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Carlos Emilio Drachenberg was a doctor, pastor, educator, and founder of medical institutions in Argentina, Paraguay, and Mexico.
South American Division Biography Educators Groundbreakers Medical Workers
Julio David Dupertuis was one of the first people to learn about the Adventist message in Argentina.
The East Brazil Union Mission is an administrative unit of the Seventh-day Adventist Church located in the territory of the South American Division. Its headquarters is in the city of Lauro de Freitas, in the state of Bahia, Brazil.
East Mato Grosso Conference (Associação Leste Mato-Grossense or ALM) is an administrative unit of the Seventh-day Adventist Church located in the territory of West Central Brazil Union Mission (Uniao Centro Oeste Brasileira or UCOB).
The East Minas Conference (AML) is an administrative unit of the Seventh-day Adventist Church (SDA) located in the territory of the Southeast Brazil Union Conference (União Sudeste Brasileira or USeB).
East Peru Mission (Misión del Oriente Peruana or MOP) is an administrative unit of the Seventh-day Adventist Church (SDA) located in the territory of the South Peru Union Mission (Unión Perúana del Sur or UPS). Its headquarters is located at Av. Centenario at Km. 4,700 in Zip Code 25000 in theYarinacocha District in the city of Pucallpa of the Province of Coronel Portillo in the Department of Ucayali in the Republic of Peru.
The East São Paulo Conference is an administrative unit of the Seventh-day Adventist Church located in the territory of Central Brazil Union Conference. It is headquartered in the Vila Matilde neighborhood in the city of São Paulo, state of São Paulo, Brazil.
Guilherme Frederico Ebinger was a pastor, treasurer, and administrator from Brazil.
Emanuel Christian Ehlers was a German-born Adventist missionary, pastor, medical doctor, and teacher in Brazil and the United States of America.
Waldemar Ehlers was a pastor, teacher, and administrator from Germany. He accepted a call to serve in Brazil.
Yuji Eida was a pastor, missionary, and Japanese educator who worked in Brazil and Paraguay.
Elder’s Digest is a quarterly periodical of Brazil Publishing House, a publishing house of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Brazil. It is intended to be a tool that assists in the ministry of elders and local church leaders.
The Ellen G. White Research Center of Bahia Adventist College (Bahia Adventist College FADBA White Center) is an institution of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, supervised by Ellen G. White Estate Incorporated, headquartered in Silver Spring, Maryland, United States. The Ellen G. White Research Center - FADBA is located in the territory of the East Brazil Union Mission (União Leste Brasileira, ULB), and operates on the premises of Bahia Adventist College (FADBA), in Capoeiruçu village, city of Cachoeira, state of Bahia, Brazil.
The Ellen G. White Study Center of Parana Adventist College is a certified center dedicated to studying the Ellen G. White’s literary legacy and the history of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in the south of Brazil. The institution is located in the mission field of the South Brazil Union Conference, and it is overseen by Ellen G. White Estate Incorporated and by the Spirit of Prophecy Department of the South American Division.
Luis Federico Ernst was one of the first Adventists in Uruguay. He was a prominent pastor and administrator of the church in Argentina, Paraguay and Uruguay.
The Espirito Santo Academy (Educandário Espírito Santense Adventista or EDESSA) offers early childhood, elementary, and high school education to day and boarding students. It operates on the territory of the Southeast Brazil Union Conference (União Sudeste Brasileira or USeB) .
The first Adventist Hospital in the state of Espírito Santo operated for 18 years in the county of Vila Velha, offering quality medical care combined with gospel preaching. Known as Vitoria Adventist Hospital (HAV) it carried this name for 14 years until it was renamed as the Espírito Santo Adventist Hospital in 1996.
Espírito Santo Conference (AES) is an administrative unit of the Seventh-day Adventist Church (SDA) located in the territory of the Southeast Brazil Union Conference (USeB). It is headquartered on 1110 Carlos Moreira Lima Avenue, Zip Code 29053-380, Bento Ferreira neighborhood, in the city of Vitória, capital of the state of Espírito Santo, Brazil.
Otávio do Espírito Santo was a teacher, administrator, editor, and translator from Brazil.
Faith For Today is an Adventist television program broadcast in Brazil, produced weekly by TV Novo Tempo (Hope Channel – Brazil). The studio is located in Jacareí city, in the countryside of São Paulo state, Brazil.