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“A Light in the Way” (Una luz en el camino) is a radio and television program founded by Pastor Enrique Chaij, widely publicized in the Argentina Republic and other countries, which offers distance Bible courses.
Prior to the establishment of the Adopt-A-Clinic project, John Morris, a Seventh-day Adventist layman, initiated a program to give basic medical kits to Fijian clinics. The enterprise functioned from 1992 through 1996, and he made arrangements to restart the service in 2002, a concept germane to the later Adopt-A-Clinic program.
The Adventist Health Department, South Pacific Division, planned, coordinated, and administered the 1989, 2001, and 2012 health survey. These surveys provided a valuable baseline of health behaviors on a large sample of members across the church spectrum.
The Adventist Health Education Foundation (AHEF) is a vegetarian food factory operated by the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Matariah, the heart of Cairo, Egypt. Founded in 1976, it continues to function as of this writing (2019).
The Adventist-Evangelical Conferences of 1955-1956 initiated by Protestant polemicist Walter R. Martin constituted a watershed development in the history of interfaith relationships between Adventists and evangelical Christians.
The Appeal for Missions was an annual campaign in which church members voluntarily went door-to-door, soliciting donations from the public for the church mission program in the Pacific Islands.
The Apples of Gold Library was a series of small pamphlets designed to be enclosed with personal correspondence.
The Berean Library was a set of core denominational books issued as inexpensive paperbacks for use in reading programs intended to enhance members’ understanding of and involvement in the mission of the church.
The Bible Conferences of 1974, conducted in virtually identical form at three locales in the North American Division, addressed issues pertaining to Biblical hermeneutics and inspiration.
A series of at least 26 pivotal Bible Conferences were held by those who would become key leaders of what ultimately became the Seventh-day Adventist Church. During this formative period, these Bible Conferences provided a venue to coalesce and refine their beliefs and then publicly disseminate them to gain a coalition of support. James White believed that this first (1848) Bible Conference marked “a new era in the cause."
A camp meeting is a Christian gathering, typically characterized by biblical preaching, sessions of prayer and testimonies, and enthusiastic hymn singing. Camp meetings traditionally are held in groves of trees or on a campground with rustic buildings, and most participants stay in rustic tents or cabins. Camp meetings are held for the purpose of revival and evangelism.
Cerca de Ti (Close to You) is the name of the most important and complete social program organized by the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Venezuela and recognized by major communication media in the nation due to its social and spiritual contribution.
The Church Partnership Program (CPP) is a Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) funded initiative out of Australia, to connect church nongovernment organizations (NGOs) in a way that expands and compounds their influence in the Pacific.
The Complete Health Improvement Program (CHIP) was founded in the United States in 1988. CHIP is a community-based lifestyle intervention program. It uses behavioral change principles in a group or self-guided setting. It is a powerful disease reversal tool that disrupts and curtails the rising chronic disease rates in a highly effective manner which is now owned and operated under the auspices of the Sanitarium Health and Wellbeing company in the South Pacific Division.
Earth: Theater of the Universe was a multi-media presentation that used art, commentary, and music, to tell how Seventh-day Adventists view the biblical story of the plan of salvation, from the fall of Lucifer to the restoration of God’s kingdom. The presentation was created in the late 1960s and early 1970s by Richard Lange, an evangelist, who as early as the mid-1950s, while working as a minister in the Texico Conference, had envisioned a program that would vividly portray the story of salvation as it was unfolding on Earth. When Lange became acquainted with Bill Wiley, a Christian businessperson who helped raise the funding for the project, the two combined their ideas and resources, and the concept began to become a reality.
Faith For Today is an Adventist television program broadcast in Brazil, produced weekly by TV Novo Tempo (Hope Channel – Brazil). The studio is located in Jacareí city, in the countryside of São Paulo state, Brazil.
A “fingerfone” is a small plastic gramophone which played vinyl 45 RPM records and was “finger driven."
The Hope Impact is a Seventh-Day Adventist Church evangelistic project developed in the South American Division territory (SAD). This project is part of a broader integrated evangelism program and consists of the free distribution of books and other missionary materials - printed and digital - in all eight countries assisted by the SAD: Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Ecuador, Paraguay, Peru and Uruguay. Since its creation, the Hope Impact has engaged church leaders and members, as well as other supporters and Adventist institutions, whose efforts have reached the most diverse publics in society. The initiative operates from local churches, where members are mobilized and organized into groups and carry out massive and diversified distribution of the material in sparsely or heavily populated locations.
The inaugural Mission Institute orientation program for missionaries, run at Avondale College, Australia, January 6-19, 1986, birthed what later developed into the Institute of World Mission (South Pacific Division).
First held in 1953, Pathfinder camporees have expanded in scope to become the International Camporees that draw scores of thousands of young people to Oshkosh, Wisconsin every five years, where they showcase and develop their skills, engage in outreach and community service, and meet their counterparts from all around the world in an environment that cultivates spiritual growth and fellowship.