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Showing 421 – 440 of 495

​Southwest São Paulo Conference is an administrative unit of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in the Central Brazil Union. Its headquarters is located in the city of Sorocaba, state of São Paulo, Brazil.

Alberto Ribeiro de Souza was a Brazilian pastor and church administrator.

​João Carlos Olímpio de Souza was a pioneer canvasser in the Northeast region of Brazil for 30 years.

​Jonas Monteiro de Souza was a teacher, composer and conductor from Brazil.

​Frederick Weber Spies was a canvasser, pastor, missionary in Brazil for almost 40 years.

Carl Herman Franz Stabenow was an Adventist pioneer in the state of Espírito Santo, Brazil.

​Ferdinand Stahl and his wife, Ana, served for many years as tireless missionaries among the indigenous people in Bolivia and Peru. If there is a missionary couple for which Peru is known in Adventism worldwide, it is Ferdinand and Ana Stahl.

Augustus Baer Stauffer contributed to the establishment of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in South America. He was part of the first group of canvassers sent by the church in that territory. His knowledge of German helped him establish Adventist work in German speaking communities in Brazil.

Thomas Wilson Steen was an educator, administrator, minister, and psychologist.

Guilherme Stein Jr. was the first citizen to be baptized as a Seventh-day Adventist in Brazil.

Bruno William Steinweg was an evangelist, pastor, administrator, and professor.

​Waldo Stiles was a missionary physician who helped the Quito Adventist Clinic, and worked in Peru, Bolivia, and Ecuador.

Conrad F. Stoehr was a pastor, teacher, principal, and evangelist for the Seventh-day Adventist Church in South America.

Henrique G. Stoehr was a German administrator, pastor, and teacher in South America.

​Gustavo Schroeder Storch left a legacy of 60 years of dedicated service to the Seventh-day Adventist Church, serving as a canvasser, district pastor, department leader, evangelist, and administrator in Brazil.