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Showing 281 – 300 of 495

​The Northeast Brazil Union is an administrative unit of the Seventh-day Adventist Church operating in the territory of the South American Division.

​Northeast Maranhão Mission (MNeM) is an administrative unit of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, located in the territory of North Brazil Union Mission (UNB).

​Northeast Peru Mission (Misión Nor Oriental or MNO) is an administrative unit of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, located in the territory of North Peru Union Mission (Unión del Norte del Perú or UPN).

Northwest Argentine Mission (Misión Argentina del Noroeste, or MANo) is an administrative unit of the Seventh-day Adventist Church located in the territory of Argentina Union Conference (Unión Argentina, or UA). Its headquarters is in city of San Miguel de Tucumán, province of Tucumán, Republic of Argentina.

​Northwest Brazil Union Mission (Uniao Noroeste Braziliera or UNoB) is an administrative unit of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, located in the territory of the South American Division.

Nosso Amiguinho (Our Little Friend) is a monthly educational magazine for children, published by the Brazilian Publishing House of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Brazil. Its history goes back more than sixty years.

Clair A. Nowlen, North American Adventist canvasser, served as a pioneer missionary in Central and South America.

​Lapim Teixeira Nunes, pastor and canvasser, was born on September 5, 1920 in Pitangueiras, state of São Paulo, Brazil.

​Luiz Nunes, pastor, evangelist and teacher, was born on October 10, 1941 in Rio de Janeiro city, Brazil. Son of Tibúrcio Nunes (1916-1986) and Otelina de Mello Nunes (1916-1986), he had six siblings: Maria Lígia, Guilherme, Jorge, Sergio, Fernando Augusto (who died early), and Fernando de Mello Nunes.

​Renato Emir Oberg was a pastor, teacher, translator, and historian from Brazil.

Julián Ocampo, regarded as the first Adventist pastor in Chile, was previously a tinsmith of Methodist confession who accepted Adventism in the north of the country.

​Edmir de Oliveira, teacher and administrator, was born on November 18, 1936, in the city of Nova Aliança, state of São Paulo, Brazil. Son of Cristina Maria Meula and Edgard de Oliveira, a skilled tailor, they had eight siblings: Edval, Edvanei, Edna, Ednice, Edmeia, Edgar, Ednilson and Francis. He was baptized into the Adventist faith when he was 12 years old, on November 13, 1948, in the city of Valparaíso, state of São Paulo.

​Enoch de Oliveira was a pastor, teacher, administrator, writer, and evangelist from Paraná, Brazil.

​Geraldo Gomes de Oliveira was a canvasser, evangelist, pastor, and teacher in South America.

Gideon de Oliveira was a physician, theologian, teacher and lecturer in Brazil.

​Manoel Rosa de Oliveira was a pastor, evangelist, canvasser, and teacher from Brazil.

​Modesto Marques de Oliveira was a teacher, pastor, and administrator in Brazil. Modesto was raised in an Adventist home.

Saturnino Mendes de Oliveira was a canvasser, and Bible instructor from Brazil.