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The Chone District Mission卓尼区会was a short-term sub-entity of the Northwest China Union Mission. Its territory spanned the southeast portion of Qinghai province and the southwest portion of Gansu province.
Han Chongzhen (韓崇真), also known as Han Tsung Dien, became a Christian in his thirties and served as a gospel evangelist with the China Inland Mission and the Seventh-day Adventist Mission for a total of thirty-six years.
Jerald and Rose Christensen served approximately forty years as a missionary in China, a tenure marked by seemingly endless war conditions for the first decade but then emerging safely to minister for years in the relative peace of Taiwan.
Dr. Day and Edyth Coffin (高清瑞) served as missionaries in southern China for twenty-two years, including many years in war conditions. Day served as a medical doctor, and Edyth served as treasurer bookkeeper, and matron. They developed a medical institution at Nanning, Guangxi Province, leaving it functioning as a well-respected sixty-bed hospital, and then transferred to care for the Canton Sanitarium and Hospital in Guangdong Province.
Chinese Union Mission Biography Missionaries Medical Workers Couples
Milton Conger served as a missionary teacher in China and a pastor, conference president, and college lecturer within the Columbia Union Conference.
Chinese Union Mission China Biography Educators Missionaries Couples
Roy M. Cossentine (甘盛典, pinyin Gān Shèngdiǎn) was a missionary to China during the period between the two World Wars when much of the church’s mission focus was on Asia. Not only did he serve as an evangelist, administrator, and educator in Manchuria and the northern part of China for 21 years, braving difficult transportation, floods, and war disruptions in his efforts to spread the gospel, but he also buried a wife in a foreign land.
Chinese Union Mission Biography Missionaries Died/Imprisoned for Faith Couples
Elmer and Leatha Coulston were medical missionaries in northern China in the early 1930s. Their united pioneering efforts were cut short when Elmer died of diphtheria in 1934.
Chinese Union Mission China Biography Died/Imprisoned for Faith Missionaries Medical Workers Couples
Donald Edward and Pearl Ivy Hoyt Davenport were Seventh-day Adventist medical missionaries to China.
Chinese Union Mission China Biography Missionaries Medical Workers Couples
Henry John Doolittle, more affectionally known as “Harry,” and Florence Jessie Delph Doolittle were Seventh-day Adventist missionaries to China (1913-1927). Harry was a minister, administrator, and treasurer, while Florence was a nurse. Harry’s Chinese name was: 杜立德 (pinyin Dù Lìdé).
Chinese Union Mission China Biography Missionaries Medical Workers Couples
Abbie Florence Dunn (Chinese name: 鄧福恩, pinyin: Dèng Fúēn) was a teacher and colporteur in Oklahoma and New Mexico and a long-term missionary to China and Taiwan. Dunn remained in China during World War II, continuing her evangelistic work in “Free China.” After the war she continued as a Bible worker and educator until China expelled foreign missionaries after the Communists won the Chinese Civil War, at which time she was transferred to Taiwan. Dunn was notable for her encouragement of, and participation in, the education and training of local Chinese women as Bible workers.
Chinese Union Mission China Biography Educators Missionaries Women
East Asia Association and its predecessor, Eastern Asia Committee, were important administrative entities formed in response to the complex challenges the Seventh-day Adventist Church faced due to changes in China’s attitude toward Christianity and the western world during the post-Cultural Revolution era of the late 1970s to 1990s.
The East China Mission 华東区会, originally titled the Eastern Mission Field, functioned under three different entities: The China Union Mission (1909-1913), the Asiatic Division (1914-1915), and the North China Union Mission (1916-1917). Throughout its existence the headquarters was located in Shanghai. Its territory originally covered the provinces of Jiangsu, Anhui, and Zhegiang. Shandong province was added in November 1912.
The East China Union established the East China Union Academy when the Japanese then occupied most of the union’s territory during the Pacific War.
East Kweichow Mission 贵(黔)東区会 was a sub-division of the West China Union Mission. Because Kweichow 贵州 (or Guizhou) Province was mountainous and not easily accessible during the 1920s, it seemed advisable to divide the province into two sections to more easily facilitate visitation and getting supplies to out-stations. Headquarters for the enterprise was located at the provincial capital Kweiyang 贵阳 (or Guiyang).
The East Szechwan Mission (東川区会; East Sichuan Mission) was organized in 1919. After World War II and the advance of the communist regime, it became difficult to maintain its operations, and it eventually closed in 1951.
Carrie Ericksen was a missionary nurse to China in the early 1900s. Her Chinese name was 艾瑞克 (Pinyin ài ruì kè).
Chinese Union Mission Biography Missionaries Medical Workers Women
Elizabeth Armstrong Dowell served on the Asiatic Division office team in Shanghai from 1917 to 1922.
The Fukien 福建 (or Fujian) Province of China was entered by Seventh-day Adventist missionaries in 1905.
Thomas S. Geraty served the Seventh-day Adventist Church for almost forty-five years as a teacher, pastor, missionary, and educational administrator in three divisions and at the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists.
Chinese Union Mission Biography Educators Missionaries Couples
Walter Emslie and Helen Agnes Gillis devoted thirty years of service to the foreign mission fields in Asia. Walter is often remembered as the pioneer missionary who was responsible for the development and construction of major Seventh-day Adventist mission headquarters compounds in Shanghai and Xi’an in China; Seoul in Korea; and Singapore in Southeast Asia. Also, as the early manager of the Signs of the Times Publishing Houses in these countries, he was also responsible for building up the publishing ministries in the Asia-Pacific region.
Chinese Union Mission China Biography Groundbreakers Missionaries Couples