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Showing 381 – 400 of 495

​Siegfried Júlio Schwantes was a pastor, professor, archaeologist, and writer from Brazil. As a theology and sciences professor, he taught in ten institutions across five continents. He worked in Brazil, Perú, United States, Lebanon, France, Espanha, Mexico, Australia, and Rwanda.

​Sergipe Mission is an administrative unit of the Seventh-day Adventist Church located in the territory of the East Brazil Union Mission. Its headquarters is in Aracaju, the capital of the state of Sergipe, Brazil.

​Reid Sears Shepard served as an educator, administrator, and missionary in Peru and Bolivia, mission territories of the South American Division.

​August R. Sherman was an Adventist pastor and missionary who worked for many years in South America and Central America, where he was a tireless worker and an advocate of the work of publications and the mission of the church.

Kiyotaka Shirai was a pastor, photographic reporter, and pioneer producer of the Adventist radio/TV programs in the Japanese language.

​José Maria Barbosa Silva was a pastor, teacher, and youth leader in Brazil.

Ajax Walter César Silveira was a physician, organizer and cofounder of drug/alcohol rehabilitation clinics, promoter of the “Quit Smoking 5-Day Plan,” and health field editor.

​Silvestre Adventist Hospital (Hospital Adventista Silvestre or HAS) is a medical missionary institution of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Brazil. HAS was the first private hospital in the city of Rio de Janeiro.

Albertina Rodrigues da Silva Simon was a public-school teacher, a translator, a reviewer, and the first Brazilian teacher at the Brazilian Adventist Seminary (UNASP-SP).

Francisco Nunes Siqueira was a pastor, educator, and administrator from Brazil.

​Elwin Snyder was a missionary in Argentina, Brazil, Uruguay, Paraguay, and Cuba with his wife, Jane Ketring, and was one of the first canvassers sent from the United States to South America.

​Haroldo Moreira Soldani was a pastor, canvasser and missionary from Brazil.

The South American Division (SAD) is one of the 13 administrative divisions of the Seventh-day Adventist Church that comprise and at the same time represent this denomination in the world.

The South American Spanish Publishing House (Asociación Casa Editora Sudamericana, or ACES) publishes books, magazines, and other material for the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Argentina. Although it is an institution directly linked to the South American Division, it operates in the missionary territory of Argentina Union Conference,