almeida dos Santos, October 10, 2017.

  64. Jurema Chagas, email message to Lucas Almeida dos Santos, October 17, 2017; and "Priorizando a Família," Revista Adventista, June 2004, 5.

  65. Jurema Chagas, email message to Lucas Almeida dos Santos, October 10, 2017.

  66. Nota de Facilimento, Revista Adventista, accessed January 23, 2020,

  67. Bertoti, Fabiana, "A felicidade não se aposenta," Revista Adventista, September 2010, 22.


UNASP, The Brazilian White Center –. "Chagas, Anisio Rocha (1928–2019)." Encyclopedia of Seventh-day Adventists. June 10, 2021. Accessed September 19, 2024.

UNASP, The Brazilian White Center –. "Chagas, Anisio Rocha (1928–2019)." Encyclopedia of Seventh-day Adventists. June 10, 2021. Date of access September 19, 2024,

UNASP, The Brazilian White Center – (2021, June 10). Chagas, Anisio Rocha (1928–2019). Encyclopedia of Seventh-day Adventists. Retrieved September 19, 2024,