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Witchcraft is generally perceived to be an integral element of the African worldview and cultural practices. This continues to be the case, to some extent, even in the modern Zambian culture and society.
In the post-World War II era the number of Seventh-day Adventist retirement villages in the South Pacific Division has steadily increased.
Adventist School Bouchrieh (ASB) is a coeducational day school operated by the East Mediterranean Region of the Middle East and North Africa Union Mission. Following the education ideals of the Seventh-day Adventist church, it offers four levels of education (kindergarten to secondary) and is accredited by the Lebanese Ministry of Education.
Middle East and North Africa Union Mission Educational Institutions
Adventist School Mouseitbeh (ASM) is a coeducational day school operated by the East Mediterranean Region of the Middle East and North Africa Union Mission. Following the educational ideals of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, it offers four levels of education (kindergarten to secondary) and is accredited by the Lebanese Ministry of Education.
Middle East and North Africa Union Mission Educational Institutions
The social work of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Portugal is under the umbrella institution called Assistência Social Adventista (ASA; Adventist Social Services). It has, under its wings, four LAPI (Lar Adventista para Pessoas Idosas or “Adventist Home for Senior People”) institutions that assist the elderly.
The Adventist Technology Institute (IATec) (El Instituto Tecnológico Adventista) is a technology development and support institution of the Seventh-day Adventist Church managed by the South American Division. Its headquarters is located in Hortolândia, state of São Paulo, Brazil.
The Adventist Student associations in the South Pacific Division give opportunity for Adventist students to support one other through conventions, camp meetings, and outreach events. Approximately 20,000 students across the Division are involved.
The Adventist Training Center (Jaerim Yeonsoowon) is an Adventist institution established in 1994 to facilitate spiritual growth of the ministerial workers and church members affiliated with the Korean Union Conference. The training center, which is located at 351, Panbushinchon-gil, Panbu-myun, Wonju-si, Gangwon-do, is served by four pastors and seven other workers.
Adventist Training School of El Salvador is the only educational institution in El Salvador that has boarding accommodations. It is located in the municipality of San Juan Opico, department of Libertad, and it belongs to the Central El Salvador Conference of Seventh-day Adventists.
The Adventist University Institute of Venezuela (IUNAV) is the first and only university-level educational institution that the Adventist Church operates in Venezuela. It functions under the legal entity Asociación Civil Instituto Universitario Adventista de Venezuela with the Adventist Church’s sponsorship through constituent unions – East Venezuela Union Mission, West Venezuela Union Mission, and Dutch Caribbean Union Mission.
The university was first established in northern Rwanda in 1978 to serve the Francophone constituency of the then Africa-Indian Ocean Division which included the French-speaking countries of western and central Africa, namely, Zaire, Rwanda, and Burundi, as well as Madagascar, Reunion, Mauritius, and the Seychelles Islands in the Indian Ocean. The university officially opened its doors on October 15, 1984.
UNADECA is a Seventh-day Adventist co-educational university located in Alajuela, Costa Rica. It exists to offer Christian university education to Central American youth and others who will then provide needed leadership and professional services to the Seventh-day Adventist Church and society in general.
Adventist University of Congo (previously Adventist University of West Congo), Kinshasa, the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) is located on the territory of the West Congo Union Mission in the East-Central Africa Division.
The Adventist University of Goma (Universite Adventiste de Goma or UAGO) is located in Goma, Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), in the province of North-Kivu. The “Universite Adventiste de Goma [UAGO]” began in 1999. The University was founded by some lay church members of the Central Kivu Field. In October 06, 2013, the founders gave the management of the University to the Seventh-day Adventist Church. Language of instruction is French.
The Adventist University of Lukanga, known officially in French as L'Université Adventiste de Lukanga (UNILUK), is an institution of higher education in Butembo, Nord Kivu, the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
The Adventist University of West Africa (AUWA) is located in Schiefflin town, Robertsfield highway, Margibi county, Monrovia, Liberia.
The Adventist Volunteer Service (AVS) is a program fostered by the Seventh-day Adventist Church to mobilize people to volunteer for the mission. In South America, this program is under the administrative responsibility of the South American Division (SAD). The AVS administrative office is located at the SAD headquarters in the city of Brasília, Brazil.
"Adventist Weekly News–Korea" (aka. Jaerim Shinmun) is a weekly newspaper run by Adventist-laymen Services and Industries (ASI) Korea. It was founded on November 5, 1997 to serve as a medium of communication between church members, pastors and institutional leaders of the Korean Adventist Church.
Northern Asia-Pacific Division Periodicals/Book/Electronic Text
The mission carried by women in Kenya dates back to when the Adventist church was established in Kenya in 1906. Missionary women performed important ministerial work, which included educating the African women on contemporary aspects of living. They trained the African women on such important issues as home care, general hygiene, child care, home nursing, caregiving for the elderly, among others.
Adventist World Radio entered Tanzania in 1997 when the political climate became favorable for private radio stations. The opportunity had been long awaited and Lameck Mwamukonda, then president of Tanzania Union Mission, spear-headed the establishment of an Adventist World Radio station in the country.
East-Central Africa Division Publishing House/Media Institution