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John Peter Anderson was a missionary to China. As a missionary, he mastered the Hakka and Swatow dialects while working in China.

Lucy Andrus taught in church schools in Minnesota and Washington State for a decade before giving 16 years of active mission service in China as a teacher and Bible worker.

The Anhwei Mission (安徽区会) territory encompassed the province of Anhwei (later Anhui) and northern Jiangsu Province. It was first a sub-division of the North China Union Conference and later the East China Union Mission. The Seventh-day Adventist mission had established stations in the central provinces of Henan, Hubei and Hunan. Further advances were made from the east, using Shanghai as a base to establish stations at Nanjing and further west into Anhui Province.

​Asian Aid, often known by its full name as Asian Aid Organization, is a private International Non-Government Organization that has supported humanitarian activities in many Asian countries including Bangladesh, India, Indonesia, Korea, Nepal, Myanmar, Papua New Guinea, Sri Lanka, Thailand, and Vietnam. Founded in 1966 by Maisie Fook, a member of the Sydney Chinese Seventh-day Adventist Church, the original organization was affiliated with the South Pacific Division of the Seventh-day Adventist Church as a supporting ministry.

​The story of two Chinese colporteurs, Beh Chin-chien (白金鑒, Bai Jinjian) and Djeng Hsiang-pu (曾湘甫 Zeng Xiangfu), is one of Christian courage pitted against the inclement weather of western China and the difficulties of taking the gospel to Moslem Uyghers in Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region, the largest province of China on its northwest border. It is also the story of their ultimate sacrifice for their belief in the gospel commission of Christ.

​Henry and Leonora Barrows were missionaries in China. Henry Barrows is remembered for his business accounting skills, notably as treasurer and auditor at the Shanghai office of the Asiatic Division and as an auditor at General Conference headquarters, Washington, D.C.

​Floyd Bates (貝茨Bèi Cí) and Margaret Bates were missionaries in China. Floyd was a teacher and mission director, and Margaret served as the principal of the mission school for girls in Swatow. Later, after obtaining medical training in America, they established the Canton Hospital, Guangdong Province. Floyd served as physician and superintendent, and Margaret was in charge of the nursing staff and a three-year nursing course.

Allen and Mildred Boynton were trained nurses who first served at Washington Sanitarium, D.C., and at Porter Sanitarium in Colorado during World War II. They served as medical missionaries in various sanitariums/hospitals in the Far East including those in Shanghai, Wuhan (Hankow), Seoul, and Tokyo.

​Rolland James (known as R. J.) and Celia Richmond Brines were Seventh-day Adventist educators who spent two terms as missionaries in China. A hospital administrator and physician in the United States and China, R. J. was the first medical superintendent of Porter Hospital. Celia wrote the popular mission book, "Dragon Tales."

​Robert Brown served as secretary and treasurer in the Virginia and District of Columbia conferences prior to overseas mission service in China for six years. He returned to the United States as business manager of the denominational sanitariums in Boulder and Denver, Colorado.

​During the 1920s and 1930s Alexander Buzzell served for 13 years as a director of two local missions in China, the East Kweichow Mission followed by the West Szechwan Mission.

​Edwin Bye began his ministry in Minnesota and later served for six years in departmental and fieldwork in Manchuria before his premature death.

American missionary and church worker for thirty-seven years, from 1922–1963, Cameron Arthur Carter (柯德邇) was president of the South China Union College and Taiwan Theological Training Institute.

Between the years 1903 and 1908 Seventh-day Adventist missionaries were active in Central China. The success and growth of mission efforts in China prompted a major organizational restructure in 1909.

In March 1919 the Central China Union Mission was organized with the provinces of Gansu (Kansu), Henan, Hubei, Hunan, Jiangxi, and Shaanxi (Shensi) as its territory and Hankou as its headquarters. The work had not yet been officially opened in Gansu province. The first superintendent of the newly organized union was F. A. Allum, the first secretary-treasurer was R. J. Brown.

Chekiang Mission 浙江区会 was not the official name of the mission units that were assigned to the province of Zhejiang (Chekiang). It is used here to represent the set of mission organizational entities that were formed throughout the history of the Seventh-day Adventist mission in the two provinces Jiangsu and Zhejiang.

​China Mission was the first administrative unit of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in China. J. N. Anderson was its first superintendent. As the mission expanded, it was reorganized in 1909 as China Union Mission, which was dissolved three years later in 1912, allowing each mission unit to interact directly with the Asiatic Division.

​The Chinese Union Mission is an attached union to the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists.

The Chinghai (later Qinghai) Mission, 青海区会, was a component of the Northwest China Union Mission and encompassed all the territory in Qinghai province. It was largely inhabited by friendly nomadic Tibetans. It was called Kokonor by the Tibetans and Chinghai by the Chinese.