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The Adventist church life and evangelism in Aba City is overseen by the Aba East Conference, Aba North Conference, Aba South Conference, and the Aba West Mission, all of which are part of the East Nigeria Conference.

Aba East Conference was formerly known as East Nigeria Conference and is part of the Eastern Nigeria Union Conference in West-Central Africa Division.

The Aba South Conference is part of Eastern Nigeria Union Conference in the West-Central Africa Division. It was organized in 2013.

The Accra City Conference, formerly South Ghana Conference, is in the Southern Ghana Union Conference of the West-Central Africa Division.

Johnson O. Achilihu was the president of the East Nigeria Conference from 1988 to 1997.

​Christian Abraham Ackah was a founding member of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Ghana. In addition to his work in literature evangelism, he founded two churches and two schools, and was the first Ghanaian to be ordained a church elder and to serve on a union mission executive committee.

William Brandford Ackah was an Adventist pastor, teacher and evangelist in Ghana.

Caleb Oyelayo Adeogun was a pastor, teacher, evangelist, and church administrator from Nigeria.

Joseph Adeyemo Adeogun was a pastor, evangelist, teacher, and church administrator from Nigeria.

​Josiah Makinde Akinbo Adeoye was a pastor, evangelist, T.V. and radio host, and church administrator in Nigeria.

The Adventist Development and Relief Agency or ADRA, the humanitarian arm of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, was originally called the Seventh-day Adventist Welfare Service (SAWS) and later the Seventh-day Adventist World Service in 1973. The name changed to ADRA in April 1984.

In the early 1930s a printing press called the Nigerian Advent Press was established.

​Inisa Community Medical Centre, which became Adventist Medical Centre in 2007, started medical services in the early 1950s and was one of the early clinics/hospitals in the western region of Nigeria. It has made significant impacts on the Inisa community and other neighboring towns and villages.

The development of indigenous Adventist music in Ghana dates from 1922, the year in which the Agona Seventh-day Adventist Singing Band was organized in Agona-Ashanti led by one Mr. Tenkorang. It was the first indigenous singing group in Adventist circles that used the indigenous language of the Akan people, Twi, in their singing. The formation of this singing band drew its inspiration from the Methodist Church which already had singing bands that assisted in its evangelistic efforts.

The Adventist University of West Africa (AUWA) is located in Schiefflin town, Robertsfield highway, Margibi county, Monrovia, Liberia.

​Agbedigue Kodjo Raphael, the first Togolese pioneer and Adventist evangelist, was born in 1942 in the village of Kolo-Mésiwobe (south of Togo).

David Narter Agboka was among the first native Ghanain ministers and evangelists in Ghana.

​David Toyebi Agboola was a pastor, administrator, and published author from Nigeria.

Daniel Atsiyamashi Agyo was an evangelist, pastor, and a church administrator in Nigeria for the North-East Nigeria Conference for nearly 33 years.

​Reuben Agboola Akintunde was a pastor, administrator, and evangelist from Nigeria.