Bergold, Ernesto Alberto (1907–1981)
By The Brazilian White Center – UNASP
The Brazilian White Center – UNASP is a team of teachers and students at the Brazilian Ellen G. White Research Center – UNASP at the Brazilian Adventist University, Campus Engenheiro, Coelho, SP. The team was supervised by Drs. Adolfo Semo Suárez, Renato Stencel, and Carlos Flávio Teixeira. Bruno Sales Gomes Ferreira provided technical support. The following names are of team members: Adriane Ferrari Silva, Álan Gracioto Alexandre, Allen Jair Urcia Santa Cruz, Camila Chede Amaral Lucena, Camilla Rodrigues Seixas, Daniel Fernandes Teodoro, Danillo Alfredo Rios Junior, Danilo Fauster de Souza, Débora Arana Mayer, Elvis Eli Martins Filho, Felipe Cardoso do Nascimento, Fernanda Nascimento Oliveira, Gabriel Pilon Galvani, Giovana de Castro Vaz, Guilherme Cardoso Ricardo Martins, Gustavo Costa Vieira Novaes, Ingrid Sthéfane Santos Andrade, Isabela Pimenta Gravina, Ivo Ribeiro de Carvalho, Jhoseyr Davison Voos dos Santos, João Lucas Moraes Pereira, Kalline Meira Rocha Santos, Larissa Menegazzo Nunes, Letícia Miola Figueiredo, Luan Alves Cota Mól, Lucas Almeida dos Santos, Lucas Arteaga Aquino, Lucas Dias de Melo, Matheus Brabo Peres, Mayla Magaieski Graepp, Milena Guimarães Silva, Natália Padilha Corrêa, Rafaela Lima Gouvêa, Rogel Maio Nogueira Tavares Filho, Ryan Matheus do Ouro Medeiros, Samara Souza Santos, Sergio Henrique Micael Santos, Suelen Alves de Almeida, Talita Paim Veloso de Castro, Thais Cristina Benedetti, Thaís Caroline de Almeida Lima, Vanessa Stehling Belgd, Victor Alves Pereira, Vinicios Fernandes Alencar, Vinícius Pereira Nascimento, Vitória Regina Boita da Silva, William Edward Timm, Julio Cesar Ribeiro, Ellen Deó Bortolotte, Maria Júlia dos Santos Galvani, Giovana Souto Pereira, Victor Hugo Vaz Storch, and Dinely Luana Pereira.
First Published: January 29, 2020
Ernesto Alberto Bergold, missionary and agricultural administrator, was born April 26, 1907, in the city of Indaial, in the state of Santa Catarina, Brazil.1 Son of Ernest Bergold (1864-19342), German,3 and Ida Fenning Bergold4 (1870-1955), Brazilian,5 he had 13 brothers,6 among them, Adolfo Bergold.7 Ernesto learned of the Adventist message at home during his childhood.8 At the age of six, he moved with his family to the city of Taquara, state of Rio Grande do Sul.9 Here he attended an Adventist elementary school in a small classroom built next to a clinic of natural medicine supported by his father.10 The school later developed into the Cruzeiro do Sul Adventist Academy.11 In 1924 he went to Brazil College. He continued his studies in the same institution, entering the Theological Seminary.12 Before his graduation he accepted an invitation to work as a missionary teacher among the Carajás Indians in the Araguaia Indigenous Mission, based in the city of Piedade, in the state of Goiás.13
Ernesto arrived at the mission on October 4, 1929, along with Charles Rentfro and the two daughters of pastor A. N. Allen,14 the American missionary who began that mission project.15 He taught in the mission school during the day and taught adult literacy classes in the evening.16 On January 9, 1930, during a trip with Pastor Allen and other members of the mission, he was injured.17 In order to recover from his accident and also to continue his studies, Ernesto went back to Brazil College.18 There he met Alma Hartwig (1911-2007), a Canadian, and they married at the school church in 1930. Alma served with Ernesto as a teacher and missionary nurse among the Carajás Indians in Bananal Island, in the state of Tocantins. The couple did not have children.19
After the wedding, without having graduated, Ernesto returned to the mission field with Alma in 1931. They founded a school in Piedade, where they worked until 1935. During that period they got malaria several times and in 1935 they were forced to go back to Brazil College.20 Ernesto returned to the agriculture sector of the institution,21 which was under the administration of his brother Adolpho. From 1943 to 1948, he worked in the food products sector of the school,22 which eventually led to the current Brazil Food Factory. From 1941 to 1945, he led in the construction of the new factory building,23 and he designed and built the equipment needed for its operation.24 Later he became the first manager of the food factory,25 and it was legally incorporated as an Industrial Department of the school during his tenure.26 In 1949 he was given responsibility for the farm, a position which he held until his retirement in 1969.27 Following retirement, Ernesto moved to the city of Goiânia, in the state of Goiás, where he died October 8, 1981.28 He was one of the first Adventist missionaries to work with indigenous people in Brazil, and he contributed also to the consolidation of the Brazil Food Factory.
“Adela Martha Ebinger.” Revista Adventista, year 78, n. 9, September 1983, 36. Accessed April 4, 2017,
Adolpho and Alma Meyer Bergold’s biographical data. In: Collection of the National Center of Adventist History/Ellen G. White Research Center: UNASP-EC), Shelf 2. Rack 13. Folder “Bergold, Alma.” Accessed August 20, 2016.
“Adolpho Bergold.” Revista Adventista, year 89, n. 1, January 1993, 26. Accessed April 4, 2017,
“Alfredo João Bergold.” Revista Adventista, year 87, n. 12, December 1991, 42. Accessed April 4, 2017,
“Alma Hartwig Bergold,” Revista Adventista, year 103, n. 1196, January 2008, 37. Accessed September 19, 2016,
“Arthur Bergold.” My Heritage (Online), January 26, 2016.
“Bergold, Ernesto Alberto.” In Enciclopédia Adventista Brasileira: Verbetes já traduzidos, 150-151. Engenheiro Coelho, SP: Ellen G. White Research Center, 1994.
“Clara Hulda Hort (Sol. Bergold).” My Heritage (Online), January 26, 2016.
“Elsa Marquart (Sol. Bergold).” My Heritage (Online), January 26, 2016.
“Ernest Bergold.” Revista Adventista, v. 30, n. 1, January 1935, 16. Accessed September 19, 2016,
“Ernest Gustav Bergold.” My Heritage (Online), January 26, 2016.
“Ernesto Alberto Bergold.” Revista Adventista, year 76, n. 12, December 1981, 35. Accessed September 19, 2016,
Filho, Ubirajara de Farias Prestes. “O Indígena e a Mensagem do Segundo Advento: missionários adventistas e povos indígenas na primeira metade do século XX.” Doctorate thesis, University of São Paulo (USP), 2006.
“Frieda Marquart (Sol. Bergold),” My Heritage (Online), January 26, 2016.
“Frieda Marquart.” Revista Adventista, year 76, n. 2, February 1981, 37. Accessed April 4, 2017,
Garcia, Jerônimo G. “Gustavo Bergold.” Revista Adventista, year 57, n. 6, June 1962, 34.
Harder, Palmer, 62 Anos Missionário no Brasil. 1st edition, Engenheiro Coelho, SP: National Center of Adventist History, 1994.
“Hugo Bergold.” Revista Adventista, year 89, December 1993, 31. Accessed April 4, 2017,
“IASD de Taquara, RS.” In: Enciclopédia Adventista Brasileira: Verbetes já traduzidos, 698-699. Engenheiro Coelho, SP: Ellen G. White Research Center, 1994.
“Ida Bergold (nascida Henning),” My Heritage (Online), January 26, 2016.
Nielsen, N. P. “Benefícios da Recolta.” Revista Adventista, v. 22, n. 6, June 1927, 9. Accessed December 8, 2016,
Nielsen, N. P. “Notas do Sul do Brasil.” Revista Adventista, v. 22, n. 6, June 1927, 11. Accessed December 8, 2016,
Nielsen, N. P. “Notícias do Sul.” Revista Adventista, v. 22, n. 2, February 1927, 10. Accessed December 8, 2016,
“Otto Bergold.” Revista Adventista, year 69, January 1974, 23. Accessed April 4, 2017,
“Paul Ernest Bergold.” My Heritage (Online), January 26, 2016.
“Paulina Maria Bergold,” Revista Adventista, year 63, n. 1, January 1968, 34. Accessed April 5, 2017,
“Rosa Anna Marquart (Sol. Bergold).” My Heritage (Online), January 26, 2016.
“Rosa Marquart,” Revista Adventista, year 40, n. 10, October 1945, 25. Accessed April 4, 2017,
Rutz, Arnoldo. “Como Foram de Araguaia? – IX.” Revista Adventista, year 55, n. 12, December 1960, 28. Accessed September 19, 2016,
Wilcox, E. H. “Como Foram de Araguaia? – IX.” Revista Adventista, v. 30, n. 2, February 1935, 11. Accessed November 30, 2016,
“Bergold, Ernesto Alberto,” in Enciclopédia Adventista Brasileira: Verbetes já traduzidos (Engenheiro Coelho, SP: Centro de Pesquisas Ellen White, 1994), 150.↩
Edgar Bergold, interviewed by Maria Júlia A. P. dos Santos, Ellen G. White Research Center, Engenheiro Coelho, São Paulo, October 13, 2016; and “Ernest Bergold,” Revista Adventista, v. 30, January 1935, 16.↩
“Ernest Gustav Bergold,” My Heritage, January 26, 2016, Accessed on April 5, 2017,↩
“Bergold, Ernesto Alberto,” in Enciclopédia Adventista Brasileira: Verbetes já traduzidos (Engenheiro Coelho, SP: Centro de Pesquisas Ellen White, 1994), 150; and “Ida Bergold (nascida Henning),” My Heritage, January 26, 2016, Accessed April 05, 2017,↩
“Ida Bergold (nascida Henning),” My Heritage, January 26, 2016, accessed April 5, 2017,↩
“Paulina Maria Bergold,” Revista Adventista, year 63, n. 1, January 1968, 34; and “Rosa Marquart,” Revista Adventista, year 40, n. 10, October 1945, 25; and “Rosa Anna Marquart (Sol. Bergold),” My Heritage, January 26, 2016, accessed April 5, 2017,; and “Otto Bergold,” Revista Adventista, year 69, n. 1, January 1974, 23; and “Clara Hulda Hort (Sol. Bergold),” My Heritage, January 26, 2016, accessed April 4, 2017,; and “Paul Ernest Bergold,” My Heritage, January 26, 2016, accessed April 5, 2017,; and “Elsa Marquart (Sol. Bergold),” My Heritage, January 26, 2016, accessed April 5, 2017,; and “Adela Martha Ebinger,” Revista Adventista, year 78, n. 9, September 1983, 36; and “Hugo Bergold,” Revista Adventista, year 89, n. 12, December 1993, 31; and “Frieda Marquart,” Revista Adventista, year 76, n. 2, February 1981, 37; and “Frieda Marquart (Sol. Bergold),” My Heritage, January 26, 2016, accessed April 5, 2017,; and “Arthur Bergold,” My Heritage, January 26, 2016, accessed April 5, 2017,; and “Alfredo João Bergold,” Revista Adventista, year 87, n. 12, December 1991, 42; and Jerônimo G. Garcia, “Gustavo Bergold,” Revista Adventista, year 57, n. 6, June 1962, 34.↩
“Adolpho Bergold,” Revista Adventista, year 89, n. 1, January 1993, 26.↩
Edgar Bergold, interviewed by Maria Júlia A. P. dos Santos, Ellen G. White Research Center, Engenheiro Coelho, São Paulo, October 13, 2016.↩
“IASD de Taquara, RS,” in Enciclopédia Adventista Brasileira: Verbetes já traduzidos (Engenheiro Coelho, SP: Ellen G. White Research Center, 1994), 699.↩
Edgar Bergold, interviewed by Maria Júlia A. P. dos Santos, Ellen G. White Research Center, Engenheiro Coelho, São Paulo, October 13, 2016; and Adolpho and Alma Meyer Bergold’s biographical data (Collection of the National Center of Adventist History/Ellen G. White Research Center: UNASP-EC, also known as New Adventist Brazil College, Engenheiro Coelho, SP).↩
Palmer Harder, 62 Anos Missionário no Brasil (Engenheiro Coelho, SP: National Center of Adventist History, 1994), 22.↩
Edgar Bergold, interviewed by Maria Júlia A. P. dos Santos, Ellen G. White Research Center, Engenheiro Coelho, São Paulo, October 13, 2016.↩
“Bergold, Ernesto Alberto,” in Enciclopédia Adventista Brasileira: Verbetes já traduzidos (Engenheiro Coelho, SP: Centro de Pesquisas Ellen White, 1994), 150; Rutz, Arnoldo, “Como Foram de Araguaia? – IX,” Revista Adventista, year 55, n. 12, December 1960, 28.↩
Ubirajara de Farias Prestes Filho, “O Indígena e a Mensagem do Segundo Advento: missionários adventistas e povos indígenas na primeira metade do século XX” (Doctorate Thesis, University of São Paulo (USP), 2006), 283-284.↩
N. P. Nielsen, “Notícias do Sul,” Revista Adventista, v. 22, n. 2, February 1927, 10; and Nielsen, N. P., “Benefícios da Recolta,” Revista Adventista, v. 22, n. 6, June 1927, 9.↩
Ubirajara de Farias Prestes Filho, “O Indígena e a Mensagem do Segundo Advento: missionários adventistas e povos indígenas na primeira metade do século XX” (Doctorate Thesis, University of São Paulo (USP), 2006), 283-284.↩
Ibid., 288-289.↩
“Bergold, Ernesto Alberto,” in Enciclopédia Adventista Brasileira: Verbetes já traduzidos (Engenheiro Coelho, SP: Centro de Pesquisas Ellen White, 1994), 150.↩
Edgar Bergold, interviewed by Maria Júlia A. P. dos Santos, Ellen G. White Research Center, Engenheiro Coelho, São Paulo, October 13, 2016; and Ubirajara de Farias Prestes Filho, “O Indígena e a Mensagem do Segundo Advento: missionários adventistas e povos indígenas na primeira metade do século XX” (Doctorate Thesis, University of São Paulo (USP), 2006), 292; and “Alma Hartwig Bergold,” Revista Adventista, year 103, n. 1196, January 2008, 37.↩
E. H. Wilcox, “Como Foram de Araguaia? – IX,” Revista Adventista, v. 30, n. 2, February 1935, 11; and “Bergold, Ernesto Alberto,” in Enciclopédia Adventista Brasileira: Verbetes já traduzidos (Engenheiro Coelho, SP: Ellen G. White Research Center, 1994), 150-151.↩
“Brazil College,” Seventh-day Adventist Yearbook (Washington, D.C.: Review and Herald Publishing Association, 1944), 217; and “Brazil College,” Seventh-day Adventist Yearbook (Washington, D.C.: Review and Herald Publishing Association, 1949), 244.↩
“Bergold, Ernesto Alberto,” in Enciclopédia Adventista Brasileira: Verbetes já traduzidos (Engenheiro Coelho, SP: Ellen G. White Research Center, 1994), 1191.↩
Ibid., 150-151.↩
Edgar Bergold, interviewed by Maria Júlia A. P. dos Santos, Ellen G. White Research Center, Engenheiro Coelho, São Paulo, October 13, 2016.↩
“Bergold, Ernesto Alberto,” in Enciclopédia Adventista Brasileira: Verbetes já traduzidos (Engenheiro Coelho, SP: Ellen G. White Research Center, 1994), 1191.↩
“Bergold, Ernesto Alberto,” in Enciclopédia Adventista Brasileira: Verbetes já traduzidos (Engenheiro Coelho, SP: Ellen G. White Research Center, 1994), 151; and “Brazil College,” Seventh-day Adventist Yearbook (Washington, D.C.: Review and Herald Publishing Association, 1950), 247; and “Brazil College,” Seventh-day Adventist Yearbook (Washington, D.C.: Review and Herald Publishing Association, 1969), 298.↩
“Ernesto Alberto Bergold,” Revista Adventista, year 76, December, 1981, 35; and Edgar Bergold, interviewed by Maria Júlia A. P. dos Santos, Ellen G. White Research Center, Engenheiro Coelho, São Paulo, October 13, 2016.↩